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澳洲paper写作--What can be

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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心澳洲paper写作-What can beWhat can be done to make TNCs more responsible to the people in countries where they operate? - The case of Apple Inc. OEM in China怎样做才能使跨国公司对其所在国家的人民更加负责?苹果公司在中国的OEM案例 Transnational corporations (TNCs), also known as multinationals, which started since as early as the origin of business, headquarters in the home country and directly establish braches and invest internationally. In recent decades, as the development of technology, politic and economic comm

      2、unication, TNCs spread unprecedentedly. As one of the leading company of this era, I think the case of Apple Inc. has significant represented meaning on the aspect of how to make TNCs more responsible to the people in countries where they operate. 跨国公司,又称跨国公司,其成立之初,业务就在母国总部,直接设立分支机构,进行国际投资。近几十年来,随着技术、政治和经济交流的发展,跨国公司的传播空前迅速。作为这个时代的领先公司之一,我认为苹果公司的案例在如何使跨国公司对其所在国家的人民更加负责方面具有重要的代表意义。 I think, firstly, on the macroscopic view,TNCs could benefit the less developed countries and their people by more di

      3、rect investment. As a besides sword, though the globalization has many negative influences, such as infringe the original economic system and market, even environment, or human rights, such as overtime work, it indeed drive the less development regions develop better and bring more income for the local people. For example, Chinas growth since the last two decades greatly depends on the OEM or other forms of labor intense manufacture for TNCs from developed countries. Meanwhile, this type of inve

      4、stment has been helping less developed countries such as Thailand, Philippines, etc. On the other hand, the TNCs are also working on improving humane treatment in their OEMs, such as Apple Inc. has working on eliminating child workers, improving workers well-being, etc., which are in a comparatively backward in Chinas manufacture industry. Though there are still tremendous complains, both Chinas economy and people living standard benefits a lot from the TNCs giants by their advanced management s

      5、kills and technology. 我认为,首先,从宏观上看,跨国公司通过更多的直接投资可以造福欠发达国家及其人民。作为一把利剑,全球化虽然有许多负面影响,如侵犯原有的经济体制和市场,甚至环境,或加班等人权,但确实推动了欠发达地区更好地发展,为当地人民带来更多的收入。例如,中国自过去20年来的增长很大程度上依赖于来自发达国家的TNC的原始设备制造商或其他形式的劳动密集型制造。与此同时,这类投资也在帮助泰国、菲律宾等欠发达国家,另一方面,跨国公司也在努力改善原始设备制造商的人道待遇,如苹果公司(Apple Inc.)正在努力消除童工、改善工人福利等,这些国家在中国相对落后。制造业。尽管仍有很多人抱怨,但中国经济和人民生活水平都得益于跨国公司巨头的先进管理技能和技术。 Secondly, on the microscopic view, comparing the less developed countries where the TNCs invest, they provide better well-being in their home countries and have better human resource management system. Therefore, on the management aspect, the TNCs could also help them by providing more advanced management skills and technology. Though complains will occur when people comparing the treatment of the home country employees and the OEM workers. 其次,从微观上看,与跨国公司投资的欠发达国家相比,跨国公司在本国提供了更好的福利,并拥有更好的人力资源管理体系。因此,在管理方面,跨国公司也可以通过提供更先进的管理技能和技术来帮助他们。但是,当人们比较母国员工和原始设备制造商员工的待遇时,会发生投诉。摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的essay写作服务

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