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2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 3 warming up & reading

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、Unit 3 A healthy life Warming Up & Reading,. 根据给出的构词规则完成下面空格 1. -ly常用于形容词之后, 构成副词 automaticautomatically无意识地; 自动地 mental _精神上; 智力上 desperate _拼命地; 不顾一切地; 绝望地 tough _坚强地, 能吃苦耐劳地,mentally,desperately,toughly,2. -less常用于名词之后, 构成形容词 breathbreathless adj. 气喘吁吁的; 屏息的 home _adj. 无家可归的 end _adj. 没完没了的; 无尽的, 无边的 aim _adj. 漫无目标的; 无目的的,homeless,endless,aimless,. 写出黑体部分的词性和词义 1. Electric bikes will be banned on 10 major roads in Beijing beginning next week. ( ) 2. The flight from Beijing is due at three. (

      2、) 3. Boao Forum will strengthen the development of Chinese and world economies. ( ),vt. 禁止; 取缔,adj. 预期的,vt. 使加强, 巩固,4. More than 90 percent of the reported cases involve the abuse of women, children and the elderly. ( ) 5. Putin orders withdrawal of Russian air forces in Syria. ( ),n. 虐待,n. 撤退,6. Japanese quit their jobs to take care of the elderly. ( ) 7. The panda is suspected to be pregnant. ( ),vt. 停止做某事,adj. 怀孕的,. 根据汉语意思或首字母写出正确单词 1. Half of teens think theyre _(入了迷的) to their smart phones.

      3、 2. Frequent headaches mean that you are under too much _(压力). 3. As an _(青少年), she feels herself outgrowing her own small circle.,addicted,stress,adolescent,4. It is not necessarily something they are _ (习惯了的) to or experienced with. 5. The first _(自动的) newsstand has been put into use in Hangzhou, capital city of eastern Zhejiang Province.,accustomed,automatic,6. Chinas economic slowdown could have a big e_ on southeast Asia. 7. Too much smoking can also cause a dangerously a_ heartbeat. 8. I c

      4、ant tell you how d_ I am that I didnt do well enough to get into medical school.,ffect,bnormal,isappointed,9. I felt a_ of myself for getting so angry. 10. I heard sounds of a _(拼命的)struggle in the next room.,shamed,desperate,. 根据语境及含义在下列句中填入恰当的介词 1. There is great progress in the development of the company due _some effective measures. 2. In his spare time, he feels _reading books. 3. The student who does poorly in his study is addicted _cigarettes.,to,like,to,4. The old man is usually accustom

      5、ed _walking in the open air every morning. 5. He repeats the same thing over and over _.,to,again,. 根据语境及汉语提示写出相应的短语 1. As we all know, smoking can _(损害) our health. 2. I need more feedback to _(对做出决定) future development.,do damage to,decide on,3. He had to _(放弃)smoking as a result of his bad health. 4. The boy tried hard to _(改掉 的习惯)being lazy.,give up,break the habit of,First Skimming for the main information 1. What does the passage tell us? A. Tips on how to give up smoking. B. The harmful e

      6、ffects of smoking.,C. Different ways people can become addicted to smoking. D. The reasons why a smoker becomes addicted to smoking and some advice on how to give up smoking.,2. Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 A. Leading to the topic by talking about James problem of smoking. Para. 2 B. Introducing different ways of becoming addicted.,Para. 3 C. Telling the writers hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking. Para. 4 D. Telling the harmful effects of smoking. Para. 5 E

      7、. Telling the importance of healthy life from the writers own life now. 答案: Para. 1E Para. 2A Para. 3B Para. 4D Para. 5C,Second Scanning for detailed information 1. The first sentence of the letter shows James grandad _. A. has nothing to do at home B. lives a healthy life C. is tired when returning from a long bike trip D. likes sitting in the garden,2. What did the old man use to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? A. Scientific theory. B. His failure in love. C. His sports activity. D.

      8、His own experience.,3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A. Every time you want to smoke, you can smoke a cigarette. B. Dont choose a day of exams to stop smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation exercises. D. Its helpful to stop smoking with a friend.,4. _ forced James grandad to give up smoking. A. That he ran too slow B. His girlfriend C. That he was taken off the school football team D. His parents,5. What can we know from the passage? _ 答案: It is

      9、difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination.,Third Intensive reading to finish the passage Smoking 1. _, drinking alcohol or taking other drugs produces many 2. _effects and has no real benefits. So why do adolescents 3. _it? Perhaps some think it makes them look 4. _or cool. Others may think it will help them with 5. _,cigarettes,harmful,do,tough,stress,in their lives possibly 6. _pressure from parents or teachers. Some may just want to experiment. What they do not realize is how 7. _ it is to become addicted to smoking. In fact it is the 8. _ addiction rather than the physical effects that makes it really 9. _ to qui

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