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英国paper写作--Securities investment fund

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  • 文档编号:78506208
  • 上传时间:2019-02-14
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:37.50KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国paper写作-Securities investment fundSecurities investment fund refers to a kind of collective investment method that shares interests and risks. With the continuous development of Chinas economy and the rapid expansion of securities investment fund scale, securities investment fund has made indelible contributions in stabilizing the market. However, Chinas securities market investment fund started relatively late, compared with the rapid development of the fund itself, fund ri

      2、sk management is relatively backward. Chinas securities investment fund has a large gap in both the external investment environment of the fund and the internal investment management of the management company, which has caused serious risks and hidden dangers to the entire fund industry and even the entire securities market.As Chinas securities market is still young, with large fluctuations and a large number of small and medium-sized investors, the introduction and development of securities inv

      3、estment funds can play an important role in stabilizing the market and mobilizing social financial resources. With its professional management and long-term investment vision, securities investment funds can effectively defend the interests of small and medium-sized investors and become the backbone of the stable securities market. Chinas securities market after more than ten years of development, has initially formed a certain scale of national debt market, corporate bonds, financial bonds mark

      4、et and stock market, relatively perfect system of securities market, in attracting foreign investment, and speeding up the transformation of state-owned enterprise management mechanism, to speed up the socialist market economic system established plays a huge role. However, compared with the western securities market which has been developed for more than 100 years, it is still far from perfect and standard. Chinas securities market is established during the transition from planned economy to ma

      5、rket economy. The characteristics of the policy market are very obvious, and the regulation from the listed financing to the secondary market and the rise and fall of the stock index are obviously regulated by the policy. However, with the gradual improvement of Chinas market economy system, the securities market will be gradually market-oriented. Looking forward to the development of Chinas securities market, its basic situation will take the increasing role of market mechanism as the main line

      6、, speed up the deepening process of the securities market, and improve the functions of the securities market. Need on the basis of the specification in our stock market gradually cultivate the rational institutional investors, especially the securities investment fund in order to improve the structure of the stock market investors, play to securities investment funds to support the role of market and stabilize the market, reduce market risk, so as to promote the health of the securities market,

      7、 the sustained and stable development. From the perspective of development trend, Chinas securities market innovation will be jointly promoted by theoretical innovation, institutional innovation, product innovation and technological innovation and form a benign interactive industrial innovation trend. Therefore, it is necessary for Chinas securities market and national economic development to correctly understand the risks of Chinas securities investment funds and effectively prevent them.The fr

      8、ee rider mentality of diversified fund holders weakened or eliminated the monitoring of fund managers. The separation of ownership and control of fund assets exacerbates insider control risk. In traditional enterprises, ownership and management rights are closely combined, so there is no risk of insider control. However, the legal person property system and legal person management structure determine the insider control is a concomitant problem with modern corporate system. As far as securities

      9、investment funds are concerned, due to the large number of investors, they cannot directly carry out the asset operation. In order to achieve the return effect of fund asset investment, only through the contract can they reach a separation of ownership and management right between fund holders, fund managers and fund custodians. Therefore, such a structural paradigm provides the DE facto soil for the emergence of internal controllers. Information asymmetry aggravates the failure risk of internal governance structure. Accurate, true, complete and effective information is the cornerstone of the fund holders effective supervision of the fund manager. However, the dissociation of the ownership and management of fund assets results in the dissociation of interests between fund holders and fund managers, the decentralization of fund holders and the hard-to-eradicate free ride mentality, which determines the persistence of information asymmetr

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