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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、宝洁战略管理模型,Choice Cascade to Define the Choices 选择级别以确定选择,What are our goals and Aspirations?,Where will we Play?,What Capabilities must be in place to win?,How will we Win in chosen market?,What Management Systems are required?,我们有哪些目标和愿望,我们要做些什么?,我们将如何赢得市场,我们需要什么样的管理系统,实现双赢的需要什么样的能力,Choice Cascade to Define the Choices 选择级别以确定选择,What are our goals and Aspirations?,Where will we Play?,What Capabilities must be in place to win?,How will we Win in chosen market?,What Management Systems are required

      2、?,我们有哪些目标和愿望,我们要做些什么?,我们将如何赢得市场,我们需要什么样的管理系统,实现双赢的需要什么样的能力,Re-cap on lecture 1,Where will we play? Total Shareholder Return calculations by Global Business Unit 全球范围内的股东总回报率的计算 How will we win? Commercial Strategy 我们要如何赢?商业战略 Focus on core brands Consumer Is Boss Win with winning customers Competitive retail margins strong Tailor Investments By Customer Be Strong With Global Customers Get the value equation right Know the competitors What capabilities must be in place? 能力的定位(需要什么样的能力定位) Global m

      3、atrix structure: Global Business Units (GBUs) and Market Development Organizations (MDOs) Individual accountability, Work & Development Plans,专注于核心品牌 消费者才是老板 赢得顾客 零售利润率的竞争力 量身打造投资客户 全球客户 获得价值模式 了解竞争对手,全球矩阵结构:全球业务单位( gbus )及市场组织( mdos ) 个人责任制,工作与发展计划,HOMEWORK,What share of shelf does YES have ? 市场占有率? What do you think it has in market share ? 你怎么看市场上的占有率? What do you learn from the pricing and sizing you see? Why might it be so ? 从价格和数量上看出什么?为什么会是这样呢? What influences the shelf positioning ? 是什么影

      4、响产品的定位? What would your YES strategy be? 你的对应策略是什么?,HOMEWORK,What share of shelf does YES have ? Ca. 60%大约60 What do you think it has in market share ? Same as shelf share (60-70%)占市场分额(6070) What do you learn from the pricing and sizing you see? Why might it be so ?为什么会这样? Smaller sizes offer “extra benefits, but are more expensive pr. ml What influences the shelf positioning ? 是什么影响产品的定位 Looks like the big bottles are at the bottom 看起来像一个巨大的瓶底(瓶劲效应) What would your YES strategy be? 您的策略是什么,Cho

      5、ice Cascade to Define the Choices,What are our goals and Aspirations?,Where will we Play?,What Capabilities must be in place to win?,How will we Win in chosen market?,What Management Systems are required?,我们有哪些目标和愿望,我们要做些什么?,我们将如何赢得市场,我们需要什么样的管理系统,实现双赢的需要什么样的能力,Implementing strategy 实施策略 First: Understanding the customer 第一:了解客户,HOW WILL WE WIN?,Retail is still fragmented Share of top 50 public companies, 1998 1998年零售业占有率前50家的企业,Energy能源,Automotive汽车,Pharmaceuticals; diagnostics医药,Electronics电子,

      6、Telecom电信,Packaged goods包装,Financial industries金融,Chemicals化工,Retail零售,Source: Global Vantage; McKinsey,Energy能源,Financial institutions金融,Automotive汽车,Retail零售,Packaged goods包装,Electronics电子,Average number of countries of operation for largest companies (1998) 国家运作的大公司,Note: Largest companies defined by total revenue注:公司所确定的总的收入来源 Source: Hoovers; McKinsey资料来源:,Retailing is still local零售业的地方性,HOW WILL WE WIN?,一些全球性的大公司是由国家运作的,* Only disclosed deal considerations in excess of USD 25 million Sourc

      7、e: Amdata; Thomson Financial Securities; McKinsey analysis,Non-European cross-border 非欧洲跨境,European cross-border 欧洲跨境,Domestic 国内,Growing European M&A activities in Retail 在欧洲零售业的收购活动越来越多 USD b, deal volume* 使用美元b,交易量*,2.9,9.3,12.0,0.7,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,12.4,1999 to September,16.0,只披露交易的考虑超过美元2500万 料来源: amdata ;汤姆森金融证券;麦肯锡分析,There is a war out there 矛盾,Demand需求,Flat/falling share of wallet Flat/falling prices More demanding and complex consumers Shifting lifestyle and work patterns,Supply

      8、供给,Overcapacity New entrants (e-tailers and retailers) Supplier consolidation Low availability/ rising cost of frontline labour Increasing real estate costs,Power shifting to consumers,Internet is accelerating trends,Source: McKinsey,HOW WILL WE WIN? 我们将如何赢?,单位/份额下降 单位/价格下跌 更为艰巨和复杂的消费者 转变生活方式和工作格局,过剩 新加入者(电子零售商和零售商) 供应商整合 低可用性/成本上升的人工 越来越多的场地费用,权力转移给消费者,互联网加速发展趋势,Sweden瑞典,Most consolidated retail market in the world the BIG are already BIG 成为在世界上多数固定的零售市场中较大的 ICA owned 50% by Ahold ICA拥有AHOLD50

      9、Ahold highly financially driven company EVA AHOLE是财务高度至上的公司EVA More pressure on ICAmore pressure on suppliers 在ICA更多的压力在供应商 Wants higher profits, higher turnover, happier consumers (differentiate themselves vs. Competition) 想要更高的利润更高的营业额和更多的消费者(不同于主场迎战竞争),HOW WILL WE WIN? 我们将如何赢?,Now we know the customercan we find a sweet spot? 我们现在知道了客户我们可以找到一个最佳的方法?,How will we win?我们将如何赢 Consumer is the BOSS Core Brands Win with winning customers Competitive retail margins strong Tailor Investments By Customer Be Strong With Global Customers How will we win Sweet Spot?我们如何赢得最佳的方法Launch a product, with unique consumer benefits, with higher customer margins, that drive total TSR for P&G 推出一个产品,具有独特的消费者得益,为宝洁获得更高的客户利润率,专注于核心品牌 消费者才是老板 赢得顾客 零售利润率的竞争力 量身打造投资客户 全球客户 获得价值模式 了解竞争对手,Having the right capabilities 有正确的能力,P&G tries to mirror how the customer works We work in multifunctional teams, to address complex business issues In a matrix organisation individual accountability is KEY,宝洁试图像一


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