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    • 1、免费精品资源:http:/,购 物,高考英语书面表达精品课件:话题作文8,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,包括购物计划和产品的规格、样式、颜色、重量、性能、价格、质量等,以及对产品或服务的赞扬与投诉,付款方式等。,课标解读,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,网上购物的优缺点;随着时代发展,购物方式的变迁;就服务态度或货品质量提出表扬或投诉;推销商品;对购买物件的建议;对货不对板或货物质量的投诉;近期购物计划等。,命题预测,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,(1)shopping mall/centre购物中心 (2)department stores 百货商店 (3)second-hand stores旧货店 (4)discount折扣 (5)change零钱 (6)cyber ordering 网络订购 (7)fake products 假冒商品 (8)on-line shopping 网上购物 (9)poor/ high quality糟糕/优异的质量 (10)poor service 糟糕的服务 (11)buy

      2、in group 团购,必备词句,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,(12)wrap up包装 (13)pay in cash以现金支付 (14)pay by credit card通过信用卡支付 (15)free of charge不收费 (16)be all sold out /out of stock售空 (17)avoid being cheated 避免受骗 (18)bargain with attendant和服务员砍价 (19)effective and convenient 高效率、方便 (20)complain to sb about sth就某事向某人投诉,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,基础写作:介绍网上购物的优缺点 随着电视和网络的普及,人们的购物方式也发生着变化,下表是你班的同学对网上购物的认识。请根据以下表格内容写一份报道,介绍网上购物的优缺点。,专题练析,免费精品资源:http:/,基础写作:介绍网上购物的优缺点 It is effective and convenient for

      3、you to do some shopping on the net because you neednt go out of your home. Besides, the large varieties of goods on the net are effortlessly comparable and easy to choose. However, you have to spend extra money on the goods. And sometimes the incomplete payment system will result in revealing your personal information, which is not safe. What is more, it is unsuitable for consumers to purchase the goods in eager demand on the net.,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,读写任务:购买衣服的经历与建议,写作内容 1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点

      4、; 2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你购买衣服的经历,内容包括: (1)你对作者关于购买衣服建议的看法; (2) 你的一次购买衣服的经历; (3)你对购买衣服的建议。,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,读写任务:购买衣服的经历与建议 By giving us an example of how to buy clothes at a discounted price or cheapest price, the writer advises the best time to buy the satisfactory goods to save money.(31 words) I totally agree with the writer about the tips on buying clothes. As a teenager, I havent got any income to pay for the high cost of the fashionable clothes in season. Personally what I should do is

      5、to spend money I get from my parents effectively.,免费精品资源:http:/,免费精品资源:http:/,During the winter vocation I went shopping with a good friend of mine. Id like to buy a pair of jeans. After I went through some trousers shops, fortunately, I found a desirable and fashionable kind of jeans. I tried them on and they fitted me very well. However, to my disappointment, the price was much too high, and they cost 300 yuan. At that time, I knew I couldnt afford it, but I believed I would come again during the Spring Festival when some clothes are sold at the discounted price. Finally I got it for 150 yuan. In my opinion, when we buy clothes, we should wait until a holiday comes when many goods were sold at a discounted price.(168 words),免费精品资源:http:/,


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