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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课时自测·当堂达标 unit 2 warming up & reading word版含答案

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  • 文档编号:87861991
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:128KB
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    • 1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时自测当堂达标. 语段填词1. The young man always liked teasing(戏弄) others, which eventually(最终) brought him much trouble, but actually it is his own unique way to convey (传递) his feelings to others. 2. The little monkey plays happily every day among branches(树枝) of trees and moves up and down in a flexible(灵活的) way. 3. To his sorrow(难过), his experiment on transforming(转化) this kind of material into another one failed eventually(最终). . 语法填空1. The

      2、y took a more reasonable approach, conveying (convey) to their children how success at school could improve their love. 2. Some young women were standing there, talking, laughing and teasing (tease) each other. 3. Every moment of every day, energy is being transformed from one form into another. 4. The river divides here into two branches(branch). 5. Finally he found a way in which he solved the problem. 6. With a paper to deal (deal) with, he will have to stay up tonight. 7. He has a task to co

      3、mplete, but it is hard to finish (finish). 8. The storm was over, and his flight eventually (eventual) took off. . 选词填空take it easy, run out of, be made up of, in particular, to ones sorrow1. To his sorrow, he lost a precious chance to travel around New Zealand. 2. If we hadnt run out of sugar, I wouldnt have gone to the shops. 3. The word “bookstore” is made up of the two words “book” and “store”. 世纪金榜导学号160320204. I am interested in stories in general, and in detective stories in particular. 5

      4、. Take it easy when you are on the stage. . 课文短文改错Some poems describe something in a way which will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. Poet use different form of poetry to express themselves. For example, the language of nursery rhymes is concrete but imaginative, and they delight children because they have strong rhythm and lot of repetition. And list poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern but a rhythm to the poe

      5、m. Another simple form of poem is the cinquain, which is made up five lines and can convey strong feelings in just a few words. Haiku was a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables. And of course there is Tang poems from China which you may enjoy in the particular. With so many different forms of poetry to choose among, students may eventually want to write poems themselves. 答案: 1. 【解析】将第一句中的which改为that。先行词为不定代词something, 故从句中需用that引导定语从句并且在从句中充当主语。2. 【解析】将第三句中的Poet改为Poets。此处泛指诗人们, 故用可数名词的复数形式。3. 【解析】将第三句中的form改为forms。different后面应跟可数名词的复数形式。4. 【解析】将第四句中的lot改为lots。lots of为固定表达, 修饰名词。5. 【解析】将第五句中的but改为and。此处为诗所包含的内容。诗既有格式也有韵律。6. 【解析】在第六句中的up后加of。be made up of 由组成。7. 【解析】将第七句中的was改为is。根据上下文, 此处应该为一般现在时。8. 【解析】将第八句中的is改为are。此处为there be句型, be根据后面的poems, 故用are。9. 【解析】将第八句中的the去掉。in particular尤其, 特别。10. 【解析】将第九句中的among改为from。此处为搭配choose from从中选择。关闭Word文档返回原板块

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