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    • 1、,芬兰千湖之国The Republic of finland,Finland is bordered on the west by Sweden and the Gulf of Bothnia,on the north by Norway,on the east and southeast by Russia,on the sorth by the Gulf of Finland and on the south-wast by the Baltic sea.The country lies between 60and 70north latitude, and has severe winters and relatively short growing seasons.芬兰接壤,西由瑞典和波的尼亚湾,在北挪威,在东部和东南部的俄罗斯,对北海湾的芬兰和对south-wast由波罗的海。国家介于60和70北纬,并有寒冬和较短的生长季节。,Location of Finland 芬兰的方位,Economic Outline of Finland 芬兰的经济情况,Education dev

      2、eloped. 1921 since the implementation of compulsory education. Implemented in the whole nation since 19809 year system compulsory, free education. In 2003 the whole nation has 5103 types of schools, school students more than 1901000 people.The 2003 education budget of 5786000000 euros, total government budget15.7%. Famous universities, University of Helsinki, University of Tampere, Helsinki University of technology.教育事业发达。1921年起实行义务教育。1980年起在全国实行9年一贯制义务、免费教育。2003年全国有各类学校 5103所,在校学生超过190.1万人。2003

      3、年教育预算为57.86亿欧元,占政府预算的15.7%。著名高等学校有赫尔辛基大学、赫尔辛基技术大学、坦佩雷大学等。,Education in Holland,The name Suomi has uncertain origins but a strong candidate for a cognate is the Baltic word zeme meaning “ground, earth, country”. In another approach, Finnish suo means “fen”, which is one of the characteristic biotypes of Finland. Some etymologists have proposed that Suomi is derived from the word suoma, which means “god-given” or “a gift of mercy”. The exonym Finland has resemblance with e.g. the Scandinavian plac

      4、enames Finnmark, Finnveden and Finnskogen and all are thought to be derived from finn, a Germanic word for nomadic “hunter-gatherers” (as opposed to sedentary farmers). How, why and when this designation would have started to mean the Finns in particular is largely unknown. Among the first written documents mentioning a “land of the Finns” are two rune stones. There is one in Sderby, Sweden, with the inscription finlont and one in Gotland, a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea, with the inscription

      5、 finlandi dating from the 11th century.soumi这个词有个不确定的起源,一个同源词是波罗的海zeme意义”地,地球,国家”。在另一种方法,芬兰的“分”,这是一个特征生物芬兰。一些词源学家提出,报是由索马字,意思是“上帝赐予的”或“慈悲的礼物”。芬兰的外来名称相似,例如斯堪的纳维亚地名芬马克,finnveden和芬斯库根和所有被认为是来自芬兰,日耳曼词游牧狩猎采集者”(而不是定居的农民)。如何,为什么,当这个名称会已开始代表芬兰人特别主要是未知的。其中第一个书面文件提到“土地的芬兰人”是宝石。有一个在德比,瑞典,与碑文finlont和一个哥特兰岛,瑞典在波罗的海,与碑文finlandi约会从第十一世纪 。,芬兰的国花铃兰 The National flower of FinlandLing orchid,est revenu le temps du muguet 铃兰花香今又闻,Comme un vieil ami retrouv 犹如老友再相逢, est revenu flner le long des quais 塞纳河畔见君来,Jusquau

      6、 banc o je tattendais 长凳有我为你等。Et jai vu refleurir Lclat de ton sourire 灿烂笑容为我生,Aujourdhui plus beau que jamais 唯有此时更甜润。Le temps du muguet ne dure jamais 铃兰花开恨季短,Plus longtemps que le mois de mai 五月花落无春风。Quand tous ses bouquets dj se sont fans 铃兰花败香依蕴,Pour nous deux rien naura chang Aussi belle quavant 你我唯有情永恒, Notre chanson damour 口中爱曲时时唱, Chantera comme au premier jour 心上恋歌清又醇。 Il sen est all le temps du muguet 铃兰时节归途人,Comme un vieil ami fatigu 怏怏不乐心沉闷,Pour toute une anne pour se faire oublier 年年岁岁盼相逢,En partant il nous a laiss 相忘何易花又生。 最难你我离别情,Un peu de son printemps 送上春风万木生,Un peu de ses vingt ans 留下二十青春梦,Pour saimer pour saimer longtemps. 年年思念爱永恒。,芬兰的国树栎树 The National tree of FinlandThe oak,芬兰的国鸟大天鹅 The National bird of FinlandThe swan,Thankyou,


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