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新西兰paper写作--International business negotiation

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  • 文档编号:78411228
  • 上传时间:2019-02-13
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心新西兰paper写作-International business negotiationInternational business negotiations to face the target from different countries or regions. Due to the different political and economic systems in various countries in the world, different nations have different histories and cultural traditions. The cultural backgrounds and values of businessmen in various countries also have obvious differences. Therefore, their styles in business negotiations are also different. In international

      2、business negotiation, if you do not understand these different negotiation styles, you may make jokes, misunderstand, be disrespectful to others, and lose many opportunities for successful negotiation. If you want to be successful in business negotiation, you must be familiar with the different negotiation styles of businessmen from all over the world and adopt flexible negotiation methods.The negotiation table is changeable, if negotiators want to control the development of the negotiation in t

      3、he complex situation, they must make full preparations. Only when sufficient preparations are made, can we be flexible in the negotiation, so as to avoid the escalation of conflicts of interest in the negotiation.Due to the wide range of international business negotiations, a lot of work needs to be prepared, including the analysis of the negotiators themselves and the analysis of the opponents, the composition of the negotiation team, elaboration of the negotiation objectives and strategies, as

      4、 well as the simulation of the negotiation when necessary.In the process of negotiation preparation, the negotiators should make a comprehensive analysis of their own situation and try to have a comprehensive understanding of their opponents. Self-analysis mainly refers to the feasibility study of the project. The understanding of the opponents situation mainly includes the strength of the opponent, the policies, regulations, business customs, local customs and customs of the opponents host coun

      5、try, as well as the situation of the negotiators of the opponent. At present, there are a lot of misunderstandings and investment loopholes in sino-foreign joint ventures, and even a few frauds committed by foreign investors. To a large extent, Chinese personnel do not know enough about their negotiating partners. We have explained this point in detail before, but we will not repeat it here.To some extent, international business negotiation is the strength of negotiators of both sides. How effec

      6、tive the negotiation is often depends on the knowledge and psychological quality of the negotiators. Because of the wide and complex factors involved in international business negotiations, it is important to be well informed. In general, in addition to the necessary professional knowledge of international trade, international finance, international marketing and international business law, negotiators should also learn about psychology, economics, management, financial knowledge, foreign langua

      7、ge, business customs and local customs of relevant countries, as well as the engineering technology related to the negotiation project. A more comprehensive knowledge structure helps to build the background of the negotiators confidence and success.In addition, as an international business negotiator, you should also have a psychological state of confidence, determination and adventure. Only in this way can you not bow down in the face of difficulties, not turn back in the face of risks, face se

      8、tbacks and failures, and embrace success and victory.Because international business negotiation is often a group confrontation, the negotiators can not achieve a happy ending only by their rich knowledge and skills, so they should choose the right person to form a team to negotiate with the opponents. The knowledge structure of each member of the negotiation team should be complementary to each other, so that they can be proficient in solving various professional problems, improve the efficiency

      9、 of negotiation, and reduce the pressure of the main negotiators to some extent.An important part of the preparation is setting the limits of your concessions. Price is a common problem in business negotiation, which is the focus of conflict of interest. If you are an exporter, you should determine the lowest price, if you are an importer, you should determine the highest price. Before the negotiation, both sides should determine a bottom line, beyond which the negotiation will be impossible. The determination of this bottom line must be reasonable and scientific. It should be based on investigation and research and actual situation. If the exporter sets too high a target or the importer sets too low a price, there will be fierce conflict in the negotiation, which will lead to the failure of the negotiation.As an exporter, your offer should be between the lowest price you can accept and the highest price you think the other party

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