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2018秋七年级英语上册 unit 7 how much are these socks课件 (新版)人教新目标版

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86508869
  • 上传时间:2019-03-20
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    • 1、UNIT 7,一、单项选择。(30分) 1Lisas uncle has _ store._ store is very nice. Aa;A Ba;The Can;An Dan;The 【解析】句意“丽萨的叔叔有一个商店,这个商店很漂亮。”第一空表示“一个”,第二空表示特指。,B,2I have _ balls,eight basketballs and seven volleyballs. Aeleven Btwelve Cfifteen DSixteen 【解析】由后半句“8个篮球和7个排球”可知一共有“15个球”。,C,C,4Are these your _? The sweater is mine,but the skirt is not. Abooks Bphotos Cclothes DTapes 【解析】book“书”;photo“照片”;clothes“衣服”;tape“磁带”。由答句中sweater及shirt可知应选C。,C,5We have sports shoes _ white _ ¥40. Afor;in Bin;for Cin;in Dfor;for 【

      2、解析】in表示颜色的名词意为“颜色的”;for金钱表示“以价钱”。,B,6The basketball is only twentythree dollars. Ill _ it. Aplay Bknow Ctake DSell 【解析】play“玩耍;参加(比赛或运动)”;know“知道”;take“买下;拿取”;sell“卖”。Ill take it.为购物常用语,意为“我买下了。”,C,7This Tshirt is too small.I want a _ one. Abig Bshort Clong DTall 【解析】big“大的”;short“短的”;long“长的”;tall“高的”。由句意“这件T恤太小了。”可知“我想要一件大的”,故选A。,A,8Marys black skirt _ nice. Alooks Bsees Cwatches DMeets 【解析】look“看”;see“看”;watch“观看”;meet“遇见”。句意为“玛丽的黑裙子看起来很漂亮。”nice为形容词,在句中作表语,四个选项中只有look可以作系动词。,A,9You can buy th

      3、e food _ our great sale. Afor Bon Cin DAt 【解析】短语at our great sale意为“大甩卖,促销中”。,D,10Whats the _ of the green jacket? 60 yuan. Anumber Bprice Ccolor DSale 【解析】number“号码”;price“价格”;color“颜色”;sale“出售”。由答语可知此处是询问价格。,B,11I have _. Aa pair of sock Bpair of socks Ctwo pair of socks Dtwo pairs of socks 【解析】pair修饰成双成对出现的名词。“a pair of复数名词”意为“一双/对”,如果是两双或两双以上的,pair也要变成复数,即“数词pairs of复数名词” 。,D,12Bobs _ and _ are on the sofa. Atrouser;short Btrousers;short Ctrousers;shorts Dtrouser;shorts 【解析】“裤子”和“短裤”两个单词都是以复

      4、数形式出现。,C,13Please call me if (如果) you _ help. OK,thanks. Aneed Bhave Cbuy DTake 【解析】need“需要”;have“有;吃”;buy“买”;take“买下;拿;取”。句意为“如果你需要帮助请给我打电话。”故选A。,A,14_ is this sweater? Its forty dollars. AWhere BWhat CHow much DWhat color 【解析】由答语可知,上句是询问价格,how much在此表示询问价钱。,C,15Can I help you? _. AI am fine BNo,I dont need your help CNo,I only sell Tshirts DYes,please 【解析】A项意为“我很好”;B项意为“不,我不需要你的帮助”;C项意为“不,我只卖T恤衫”;D项意为“是的”。问句为“我能为你做点什么/你需要帮助吗?”D项符合语境。,D,二、完形填空。(20分) Hello!Im Gina.Im an English girl.Now Im in Be

      5、ijing with _16_ parents.Today is Sunday.I _17_ to Maomao Clothes Store.Wow!I see lots of _18_ clothes in it.They have sweaters at a good _19_They have some bags _20_ sports.They have hats in red,black _21_ yellow.The brown _22_ are on sale.They _23_ only 15 dollars.I think they are cheap (便宜的),so I _24_ a small one for myself (我自己) and a large one for my _25_,16A.your Bhis Cmy Dtheir 17A.come Bsell Csee Dhelp 18A.long Bnice Csmall Dshort 19A.price Bcolor Cphoto Dname 20A.on Bwith Cof Dfor 21A.bu

      6、t Band Cwith Dat 22A.skirts Bhat Cshirt Dsock 23A.does Bdo Cis Dare 24A.let Bsee Cbuy Dask 25A.father Bmother Cbrother Dgrandfather,C,A,B,A,D,B,A,D,C,B,三、阅读理解。(15分) My name is Bill.I have a sister.Her name is Lisa.Today we go to the Xinxin Clothes Store.There are many things on sale.The hat is only $15.Its color is yellow and blue.Its very nice.The white sweater is $20 and the red sweater is $25.The green bag is $30.It also has Tshirts in blue,green and white for only $18 and we can buy socks fo

      7、r $5 each pair.Oh,the green shorts are on sale for only $25!I like them very much. 26How much is the white sweater? A$15. B$20. C$25. D$30.,B,27What color is the hat? AYellow and blue. BBlue. CBlack and Blue. DYellow. 28The clothes store doesnt have _ Tshirts. Ablue Bgreen Cwhite Dyellow 29Two red sweaters are _. A$30 B$40 C$50 D$60 30If you have $40,you can buy _ blue Tshirt(s) A1 B2 C3 D4,A,D,C,B,四、词汇运用。(10分) 31Lisa _ (not have) the green dress. 32How much _ (be) those black trousers? 33This i

      8、s a Tshirt,but those are _ (short) 34Mr. Cools Clothes Store has a big _ (sell) 35The _ (woman) are my mother and aunt.,doesnt have,are,shorts,sale,women,五、短文填词。(10分) Hi,boys and girls!Come and 36.b_ your clothes at our great sale.We 37.s_ all our clothes at very good 38.p_We have yellow jackets 39.f_ only twentytwo dollars.Do you like these 40.p_ of shoes?They are on sale for 41.o_ fifteen dollars.The shoes are twenty dollars.For 42.g_,we have skirts 43.i_ yellow and blue for only eighteen dollars.We have a red sweater.Its on 44.s_ for fourteen dollars.Please 45.c_ to Beauty Clothes Store.,buy,sell,prices,for,pairs,only,girls,in,sale,come,六、书面表达。(15分) 王丽的妈妈位于民生街(Minsheng Street)的“贝贝服装店”今天开业了,里面的T恤衫、男款毛衣、女式裙子都特价销售。假如你是王丽,请你替妈妈写一则50词左右的英文广告。 _ _ _ _ _

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