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新加坡paper写作--The art of beauty and the beast

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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心新加坡paper写作-The art of beauty and the beastIn Notre Dame DE Paris ugly card seamus much beast is a symbol of the good and the beautiful love silk, esmeralda is the symbol of beauty.Quasimodo was a male bell ringers. And love the silk, esmeralda is pretty woman. The opposition between men and women formed Quasimodo and love the innate strength disparity between silk, esmeralda. Love silk, esmeralda is very weak, the threat of face between his kinsman, or cheat, captain or for Cl

      2、aude sweat fall, she can carry out a self-protection, she was forced to can only to the powerful card seamus much help.If the Quasimodo and weak power of love silk, esmeralda, the beauty and the beast mode of this kind of art is gone. So gender differentiation is beauty and the beast this pattern of art in one of the most basic elements.Silk, esmeralda Quasimodo and love both of them are at the bottom of society. Quasimodo was abandoned after be born, and later became deputy leader Claude adopte

      3、d son become a bell ringers, he doesnt respect by people, cant even get a positive eye of others. Similarly, silk, esmeralda is an underlying love life difficult characters. Is two persons social identity of the same to give two people produce intersection bridge, otherwise beauty and the beast can only become an independent individual, there will be no more art pattern.Quasimodo ugly, whether its church leader inside or outside the church people, are very abandon him. On April fools day people

      4、around will spontaneously he named the king of April fools day, also is generally accepted that the most ugly man. And love is a compassionate silk, esmeralda beautiful woman, is a reflection of Hugos absolute true. Her good looks, kin man threatened her dance to let them get the chance to make money, gay saw her jealous, asceticism Claude cannot extricate oneself up at a glance.Quasimodo absolutely ugly and love silk, esmeralda absolute beauty formed a powerful visual gap, by causing the discom

      5、fort of readers and audience to contrast. Love silk, esmeralda was a representative of the absolute truth, that daylight. And Quasimodo? The people around him ugly, no one will look him as a person, in the ordinary people, it seems, he must be a force is on the evil after the representative of a point of no return. But the beast, he is also a symbol of true and good. Above, he looks so ugly, abandon by all people, but he is still one of the most good figures inside. Even vice leader is very dema

      6、nding to him and he viewed as only one can make you a bridge to go to heaven after death, Quasimodo still deferred to him, never before met love silk, esmeralda said to deputy leader of a no. After silk, esmeralda met love is with all his love love silk, esmeralda, kind of not a trace of impurities. So, while the appearance of Quasimodo is ugly and disgusting, but he is kind at heart, he is better than a handsome heart nasty francois than that people get more respect.Using the beauty and uglines

      7、s, good and evil, distinctive showed beauty and the beast in the unity on the huge difference in appearance and personality. Therefore, disparity in appearance and inner absolute good is beauty and the beast the artistic mode of another important constituent elements.Although love silk, esmeralda love relationship with Quasimodo is not big, but two people on the attitude toward love is highly harmonious and unified.When Quasimodo is punished, love silk, esmeralda to feed him to drink a pot of wa

      8、ter, has since opened his endless source of kindness, love from now on silk Melanie reached to Quasimodo eyes more important than my life. Before the water, Quasimodo is chaos, there is no self and blindly follow Yu Keluo DE, and after the watering, Quasimodo infected, the source of the fountain of good has been opened, from now on, no utilitarian of kindness and of love persistent become the pronoun of Quasimodo. He is faithful to the love. He silk, esmeralda can do everything for love, what ca

      9、n be done for the first time love silk, esmeralda against deputy leader, picking flowers of danger, grant asylum to the love silk, esmeralda, even life for love silk, esmeralda.Similarly, in dealing with love from love silk, esmeralda is constancy. Her life in the vortex of four men were killed, but she never flinch or lost. After she falls in love with franco than cant allow anyone to love again, even in the face of deputy leader Claude power and persecution, she did not flinch, adhere to the dignity of their faith and love, even pay life.To sum up, Notre Dame DE Paris in beauty and the beast structure mainly includes the following elements: gender differentiation, strength disparity became the primary premise; Similar social identity is a bridge intersection; Absolute opposition between ugliness good character traits of the same make to the development of the model; Attit

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