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英国paper写作--Lessing civic drama theory

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  • 文档编号:60876419
  • 上传时间:2018-11-19
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国paper写作-Lessing civic drama theoryFrom the ancient Greek and Roman times to the 17th and 18th centuries, the European dramas have been described almost by the gods chi, the imperial general. When he arrived at lessing, he advocated destroying the feudal relationship from the way of the common people, proposed the creation of a new drama fundamentally different from the classical drama, and advocated that the civic drama should naturally and truly reflect the real social life

      2、, especially the social life of the broad class of citizens, thus opening up a new road.Lessing is one of the most revolutionary representatives of the German enlightenment. He is a famous German dramatist, writer and aesthetician. Compared with other European enlightenment thinkers, lessing deeply comprehended the essence of western literary creation and aesthetic theory since Aristotle, explained the social responsibility and historical mission of literature, and enhanced the sense of social r

      3、esponsibility and historical mission.European drama originated from the ancient Greek and Roman drama. The ancient Greek tragedy generally pursues the rigor and integrity of the structure and form. Later, the classical drama put forward the principle of three uniformity. At that time, Aristotles poetics achieved the highest level of achievement, and lessing explained the formation and significance of the poetics and its influence on his theory of drama in his review of the Hamburg drama. The rea

      4、son why I did not fall into error and misunderstand the nature of dramatic art was that I understood it in exactly the way that Aristotle had concluded from the multitude of excellent works on the Greek stage. I regard poetics as a reliable work, as reliable as Euclids theorem. By the middle ages, classical drama had disappeared and religious and urban drama had risen. The emergence and prosperity of urban drama, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of drama in the later Renaiss

      5、ance, was emphasized in many scripts.During the Renaissance, the three uniformity was also firmly established in Italy and attracted the attention of many theorists for a long time. Court interest plays an important role in the classical drama, which has become an important feature of the classical drama. In France, the enlightenment drama was developed in the arduous struggle against classicism. According to the requirements of history, diderot proposed the program of building civic drama and s

      6、erious drama, and participated in the creation and practice, and vigorously promoted his drama theory, thus opening the way for the bourgeois to occupy the stage of drama. This not only in the development history of French drama theory, but also in the development history of the whole world drama marked that drama has entered a new stage. The reformer gottschall, who despaired of vulgar but easily gratifying improvisations centered on cheap clowning, was the first to advocate dramatic reform. Bu

      7、t due to the pressure of The Times, his wish did not come true. At this time, the emergence of lessing, the German drama into a new stage.Lessings entire theory is based on a critique of classicism, drawing conclusions from debate. In the theory of drama, classicism confined the ideals of silence, sublime and greatness to the aristocracy, while the civic class was in a situation of derision in the drama of classicism, which was determined by the class attribute represented by classicism. . Throu

      8、gh the negation of the court figures in the classical drama, lessing further negated the palace lifestyle of the classical drama, which is also the most revolutionary essence of his drama theory. His critique of classicism was most pronounced against corneille, who was a typical representative of the German dramatists in the middle of the eighteenth century. Lessing, as a representative of the civil class, opposed this view, arguing that gaunaire had completely misinterpreted Aristotles definiti

      9、on of tragedy. Lessings Hamburg drama review is totally critical of the form of French classicism tragedy. He does not limit the theme, unlike the classicists who mechanically let emperors and heroes into tragedy and citizens into comedy. He said: Kings and heroes can make a play seem magnificent and heroic, but they cant make it move people. Those who are in a similar situation unfortunately must be able to strike the deepest of our souls.In addition, he devoted himself to criticizing French neoclassicisms view of the triad in his review of the drama of Hamburg. After considering voltaires misinterpretation of the third rule, there is no common sense in his plays. Lessing also emphasize the rationality of the drama, logical, the genius of the author only describes interrelated events, connecting all kinds of motive and effect chain, make the latter to the former photograph echo, to balance, both before and after

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