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    • 1、美剧老友记/六人行/friends的25条拍摄幕后趣闻The friends 25filming behind-the-scenes anecdotes从网上找来了美剧老友记/六人行/friends的25条拍摄幕后趣闻,献给剧迷们:1、场景24(即老友记/六人行/friends从第2季起使用的家)据说闹鬼。这是华纳公司历史最悠久的舞台。多年来,幽灵出没的传说从未间断。2、老友记每一集有3550个群众演员。 James Michael Tyler从第一季开始出现,群众演员中只有他会使用cappuccino咖啡机,从此之后一直有戏。但直到 TOW Phoebes Dad 那一集,他才有了第一句对白“Yes”,于是剧作者们才给他起了个名字阿甘。3、六人行道具组用整整一个房间来放手袋。4、中央咖啡馆里挂的画,每三集换一次。作品来自当地、国内和国外的艺术家。其中一些作品是专为本剧集创作的。5、friends电视剧中咖啡馆对面的商店也有典故。店名“Dottie & Hermans Deli”是原剧作者之一Marta Kauffman的亲戚的名字;“Free Being Records”是向格林威治

      2、镇的一家唱片店致敬,因为制片人Kevin Bright小时候常常光顾那里。6、Joey和Chandler家的房门背后挂着磁性画板,上面的画出自Paul Swain之手。有时他根据剧作者的要求进行创作,有时作品和台词相关;有时则画的是工作人员之间发生的笑话。7、Monica和Joey的冰箱都通电(这在电视剧当中可不多见)。Monica的冰箱装着水和苏打,供演员和工作人员饮用;Joey的嘛,和一般光棍的冰箱没什么两样。8、咖啡馆门外的广告牌上,写着当值工作人员的名字。每次”Neighbor Tim” 的名字出现,就表示他将场景布置妥当了。9、301集(莉亚公主的幻想)片头,六人走进中央咖啡馆时发现有人占了他们的位子其实坐在那里的正是第三季的作者们。10、老友记/六人行/friends每次演出要喝掉32杯咖啡,每星期用去100桶水。11、自第一集开始,菲比共演唱了25首原创歌曲。其实菲比不会唱歌,yagad看过一个什么晚会的视频片段,里面菲比就坦诚自己不会唱歌,在舞台上下一致要求声中才唱了几句走调的歌,哈哈。12、中央咖啡馆的场景,附带一条真正的沥青“街道”,是少数现场录音的场景之一。这样拍

      3、摄外景时,音效更加真实,下水道还可以冒出真正的蒸汽。13、中央咖啡馆里,公用电话旁边的报纸已经摆了半年了。14、拍摄每集老友记/六人行/friends需要耗费三万英尺胶卷(换算成公制是9144米)。15、Monica厨柜里的食物,每星期由艺术部门更新一次。但食物总是分门别类严格摆放在同样的位置。(Monica讲究条理嘛)16、从平面图上看,Monica和Chandler家的厨房有7把锅铲。17、一晚上工作人员要给现场的观众订两次披萨,即是说,一共要为300名观众订85个披萨。(演员和工作人员有时也订寿司,老友记/六人行/friends告别的综艺节目中有提到这个)18、磁铁画板用坏了以后,道具组不得不到eBay上买一个一模一样的来替换。19、Robin Williams(窈窕奶爸)和Billy Crystal(当哈利遇到莎丽)在中央咖啡馆亮相时间很短,但这场戏拍了四遍才杀青。20、中央咖啡馆的咖啡板上的字大多还是第一季时留下来的呢(其中包括打字稿!)21、老友记/六人行/friends剧组每星期要花费1700美金买灯泡。22、制片人(也是friends之父)Kevin Bright常常担

      4、任导演。另外,他也负责每年分两次重新设计片头,每次设计12集。23、每集的剧本要动3到5次手术在拍摄过程中,还要根据现场观众的反应、多次修改笑料。24、拍摄每一集要耗费36万瓦电来照明,相当于12个大家庭的用电量。25、老友记/六人行/friends每星期的台词朗读会有25到30个人参加,在会上,演员会首次大声宣读即将开拍的剧集的剧本。The friends 25filming behind-the-scenes anecdotesFrom the Internet to find to the drama friends / friends / friends25filming behind-the-scenes anecdotes, dedicated to the fans:1, scene 24( i.e. friends / friends / friends from the second season onwards is reputedly haunted house ). This is the oldest stage warner. Over the years,

      5、 the haunted legends never discontinuous.2friends, each set having35 -50 extras. James Michael Tyler from the start in the first quarter, masses actor only he will use the Cappuccino Machine, since then has been play. But until the TOW Phoebe s Dad that episode, that he made his first words Yes, then play the authors didnt give him a name - Agam.3, six props used a whole room to put handbag.In 4, the artwork in Central Perk, each set of three for a time.Work from local, national and internationa

      6、l artists.Some of these works is designed for the drama creation.In 5, friends TV cafe shop opposite there are allusions. The name Dottie & Herman s Deli is the original author of the Marta Kauffman show the names of relatives; Free Being Records to Greenwich is a record shop tribute, because producer Kevin Bright was often visited by.In 6, Joey and Chandlers front door behind his magnetic drawing board, painting on the from Paul Swain hand. Sometimes he the writers request, sometimes works and

      7、lines related; sometimes the painting is occurring between staff joke.In 7, Monica and Joey refrigerators are energized (which in the drama can be seen ). Monica refrigerator filled with water and soda, for the cast and crew of drinking; Joey, and general bachelors refrigerator nothing two.In 8, outside the cafe on a billboard, says the staffs name. Each Neighbor Tim name, said he would be the scene layout.9,301set ( Leah Princess fantasy) titles, six went into the cafe central found someone too

      8、k their seats- actually sit there is the third season of the authors.10, friends / friends / friends every performance to drink32 cups of coffee per week, with100 barrels of water.11, since the first episode, Phoebe performed25 original songs. In fact, Phoebe cant sing, yagad saw a what party video, which Phoebe saying he cant sing, in the arena of consistent requirements in sound only sang a few tune of the song, ha ha.In 12, the central Cafe scene, with a real asphalt streets, is one of the fe

      9、w soundstage sets.It was filmed on location, more realistic sound, sewer can take out real steam.In 13, the Central Perk, public phone next to the newspaper have been half a year.14, each set. Friends / friends / friends requires thirty thousand feet of film (converted to metric is 9144 meters ).In 15, Monica kitchen food, every day of the week is updated once by the art department.But the food is always be arranged strictly placed in the same position. ( Monica structured stress. )16, in plain view, Monica and Chandlers kitchen has 7 spatulas.In 17, a night staff to give the audience a two pizza, that is to say, a total of300 audience members to order 85pizzas. ( the cast and crew sometimes get sushi, friends / friends / friends farewell show was mentioned in this )18, magnet board wear out late


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