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module 5 section ⅱ introduction & reading and vocabulary (1)

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    • 1、Module 5 Ethnic Culture,Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1),语言点一,语言点二,语言点三,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,.词义匹配 1ethnic A控制;管理 2native B孵化 3run C种族的;民族的 4property D财产 5custom E出生地的;土生土长的 6hatch F风俗,习惯,传统 答案:1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.F 6.B,.根据所给词性及汉语释义写出单词 1. n. 少数民族; minor adj. 较小的 n. 大多数 adj. 主要的 2 adj. 完全不同的;各不相同的(from) n. 多样性 v. 使多样化 3 adj. 各种各样的;形形色色的 v. 变化 n. 种类;多样化 4 v. 继承 n继承物;遗产,major,minority,diverse,majority,diversify,diversity,vary,varied,variety,inherit,inheritance

      2、,1. minority n. 少数民族;少数;少数人;少数群体 教材原句 home to 25 ethnic minorities, most diverse region of China 25个少数民族的居住地,中国民族最多样化的地区 People from ethnic minorities are usually good at singing and dancing. 少数民族的人们通常能歌善舞。,Only a minority of countries are in favor of North Koreas nuclear experiment. 只有少数国家支持朝鲜的核试验。,Boys are in the minority in the dance class. 在舞蹈班上男孩子占少数。 Father thought it was a minor mistake, while mother thought it was a major one. 父亲认为那只是个较小的失误,而母亲却认为那是个大错。 A majority of students hope to eco

      3、nomy in key universities. 大多数学生希望能在重点大学里主修经济学。,major in,点津 minority/majority作主语强调整体时,动词用单数形式;强调群体中的每一个个体时,动词用复数形式;the minority/majority ofn.作主语时,谓语动词视名词的单复数 而定。 It is reported that the minority of yogurt healthy and safe. 据报道只有少数的酸奶是健康安全的。 The majority of people realized that smoking is harmful to health. 大多数人已经意识到吸烟有害于健康。,is,have,2varied adj.各种各样的;形形色色的;不同的;多变的 教材原句 I have been in Yunnan for two months now and I am still astonished by how varied the landscape is. 我来云南已经有两个月了,这里多姿多彩的风景仍然令我惊讶不已。

      4、After retired from the basketball, Yao Ming and his families live a full and varied life. 退役后,姚明及家人过着丰富多彩的生活。,The price of phones varies 200 yuan 4,000 yuan, because they vary quality and function. 手机的价格从200元到4 000元不等,因为他们在质量及功能上有所不同。 Everyones usual temperature varies with the time of the day. 每个人的平常体温会随着一天时间的不同而变化。,from,to,in,3run v控制;管理;支配;经营;操作;运行;运转 教材原句 For example, it is the women who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi women inherited all property. 例如,管理纳西族社会的是妇女,而且近来还是由纳西族的妇女来继承全

      5、部财产。 Although Zhang Weiping is a successful businessman, he is not good at running a film company.,虽然张伟平是位成功的商人,但他并不擅长管理影视公司。 Actually, my sister didnt know how to run a restaurant when she rent the house. 事实上,当我姐姐租下房子时,她根本不懂如何经营餐馆。 It is not easy to run an excavator. 操作挖掘机不是那么容易的。,Yesterday I ran my old friend David. He told me to run a happy life, he ran the mayor of his city. However, his wife ran a truck and their money ran . 昨天我偶然间遇到了老朋友大卫。他告诉我为了追求幸福生活,他参加了他们市里的市长竞选。然而,就在这时他的妻子撞了一辆卡车,他们的钱都用

      6、光了。,across,after,for,into,out,点击下列图片进入,1be full 充满 2 use 在使用 3put 拼凑,整理出;组装;把合在一起 4be covered 被覆盖 5be home 是的家园 6take 发生;举行 7get lost 迷失在; 陷入到 8pass . . 把传递给,in,with,together,to,place,in,to,of,1in use在使用,在应用 教材原句 The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still in use and is over 1,000 years old. 纳西语是唯一仍在使用的象形文字,已有1千多年的历史了。 The plastic bags are still in use in some supermarkets. 在一些超市里,塑料袋仍在使用。,点津 在此短语中,in表示“处于状态或状况”。,This type of phone has been out of use in Shanghai. 这种类型的手机在上海已不再使用了。

      7、 Computers are of great use in many fields, and they have come into use in the class. So all the teachers and students can make full use of them to learn more efficiently. 电脑在许多领域都非常有用,现在它们已开始用于课堂教学,因此师生们可以充分利用它们来更高效地学习。 It is no use him not to smoke. 劝告他不要吸烟是白费力气。,advising,2put together 拼凑,整理出;组装;把合在一起 教材原句 This story is shown in pictures in books put together in the 10th century, and there are still a few copies of these ancient books in Lijiang. 在10世纪编辑的书里能找到关于这个传说的图画,今天的丽江仍然能见到这些书的抄本。 A team

      8、 of experts has been put together to examine the cause of the disease. 专家组已组成来研究这种疾病的病因。,Can you help me put the desk together? 你能不能帮我把这张桌子组装起来?,自填助记 Hearing that Mount Tai was on fire, the mayor put the phone and asked the secretary to put him to the Party Secretary. Then he put his coat and went to the fire spot. There the fire fighters were trying their best to put the fire using water. But some experts put that the fire fighters shouldnt be allowed to be close to the fire. Because of the big

      9、 fire, the mayor had to put several meetings. At our school, many notices were put to call on people to raise money for the victims.,down,through,on,out,forward,off,up,点击下列图片进入,1句型展示 The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500 metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔5 500米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。 典例背诵 All her money spent, she had to borrow some from her friends. 她的钱全花完了,她不得不从朋友那里借了一些。,2句型展示 The sky is clear blue and I dont think I have ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life. 这里碧空如洗,我一生从未见过如此美丽的景色。 典例背诵 We dont think the Philippines has the right t

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