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湖北省荆州市沙市第五中学八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to a museum课件4 (新版)人教新目标版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86818448
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:359KB
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    • 1、self check,八下英语Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?,现在完成时的结构: have / has + 过去分词 否定结构: havent / hasnt + 过去分词,2. 用法: 表过去某一时间发生的动作或状态一 直延续到现在(强调现在), 动作或状态一般是 延续性的, 因此要用表延续性的动词或表状 态的动词。如:,Have you ever been to Singapore?,Revision,1. Betty bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so she bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better. 2. If white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard, will black chalk chalk black on a white whiteboard then?,Tongue twister,southeast wonderful popu

      2、lation quarter fear excellent Night Safari,Review the words and expressions,东南部; 东南的 极好的 人口 四分之一 害怕, 担心 卓越的 夜间野生动物园,environment natural temperature equator whenever spring autumn season awake type,环境 自然的;自然界的 温度 赤道 无论何时 春天 秋天 季节 醒着的 类型,在东南亚 度假胜地 超过四分之三的 练习英语的好地方 中国以外(的地方) 担心 来自中国的食物 不费劲找到米饭 觉得勇敢 一个绝好的地方,in Southeast Asia a wonderful place to take a holiday more than three quarters of a good place to practice English outside of China fear that food from China not have any problem finding rice fee

      3、l brave an excellent place,尝试新食物 西餐 夜间野生动物园 似乎很奇怪 天黑 在白天 如此特殊 醒来 做某事的最好时间 一个更自然的环境,try new food western food Night Safari seem strange Its dark. during the daytime so special wake up Its the best time to do. a more natural environment,一个普通的动物园 几乎相同 一年到头 靠近赤道 离不太远,a normal zoo almost the same all year round be close to the equator be not too far from,zoo amusement park water park history museum space museum,太空博物馆,游乐场,历史博物馆,动物园,水上乐园,One thing that you have collected before: _ 2. One invention that

      4、 you have found to be very useful: _,1 Think about the things below and write an answer for each one.,I have collected stamps before.,I have found computer is very useful.,3. One unbelievable or unusual thing that youve seen or heard recently: _ 4. One way that youve used to encourage a friend in the past: _ 5. One peaceful and quiet place that youve been to recently: _,I have seen a cat with two heads. It was unusual.,I have used to encourage my friend by tell stories.,I have been to a town nea

      5、r the city recently.,A: Hey, John._ are you doing this weekend? B: Not much, Mark. I dont really have any plans yet. A: _ you ever been to the space museum? B: _, I have. I _there last month. A: Oh, how _ it?,2 Complete the conversation,What,Have,Yes,went,about,B: It was great. I _ been there many times. A: I see. I _ never_ there. B: Well, lets go this weekend then. I dont _ going again. I think theres something new there. I _ not see it last time. A: Perfect!,have,have,been,plan,did,3 Complete

      6、 the chart.,Pair Work,Exercise,1. 太空博物馆 _ 2. 娱乐公园 _ 3. 水上公园_ 4. 乘地铁 _ 5. 去年 _ 6. 明年_ 7. 玩得愉快 _ 8. 我从没去过水上公园。我也没有。 _,一、词组句子翻译。,Space museum,Amusement park,Water park,Take a subway,Last year,Next year,Enjoy yourself,I havent been to water park. Me neither.,二. 连词成句: (1)ever, you, to, been, have, museum, the _ (2)to, we, Water World, the, went, last year _ (3) I, see, language, movies, English, to went _ (4) next, is, to, the, going, zoo, week, he _ (5) the, for, years, job, twenty, she had, has _,H

      7、ave you ever been to the museum?,We went the Water World last year.,I went to see English-language movies.,He is going to the zoo next week.,She has had the job for twenty years.,1.Have you ever been to _ amusement park? Yes, I have. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2._ you _ to a water park? A. Have ; gone B. Have ; been C. Has; been D. Has; gone 3.I dont like those coats because _ of them fits me. A. either B. neither C. none D. all 4.He _ been to Shanghai. He _ there last year. A. have; go B. has; go C

      8、. has; went D. have; went,三、单项选择,B,B,C,C,5. I cant find my mum, dad? She _ to Shanghai. She will be back in two days. A. has gone B. has been C. goes 6. “Mum, may I go out and play basketball?” “_ you _your homework yet?” A. Did, finish B. Are, finishing C. Have, finished 7 -I havent been to the Great Wall. - Lets go there on summer holiday. A. Me neither. B Me, too. C both me. 8 I have watched the game. When _ you _ it? A. have; watched B. do; watch C. did ;watch,A,C,A,C,9.I_ Guangzhou many times. Tomorrow Ill go there again. A. have been B. have gone to C. have been to D. have gone 10.He_ America. Hell come back in two weeks. A. has been B. has been to C. ha

      《湖北省荆州市沙市第五中学八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to a museum课件4 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员san****019分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省荆州市沙市第五中学八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to a museum课件4 (新版)人教新目标版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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