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2018年秋季高中英语 unit 1 cultural relics period 1 warming up & reading课后阅读训练 新人教版必修2

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    • 1、Unit 1 Cultural relics Period 1 Warming Up & Reading课后阅读训练. 阅读理解APeter the Great(1672-1725)wanted his city to be unique(独特的)in Russia. So he filled it with canals like those of Venice, baroque(巴洛克式的)palaces and British townhouses. Now the city has celebrated its 300th anniversary(周年纪念). Naming the city was a difficult matter. At first, Peter the Great called the new Russian city Sankt Pieter Burkh. But, he soon changed this to St Petersburg. When World Warbroke out in 1914, it was renamed Petrog

      2、rad. On the death of Lenin in 1924, it became Leningrad. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, it returned to St Petersburg. From the start, St Petersburg was a very modern, international city. It first became the Russian capital in 1712 and, with this in mind, Peter hired a great deal of international talent to build and develop it. The most obvious effect of this arrival of foreigners was in the design of the citys streets, parks, palaces and government buildings. Although bombed to near

      3、 destruction by Adolf Hitlers forces in the 1940s, the city was rebuilt, stone by stone. What you see around you in the end of Catherine the Greats rule in 1796 when, after nearly a century, Peters city was one of the finest in the world. Peter the Greats city was, and now remains a meeting point for the cultures of Russia and Europe, whether you are one of the 49 percent of its population who, in 1991, voted(投票)to remain its revolutionary name, Leningrad, or the 51 percent who opted for St Pete

      4、rsburg. To everyone, it remains Peter, an architectural(建筑学的)stone of race and beauty. 【语篇概述】本文介绍了圣彼得堡的历史。1. In the passage the author wants to_. A. say St Petersburg is more famous than other cities in RussiaB. introduce the great history of St PetersburgC. describe the building styles of St PetersburgD. make more people interested in St Petersburg【解析】选B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 作者的目的主要是想介绍圣彼得堡的历史, 这个伟大的城市历经百年荣辱沧桑, 迎来了三百周年华诞。2. St Petersburg is a great city which_. A. is mixed with various stylesB. was co

      5、mpletely destroyed in the 1940sC. used to be very attractive(吸引人的)D. is more important than any other city in Russia【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段和第四段可知答案是A。3. Which of the following names of the city has the longest history?A. Sankt Pieter Burkh. B. St Petersburg. C. Petrograd. D. Leningrad. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知, St Petersburg这个名字用的时间最长。4. The underlined phrase “opted for” probably means“_”. A. were againstB. choseC. rebuiltD. moved away from【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据画线部分的上下文意义推断, “opted for”意为“chose”, A选项意为“反对”。

      6、BAnother man-made wonder of the US was built long before the nation was established. About 900 years ago, the Ancestral Puebloan people built villages high in the walls of canyons(大峡谷)in Colorado, where 600 cliff dwellings are now part of the Mesa Verde National Park. Visitors can stand at the top and look into the dwellings almost hidden in openings of the rock walls. The Puebloan people cut small steps into the rock, which connected buildings containing hundreds of rooms. The rock walls have p

      7、rotected the buildings from severe weather in the area;therefore, they remain mostly unchanged in the hundreds of years since they were built. Our final man-made wonder is in the northwestern city of Seattle, Washington. The Space Needle was built as the central structure for the 1962 Worlds Fair. The 184-meter-tall structure was designed by Edward Carlson, which has a wide base on the ground, with its middle narrow and a large ring-like structure on top. The structure was meant to look like a “

      8、flying saucer, ”a vehicle that was popular in science fiction space travel stories. The saucer includes an observation area and eating place. The restaurant slowly turns to provide visitors with a 360 degree view of Seattle. The Space Needle was not very costly, and was designed and completed in about a year and opened on the first day of the Worlds Fair. Today, the Space Needle is the most popular place for visitors to Seattle. And it remains the internationally known symbol of the city. 【语篇概述】

      9、美国有很多著名的奇观和建筑, 而人造奇观反映了美国人的智慧和创造精神, 本文主要介绍了美国的两大人造景观。5. What can be talked about before the text?A. American geography. B. Touring in the USA. C. Other US artificial wonders. D. World natural wonders. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“Another man-made wonder of the US was built long before the nation was established. ”可推断这篇文章之前应该是讨论了美国其他的人造奇观。6. The underlined word “dwellings” is closest in meaning to“_”. A. housesB. peopleC. canyonsD. steps【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据上下文内容可推断, 该词意为“住处, 住所”。7. The buildings in the rock stay almost unchanged because_. A. the weather there is severeB. they were well builtC. people look after them wellD. the rock walls protect them【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知, 这些古老的建筑几乎没有改变, 主要原因是岩石墙护着它们。8. What is the best title of the text?A. Cultural RelicsB. Artificial Wonders in the USC. Symbols o

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