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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:模块复习课 unit 2

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、Unit 2 Poems,【词汇分层速记】 . 基础必记 1. _ vt. 给标记号 2. _ vt. 传达; 运送 3. _ adj. 具体的 4. _ n. 模式; 式样; 图案,tick,convey,concrete,pattern,5. _ vi. 稀少的n. 最基本的要素 9. _ adv. 永远,tease,minimum,branch,bare,forever,10. _ n. 交换; 交流; 互换 vt. (复数)圆规,exchange,sponsor,blank,compass,14. _ n. 负担; 负荷物(尤指沉重的) 15. _ adj. 引起矛盾的; 好反驳的 16. _ 轻松; 不紧张; 从容 17. _ 由构成 18. _ 测试; 试验 19. _ 发出; 放走,load,contradictory,take it easy,be made up of,try out,let out,. 拓展必记 1. _n. 翻译; 译文_v. 翻译 _n. 翻译者 2. _adv. 最后; 终于_adj. 最后的; 最终的 3. _n. 悲伤; 悲痛; 懊悔_ad

      2、j. 悲伤的; 悲痛的,translation,translate,translator,eventually,eventual,sorrow,sorrowful,4. _n. 冠军称号_n. 冠军 5. _n. 奖学金; 学问; 学术成就_ n. 学者 6. _n. 暖和; 温暖_adj. 暖和的; 温暖的 7. _adj. 灵活的; 可弯曲的; 柔顺的_ adv. 灵活地; 柔软地; 有弹性地,championship,champion,scholarship,scholar,warmth,warm,flexible,flexibly,8. _用完 _用完 9. _adj. 含盐的; 咸的 _n. 盐 10. _尤其; 特别_ adv. 特别地; 独特地 11. _v. 转化; 转换; 改造; 变换 _n. 转化; 转换; 变换,run out of,run out,salty,salt,in particular,particularly,transform,transformation,12. _n. 图书馆馆长; 图书馆管理员_ n. 图书馆 13. _adj. 适当的; 正

      3、当的_ adv. 适当; 正当 14. _n. 黑暗_adj. 黑暗的 15. _adj. 无穷的; 无止境的_n. 结束,librarian,library,appropriate,appropriately,darkness,dark,endless,end,【高考链接】语法填空 1. (2018江苏高考)Today, _ (scholar)have generated large amounts of instructive research about restaurants.,scholars,2. (2017北京高考)Paragraph 1 mainly tells us that artificial intelligence may run out _human control. 3. (2017全国卷) Maybe the first plant just made a cry of pain or was sending a message to its own _(branch), and so, in effect, was talking to itself.

      4、,of,branches,4. (2014安徽高考)The young _particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to grow into a happy, healthy, contributing adult. 5. (2017北京高考) Anyone who expects a source of power in the _(transform)of these atoms is talking moonshine.,in,transformation,6. (2017全国卷) So information was _ (exchange), but it wasnt a true, intentional back and forth. 7. (2017全国卷)I watched as the ASL Club performed their _(translate) of a song.,exchanged,translation,8. (2014四川高

      5、考)But in a previous experiment Professor Ryan found that the hormone is also let _ in our body during negative social interactions such as envy. 9. (2017北京高考)The processes take place to stop our brains becoming _(load)with memories.,out,loaded,10. (2017浙江高考) Alia Baker is a _(library) in Iraq, whose library used to be a meeting place for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge.,librarian,【句式语法回顾】 . 句式仿写 1. 他在一家大公司申请到一份职位, 而他的朋友在一家 小公司里得到了一份工作。 He applied for a position in a big company

      6、_ _in a small one.,while his,friend got a job,2. 由于有很多的私事要处理, 在这个将要到来的周末她 会很忙。 _, she will be very busy during the coming weekend.,With a lot of personal affairs to deal with,. 语法小练(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1. If only I _(know) how to operate an electronic computer as you do. 2. It is strange that such a thing _(happen) in your school. 3. My idea is that we _(get) more people to attend the conference.,knew,should happen,(should) get,4. The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students _(give) two weeks

      7、 to prepare for the exam. 5. The boy acted as if he _(live) in Canada before.,(should) be given,had lived,6. Its high time that something _(do) to prohibit selling fake commodities. 7. There was a traffic jam; otherwise I _ _(arrive) here on time. 8. If you _(get up) earlier yesterday, you would have caught the early bus.,should be done,would have,arrived,had got up,9. If you had studied hard before, you _(be) a college student now. 10. _(be) I at school again, I would study harder.,would be,Were,

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