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    • 1、Unit 6 Electricity,广东学导练 七年级 下册 配上海教育版,第1课时 Vocabulary,Module 3 Natural elements,一、根据汉语写出英文单词 1. 电 (n.)_ 2. 谈话 (n.) _ 3. 回答 (v.) _ 4. 愚蠢的 (adj.) _ 5. 电池 (n.) _ 6. 炉具;厨灶 (n.) _ 7. 触摸;碰 (v.) _ 8. 使整洁;使整齐 (v.) _,electricity,conversation,reply,foolish,battery,cooker,touch,tidy,9. (使)连接 (v.) _ 10. 片刻;瞬间 (n.) _ 11. 规则(n.)_ 12. 冰箱(n.)_ 二、根据汉语写出下列词组 1. 一袋 _ 2. 在某种程度上 _ 3. 连接到 _ 4. 收拾妥;整理好 _ 5. 洗衣机 _ 6. 关(电灯、机器等) _,connect,moment,rule,fridge,a packet of,in a way,(be)connected to,tidy up,washing machine,s

      2、witch off,7. 空调 _ 8. 发电站 _ 9. 制定规则 _ 10. 给你 _ 11. 太阳能 _ 12. 出去 _ 13. 给某人某物 _ 14. 流过 _ 15. 了解 _ 16. 看上去很愚蠢 _ 17. 过了一会儿 _ 18. 回来 _,air conditioner,power station,make rules,here you are,solar power,go out,get sb. sth.,flow through,learn about,look foolish,a moment later,come back,【1】electricity n. a kind of energy to make electric equipments like TV, telephone work 电 【例句】 We moved into a cabin with electricity but no running water. 我们搬进了一间有电但是没有自来水的小木屋。 【同根词】 (1) electric adj. 发电的,由电产生的;使用电力的,用于导电的

      3、 I like that electric fan. 我喜欢那台电风扇。,(2) electrical adj. 电的;与电有关的 This machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。 (3) electrician n. 电工 Her husband, an electrician, is out of work. 她的丈夫,一名电工,失业了。 【应用】 (1)He is a son of an _ (electricity). (2)Now every room has an _ (electricity) light. (3)My brother studies _ (electricity) engineering.,electrician,electric,electrical,【2】rule n. Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. 规则 【例句】 This is th

      4、e first rule of winning in any part of life. 这就是在生命任何阶段想要成功的第一规则。 【拓展】 (1) obey the rules 遵守规则 Everyone must obey the rules. 人人都必须遵守规则。 (2) break the rule(s) 违反规则 Someone has seen you break the rule. 有人看见你违规了。,(3) be against the rule 违反规则 It is against the traffic rules to cross the street while the red light is on. 红灯亮时横穿马路是违反交通规则的。 【应用】 ( )I realize that it _ the rule, so I wont do that. A. against B. break C. is against,C,【3】reply v. When you reply to something that someone has said or writte

      5、n to you, you say or write an answer to them. 回答; 答复 n. A reply is something that you say or write when you answer someone or answer a letter or advertisement. 回答; 答复 【例句】 To this we reply in one word only. 对此,我们只打算回答一句话。 I will have received reply at this time tomorrow. 明天这个时候我就已经收到答复了。,【拓展】 reply to sb. /sth. 对某人或某物做出回答 He failed to reply to my question. 他没能回答我的问题。 【辨析】answer与reply (1)answer 可自由地用作及物动词或不及物动词。 Did he answer your letter? 他回复你的信了吗? He paused before answering. 他在回答前停了下来。 (2)reply除

      6、后接that从句或引出直接引语时作及物动词,其他情况一般用作不及物动词。 She replied that she never changed her mind. 她回答说她从未改变主意。,“Thanks,” she replied solemnly. “谢谢。”她郑重地回答。 She replied to my letter. 她给我回了信。 【应用】 ( )Did he _ your invitation? A. reply to B. reply C. answer to,A,【4】foolish adj. not clever and even stupid; silly 愚蠢的 【例句】 What foolish mistakes you have made! 你犯了多么愚蠢的错误啊! 【同根词】 (1)foolishly adv. 愚蠢地 She admitted that she had acted foolishly. 她承认自己的行为很愚蠢。 (2)foolishness n. 愚蠢;愚笨 They dont accept any foolishness when i

      7、t comes to spending money. 在花钱方面,他们不会犯傻。,【拓展】 It is/was foolish of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是愚蠢的。 It is foolish of him to buy such expensive furniture. 他买这么贵的家具真傻。 【应用】 ( )He made a foolish mistake.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项) A. harmful B. silly C. dangerous,B,【5】connect v. put or join two or more things together 连接 【例句】 I connected the wires for the transformer. 我给变压器接上了电线。 【同根词】 connection n. 连接;联系;关系 He has denied any connection to the robbery. 他否认与抢劫事件有任何关联。,【拓展】 (1) be connected to/with 与连接; 与有联系 The wire

      8、s in our flat are connected to cables buried under the street. 我们公寓的电线与埋在街道下的电缆连接。 Success is directly connected with daily action. 成功与日常行为有着直接的联系。 (2) be connected by 被所连接 Hong Kong and Shenzhen are connected by Luohu Bridge. 香港和深圳由罗湖桥连接着。 【应用】 We need a wireless _ (connect).,connection,【6】moment n. a short period of time 瞬间;片刻 【例句】 At this moment a car stopped at the house. 就在此刻,一辆汽车停在了那座房子前。 【拓展】 (1) for a moment一会儿 He was silent for a moment, then began his answer. 他沉默了一会儿,然后开始回答。 (2) at the moment 现在;此刻 At the moment there is no way to solve this problem. 现在没有方法解决这个问题。 (3) in a moment 马上;立刻 I will explain in a moment. 我马上解释。,(4) the moment 一就 I will call you the moment I arrive home. 我一到家就给你打电话。 【应用】 (1) (


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