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    • 1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)大学英语(一)在线作业-1 一、单选题共50题,100分1、( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husbands friends.AThese, ThoseBThis, ThatCHere, There【答案】选择:A2、My husband doesnt ( ), but I like it very much.Alike shoppingBlike shopClikes shopping【答案】选择:A3、He thought it nice to _the situation.Atake advantage ofBset asideCcatch up withDlook after【答案】选择:A4、He is ( )on the 6 oclock train on Friday evening.AtravellingBtravelCtravels【答案】选择:A5、Im a nurse. I work ( )David ( )the same hospital.Aby

      2、onBof atCwith in【答案】选择:C6、The youth centers set up by the city government have _ those young people to spend their time wisely.ArelievedBoccupiedCenabledDprohibited【答案】选择:C7、The football game will be played on _.Asixth JuneBthe sixth of JuneCsix JuneDthe six of June【答案】选择:B8、Look in both directions to _ you are safe before crossing the street.AenableBcount outCinspectDmake sure【答案】选择:D9、Does David ( )?Alike flyingBlikes flyClikes to fly【答案】选择:A10、_ going out for dinner this weekend?AHow aboutBWh

      3、at ifCWhether aboutDWhy dont you【答案】选择:A11、_his age, he couldnt have painted the pictures all by himself.ATo considerBConsideredCBeing consideredDConsidering【答案】选择:D12、What is your job? Im ( )accountant.AaBanC/【答案】选择:B13、I was listening to the radio _ washing clothes.AasBwhileCthe timeDwhen【答案】选择:B14、The old lady was standing by the window _ suddenly she caught sight of a postman riding along.AwhenBwhileCbecauseDso【答案】选择:B15、Rose is in the garden. She ( ) her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.Ais

      4、 havingBhasChave【答案】选择:A16、I selected the most difficult job for myself because I find that the more a job challenges me, _.Athe more better I like itBI like it the more betterCthe best I likeDthe better I like it【答案】选择:D17、A:He has got two sisters. B:( ).ASo have IBSo am ICSo do I【答案】选择:A18、Xiaoyan has a reservation ( )a single room.AtoBforCat【答案】选择:B19、This is his book. Could you give it ( ) him?AtoBwithCfor【答案】选择:A20、Her fear of making mistakes has caused her great difficulty in _ with others

      5、 in English.AorganizingBcommunicatingCretreatingDresearching【答案】选择:B21、This watch is ( ) that one.Aas expensive asBvery expensive thanCmore expensive to【答案】选择:A2s the rain was getting heavier, the tourists were forced to _ for the hotel where they were staying.Afind outBcome throughCset offDgo over【答案】选择:C23、Who is that man over there? Do you know ( )name?AhisBhesChe【答案】选择:A24、People wouldnt think a group leader _ if he cared more about himself than others.AAverageBcuriousCresponsibleDproductive

      6、【答案】选择:C25、The next morning the landladys body was found in the storeroom, and the police _ murder.AExclaimedBrecalledCsuspectedDganized【答案】选择:C26、John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord. Paul: Im pleased to meet you. Mr Smith: ( ).AGood morning, Paul.BVery pleased to meet you, too.CIm fine, too.【答案】选择:B27、The popular young doctor is the _ director of the medical research institute.ACurrentBradicalCaverageDtypical【答案】选择:A28、A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning. B:( ).ASo have IBMe

      7、tooCSo am I【答案】选择:B29、We will have to _ the matter carefully before we can draw any conclusion.Afind outBlook intoCsearch forDbase on【答案】选择:B30、The French restaurants are nice, but they are ( )!Anot enough niceBcomfortableCtoo expensive【答案】选择:C31、Whats the weather ( )this winter?AlikeBinCbe【答案】选择:A32、Now that she is sick with cold, I feel I _ have stopped her from going out in the rain.AcouldBmightCmustDought to【答案】选择:D33、I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. ( )?AWhat do you doB

      8、What you are doingCWhat are you doing【答案】选择:C34、How long have you been writing this paper? I hope you are _ your subject.Aholding upBlooking overCresulting inDsticking to【答案】选择:D35、Having lived in Italy for thirty years, Vivian and her husband moved to make a _ home in New York.ApermanentBdeterminedCcomplicatedDworthwhile【答案】选择:A36、Polly is very busy. She ( )work at about 7.00 every day.AfinishBdoes finishesCfinishes【答案】选择:C37、Educators think that television is making _.Amore and more illiterates of childrenBmore and more children of illiteratesCmore and more children to become illiteratesDmore and more children will become illiterates【答案】选择:A38、I dont want ( ) milk in my coffee.AanyBsomeCmany【答案】选择:A39、The cardigan is particularly to my taste, _ its price.AexceptBbesidesCexcept forDin addition to【答案】选择:C40、Its not surprising that as a successful businessman, my friend Martin is not _ he was when he graduated five years ago.AthatBwhatChowDwhy【答案】选择:B4


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