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    • 1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)大学英语(二)在线作业-1 4、C 一、单选题共50题,100分1、We should judge a man by his _, not by his talks.AactionsBactCdeedsDactivities【答案】选择:A2、I want to be a doctor when I ( ).Agrow oldBgrowCgrow up【答案】选择:C3、She will have the curtain ( ) before the guests come.Ato be changedBchangedCchanging【答案】选择:B: What are you going to do this weekend? B: If the weather ( ) good, I might play tennis.Awill beBwasCis【答案】选择:C5、The chimney is no longer giving _ volumes of waste gas into the atmosphere, as

      2、protective filters are used.AoffBofCoutDforth【答案】选择:A6、A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary. B: Youre welcome. But could you ( ) to me tomorrow?Agive it backBgive back itCget back【答案】选择:A7、A: Whose book is this? B: Its ( ).AmeBmineCmy【答案】选择:B8、The day after tomorrow ( ) my birthday.Ashall beBwill beCis going to be【答案】选择:B9、If I dont have to work late on Friday, I might ( ) dancing with friends.AplayBgetCgo【答案】选择:C10、If I won the lottery, I ( ) a big house.Awill buyBwould buyCwould have bo

      3、ught【答案】选择:B11、She ( ) to town last week.AgoesBwentChas gone【答案】选择:B12、Ill just go and ( ) whats going on outside.AfindBfind outClook【答案】选择:B13、Look at the car! This is ( ) car I have ever seen.Aa most beautifulBthe most beautifulCthe more beautiful【答案】选择:B14、The woman ( ) teaches us English comes from Britain.AwhichBsheCwho【答案】选择:C15、The war broke out and killed many _.Aas a resultBat lastCin the endDtherefore【答案】选择:A16、He likes ( ) football very much.AplayingBto playCplay【答案】选择:A17、A: I havent

      4、 eaten all day. B: You ( ) be very hungry.AmustBshouldChave to【答案】选择:A18、Wheres ( ) newspaper?AtodayBtoday sCtodays【答案】选择:B19、There ( ) a lot of trees in the park, werent there?Aused to beBuse to beCused be【答案】选择:A20、He came here a year ( ), and I have been here ( ) two years.Aago, forBbefore, inCbefore, for【答案】选择:A21、Why ( ) you go to see the film yesterday evening?AdidntBdoesntCdont【答案】选择:A22、You can see McDonalds almost ( ) in the world.AsomewhereBnowhereCeverywhere【答案】选择:C23、She _ that if he

      5、 didnt give her enough money, she would make it public.AthreatenedBtorturedCfearedDscared【答案】选择:A24、His teacher doesnt know where John is, nor ( ) his classmates.AdoBareCdoes【答案】选择:A25、This jacket is not ( ) for me. I need a bigger size.Anot enoughBsmallerCbig enough【答案】选择:C26、You can hardly avoid _ her if you both work in the same office.Ato meetBmeetCmeetingDmeeting with【答案】选择:C27、_ the circumstances, he has done the job quite well.AConsideringBConsideredCBeing consideringDBeing considered【答案】

      6、选择:A28、( ) is this beautiful handbag?AHow manyBHow costCHow much【答案】选择:C29、Dont worry. Everything will ( ) well in the end.Awork outBwork veryCdo out【答案】选择:A30、If you agree to have this operation, _ are that you may recover sooner.AchancesBopportunitiesCoccasionsDfortunes【答案】选择:A31、She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat.AmildBslightClightDtender【答案】选择:D3e careful ( ) what you are doing.AwithBinCof【答案】选择:A33、_ the sentence pattern and vocabulary _, this paragraph is

      7、quite simple.AAs far as is concernedBAs far as are concernedCAs far as is concerningDAs far as concern【答案】选择:D34、( ) is ready now for the party.AEverythingBsomethingCAnything【答案】选择:A35、He is no one to _ to rules and regulations blindly.AformBconformCinformDperform【答案】选择:B36、This red bicycle is ( ) and that blue one is ( ).Ahis, TomBhis, TomsChis, Toms【答案】选择:B37、He is a good friend of ( ).AourBoursCours【答案】选择:C38、( ) of these books are yours?AWhatBWhichCHow【答案】选择:B39、Come here ( ). The meeting wi

      8、ll begin in five minutes.AfastBsoonerCquickly【答案】选择:C40、I was watching TV ( ) the telephone rang.AuntilBwhenCafter【答案】选择:B4o you know whether he is on holiday or ( )?Ain businessBon businessCto work【答案】选择:B42、He ( ) to the hospital after the accident.AtookBwas takingCwas taken【答案】选择:C43、He got his leg ( ) while he was playing football with a group of friends.AbrokenBbreakCbreaking【答案】选择:A4: I havent sat down all day. B: You ( ) be very tired.AcouldBhave toCmust【答案】选择:C45、It is a _ time to wait for the result of the exam.AtryingBtriedCdifficultDworrying【答案】选择:A46、He ( ) for almost ten years.Ahas been marriedBhas got marriedCgot married【答案】选择:A47、Once the decision _, the most important thing to do is how to carry it out.Ahas been madeBmadeCbeen madeDhaving been made【答案】选择:D48、Money isnt ( ).AanythingBsomethingCeverything【答案】选择:C49、The money, ( ) was his, was left on the table.AthatBXCwhich【答案】选择:C50、


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