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2013高中英语 教师用书 unit 1 section ⅱ relaxing & a volunteer teacher课件 北师大版必修1

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:85474383
  • 上传时间:2019-03-11
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    • 1、课时跟踪检测,Unit 1,Section ,语言点一,语言点二,语言点三,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,语法讲座,知识必备,专题练习,(一)根据词性和汉语意思写出单词 1 vt. 忍耐,忍受 2 vi.感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) n痛 苦,苦难 3 n压力 v按;挤压 4 adj.爱交际的,社交的 n社会 5 v减少,降低 (同义词) (反义词),stand,suffer,suffering,pressure,press,social,society,reduce,decrease,increase,6 vt.组织 n组织 n组织者 7 vt.更喜欢,宁愿 n喜爱,优先(权) 8 vt.& n支持;支撑 n支持者 9 vt.& n设计 n设计者 adj.事先计划好的,organise,organisation,organiser,prefer,preference,support,supporter,design,designer,designed,10 n广告 v为做广 告,宣传 11 n表演;展示 v上演 12 vt.解决;

      2、解答 n解决方法,advertisement,advertise,presentation,present,solve,solution,(二)用所给词的适当形式填空 13Li Ping was chosen to be a of the 16th Asian Games.We all think highly of her work.(volunteer) 14My brother, a of Tsinghua University, in chemistry.After , he worked as a teacher in a middle school.(graduate) 15Although I know the work is very , I will try my best to it.(challenge),volunteer,voluntary,graduate,graduated,graduation,challenging,challenge,1.reduce vt.& vi.减少,降低 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Breathing exercise

      3、s can help reduce stress. 呼吸训练能帮助减少压力。 (鲜活例句)Mr Green told his wife to reduce the familys expenses. 格林先生让他妻子减少家庭开支。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,reduce .to . 把减少到 reduce .by . 把减少 reduction n. 减少;降低,Now the number of giant pandas is reduced to 1,600. 如今大熊猫的数量已经减少到1600只。 The plague reduced the population by 10,000. 那场瘟疫使人口数量减少了1万。 点津 reduce与to连用表示“减少至”,其后的数字表示减少后达到的数量;与by连用表示“减少了”,后面的数字表示减少的幅度。,2.stand vt.忍耐,忍受;站立 (一)背诵佳句培养语感,(教材原句)I really love playing the piano, but I cant stand singing in front of the class. 我

      4、确实喜欢弹钢琴,但我无法忍受在全班同学面前唱歌。 (语境串记)The boy has been standing in the cold wind for half an hour, and he cant stand it any longer. 这个男孩在寒风中站了半个小时了,他再也无法忍受了。,cant stand (doing) sth. 无法忍受(做)某事 cant stand sb. doing sth. 无法忍受某人做某事,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,I cant stand the sight of blood. 我一看见血就难受。 I couldnt stand the old like that. 我不能容忍你那样跟老人讲话。,you talking to,点津 stand作“忍耐,忍受”讲时,尤用于否定句和疑问句中,与can/could连用,不用于进行时态。,stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持 stand for 代表;象征 stand out 显眼,突出,We are not prepared to stand by and let them close o

      5、ur schools. 我们不会袖手旁观,听任他们关闭我们的学校。 Well, that dress will make you in a crowd! 啊,那件衣服会使你在人群中很显眼!,stand out,3.prefer vt.宁可,宁愿;更喜欢 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)I prefer listening to music. 我更喜欢听音乐。 (鲜活例句)They come from Sichuan, so they prefer hot dishes. 他们是四川人,因此更喜欢川菜(辣味菜)。,prefer (doing) sth. 更喜欢(做) prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事 prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. 宁愿而不愿 prefer to do rather than do 宁愿而不愿 prefer sb. (not) to do sth. 宁愿某人(不)做某事,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,I prefer clothes made of natural fibres. 我更喜欢穿由天然纤维制造的衣服。 I p

      6、refer classical music to pop music. I prefer listening to classical music pop music. I prefer classical music rather than listen to pop music. 我愿意听古典音乐而不愿听流行音乐。 点津 prefer to do .rather than do 短语在实际考查中,常被变形为rather than do .prefer to do的形式。,to wear,to listening to,to listen to,4.graduate vi.毕业;获得学位(尤指学士) n毕业生,学 位获得者 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Kate graduated from medical school last year and shes working in a big hospital now. 凯特去年毕业于一所医药学校,她现在在一家大医院工作。 (鲜活例句)These graduates all graduated from Oxford Unive

      7、rsity. 这些毕业生都毕业于牛津大学。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,graduate from 从毕业 graduate in 毕业于专业 graduation n. 毕业,毕业典礼,She graduated from Harvard this year. 她今年毕业于哈佛大学。 I English and have been an English teacher for 10 years. 我毕业于英语专业,当英语老师已经有十年了。 My father promised me a car after my graduation. 父亲许诺我毕业后给我买辆车。,graduated in,5.challenge (教材原句)The company is ready to meet the challenge of the next few years. 这家公司为迎接未来几年的挑战做好了准备。 (1)n. 挑战,具有挑战性的事物,face a challenge 面临挑战 accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战 meet a challenge 迎接挑战,The

      8、 new government faces the challenge of improving the peoples living condition. 新政府面临着改善人们生活条件的挑战。 Schools must of new technology. 学校必须迎接新技术的挑战。,meet the challenge,(2)vt. 向挑战,challenge sb. to sth. 向某人挑战某事 challenge sb. to do sth. 向某人挑战做某事,Mike challenged me to a game of chess. 迈克硬逼着要和我下一盘棋。 Last Sunday he challenged me , and I accepted the challenge. 上周日他向我挑战赛跑,我接受了挑战。,to run,6.support (教材原句)His idea to organise a big party has won support from his friends. 他的组织一场大型晚会的建议已获得了朋友们的支持。 (1)vt. 支持;支撑 Bill had to support Jill or she would have fallen to the floor. 比尔只得扶住吉尔,不然她就会摔倒在地。,support oneself 自食其力 support ones family 养家糊口 support sb.in sth. 在某事上支持某人,Its difficult to support yourself on this salary. 靠这份工资来养活自己都有困难。 She needs a high income to support such a large family. 她需要一份高收入来养活这么一大家子人。,(2)n.支持;支撑 She held on to his arm for support. 她抓着他的胳膊,好站稳。,in support of 支持,拥护 support for sth. 对某事的支持 win support from sb. 赢得某人的支持/帮助,Only a few people spoke the proposal. 只有少数几个人表

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