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福建省邵武市第七中学2016届九年级英语上学期期中试题 仁爱版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86870564
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:441.50KB
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    • 1、邵武七中 2015-2016 九年级(上)期中考试英语试卷(满分150分,时间120分钟)第二部分 笔试部分(120分)单项选择(15分)()21Its important _ us _ learn English well.I agree with you. We should try our best to learn it.A. of, toB. to, forC. for, to()22_the population of the world?It _ about 6.8 billion.A. How many, isB. How much, isC. Whats, is()23Kangkang has learned over _ English words for two years.A. five thousand, eight hundreds and sixty-fiveB. five thousands, eight hundred and sixty-fiveC. five thousand, eight hundred and sixty-five()24The

      2、 city has improved a lot _ I came here a few years ago.A. forB. sinceC. before()25Mrs. Liu often _ poor students _ food and clothes. She is really kind-hearted.A. provides.withB. provides . forC. gives . for()26_ of the students in this class are girls.A. Two fifthB. Two fifthsC. Second five()27Teachers should _ their students to practice _ English as much as possible.A.encourage, speaking B.let, speak C.keep,speaking()28The window of her room twice a week . It looks so bright! A.cleans B.is cle

      3、aned C.cleaned()29Michael the book for three days.A. has borrowedB. has hadC. has kept()30Is there in todays menu? -Yes, we have Beijing Roast Duck. A.nothing special B.special anything C.anything special()31My father has changed his job. A. So do I B.So have I C.So I have( )32. I got up late this morning, _, I missed the chance of the interview.A.as a resultB. as a matter of fact C.in the beginning()33Hurry up, _ you will miss the bus.A. orB. anC. but()34. will Maria come back from Cuba ? In th

      4、ree days. A.How long B.How soon C.How often()35You _ read in the sun, its bad for your eyes.A. ought notB. ought toC. ought not to、完型填空(15分)The pollution in our country is very serious, which is harmful to our health. If we dont take 36 to protect the environment, the earth will be destroyed. The earth is our home. No earth, no people! So we should think of some good 37 to solve the environmental problems.38 is one of the problems. But some rubbish can be 39 . So we should 40 the rubbish accordi

      5、ng to the materials instead of throwing them here and there. We should also 41 the waste. For example, we can use 42 sides of the paper or we can bring a basket when going to the supermarket. Waste water shouldnt be 43 into rivers and lakes directly(直接地). Dirty water may 44some diseases(疾病).In a word, 45 is supposed to take an action at once. It is our duty to protect the environment and make our world more and more beautiful.()36A. hairB. measuresC. sky()37A. purposeB. resultsC. ways()38A. Rubb

      6、ishB. AirC. Water()39 A. stored B. recycledC. wasted()40A. sellB. riseC. sort()41A. reduceB. makeC. stop()42A. bothB. neitherC. none()43A. pouredB. discoveredC. rained()44A. shutB. causeC. prevent()45A. no oneB. someoneC. everyone、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)(A)As we all know, people couldnt live without water. Some parts of our bodies are made of water. We depend on clean water to live every day.However, we human beings are polluting water seriously. In some areas of China, people are still in great need o

      7、f clean water. Dirty water is one of the worlds biggest healthy problems. Its harmful to our health. When water from the rain and melting(融化) snow runs through roads, it picks up some dangerous chemicals and other things along the way. Many of the rivers are short of protections, so they are easy to be polluted by factories or animals waste.World Water Day has grown to become one of the important dates since 1993. In 2013, World Water Day shares the topic of Water Cooperation. If everyone tries

      8、their best to save and protect the clean water, our living conditions will be much better.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()46From the first paragraph, we know that people couldnt live without _.A. fireB. waterC. books()47Dirty water is _ to our heath.A. usefulB. kindC. harmful()48Many of the rivers are easy to be polluted by _.A. human beings waste B. factories or animals waste C. fish()49Whats the topic of 2013 World Water Day?A. Water Quality.B. City Water Protection. C. Water Cooperation.()50Which of the following is TRUE(对的)?A. The clean water is enough in China.B. We should try our best to protect the clean water.C. World Water Day started in 2013. ( B)I have returned to my hometown after I was away ten years ago. So many things have changed around here. It has become better and better. When I left here, there was a s

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