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英文paper写作--Color of architecture

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  • 文档编号:69683041
  • 上传时间:2019-01-14
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:31KB
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英文paper写作-Color of architectureArchitecture masters have said that architecture is frozen music. It includes both the changes of the buildings contour and the richness of the color on the exterior surface. The success of the design of the color of the exterior surface of a building depends on its compatibility with the color of the traditional building. The building itself cannot leave color, then color becomes the most direct way to express architectural mood. Based on the an

      2、alysis of architecture in different regions, this paper summarizes the influence of architectural color on peoples psychology and architecture itself.Text: the color of architecture is the product of culture in a certain historical period. The two are mutually dependent and complementary. If there is no architectural form, there is no architectural color; If there is no architectural color, the architectural form is not embellished. They are the foundation of architectural aesthetics that follow

      3、s the principles of architectural aesthetics.People of the citys image greatly by the composition of its color, when we mention some distinctive city, is accompanying the cities or dignified, or romantic, or the color of lively impression, such as lenovo, good urban people can make the color composition in them a pleasant visual enjoyment, the opposite will bring visual pollution of the environment. The color composition of different cities also reflects different cultural backgrounds, which can

      4、 be verified by the city images of different regions in the world. This is a quote from the new weekly, so the color of architecture is crucial to the image, character and taste of an entire city.Architecture is very rich in regional and time characteristics, and its color and shape, as well as the history that can be associated with it, always amaze us. The extension of city color is very broad. Urban color is reflected in the natural environment, vegetation, roads, squares, public facilities,

      5、buildings, vehicles and even peoples clothing. The composition relationship of urban color is quite complicated and changeful. Among many factors, architecture is undoubtedly the most important part of the urban color image, playing a leading role. Take old Beijing for example, grey walls, grey tiles and green trees constitute the tone of Beijings urban colors. Compared with the single tone of the common residential building, the royal palace is the most gorgeous and intense color due to the rel

      6、ation of status, but it will be based on the warm tone of red and yellow. In modern architecture, the advanced grey represented by China international trade center appears in the color of the whole city, making Beijing a bright, harmonious, integral and continuous color city. The cross of the whole color shows the rich, simple and quiet culture of the ancient capital.For Shanghai, special political, religious, economic and cultural development opportunities; The coexistence and collision, reject

      7、ion and identification, adaptation and transplantation, pursuit and transformation of western, local and Chinese regional cultures make Shanghai architecture incorporate the essence of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign cultures. As an international metropolis, different style of the architect, as well as the application of new materials, new technology, to the Shanghai building has brought great influence, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United States, India, Japan, Russia, the

      8、northern European and islamic architecture style, or as a whole or partial reflected here. In addition, Shanghai is an open city known for its height and unadulterated style. From the evolution of shikumen to xintiandi, from the Oriental pearl, to the uplifting of the whole city, as well as the carved door plate of Shanghai pujiang hotel, the height of Shanghai itself is a kind of tolerance to the world and synchronization with the world.The most prosperous period of the application of artistic

      9、colors, whether in painting or architectural design, should be the European Renaissance period. The master works created in this period can be said to be the treasures in the history of human art. The romantic, luxurious, gentle and poetic architectural style of Europe is not available at home. Bruges on the Flemish plain in northwest Belgium. This is a city with many rivers, and many buildings are built along the Banks of the river. Most of the citys buildings were built in the middle ages, and still retain the traditional style completely to this day. The spire-topped gothic, domed Byzantium and Renaissance styles popular in different periods in other parts of Europe can be seen everywhere in bruges.It is no exaggeration to say that bruges is a picturesque place. The gallery without a roof is a fitting tribute. The Flemish architecture of bruges has a fairytale quality. In particular, the architectural side of the same as the

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