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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心 摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务 英国 paper 写作-陌生化的艺术语境 The so-called “defamiliarization“ refers to the re-observation and communication of something known to people with an unfamiliar perspective or Angle, so as to re- create a fresh feeling and re-awaken peoples cognition and experience of this thing. It is a literary view put forward by the Russian formalist theorist shklovsky, and later used in the entire literary art world. With the change of multi-function reference a

      2、nd extension of visual art, it greatly expands the development space of visual art carrier, and also causes some internal changes of the same visual art form. The theory of “defamiliarization“ is a concept of aesthetic experience proposed by Russian formalist literary theorist shklovsky at the beginning of the 20th century, and an important content of literature. Later, it has been applied to the whole literature and art circle and exerted an important influence in the world. “Defamiliarization“

      3、 theory is compared with the traditional, familiar schemata from the perspective of the aesthetic habits and people become accustomed to, for the visual arts, presented to the viewer in a familiar face usually do not produce intense stimulation, cannot cause the enough attention of people, and with the unique perspective of thinking mode in which life has alienated or with normal abnormal image, often can guide people to know things with fresh eyes. “Defamiliarization“ is the fundamental reason

      4、why art is different from real life. Visual art is not only an illustration of real life, but should have more connotations than the abstract nature of real life. Defamiliarization is precisely the use of this unusual stimulus factor, and obtains novel ideological meaning, and presents in real life with more exciting images. The visual impact caused by this inhomogeneity with reality is exactly a kind of expansion and enrichment of visual experience for artists to master spatial characteristics

      5、skillfully. Art, in composition, painting language, theme, etc., there are many application art means or defamiliarization works innovative technical skills, such as bizarre, artistic means such as deformation, deformation and decompose the people and things, in the form of a novel bizarre language and, upset things between logic and make the work to reach an unfamiliar feeling and the effect of defamiliarization. And let the viewer through the grotesque picture, produce a kind of psychological

      6、distance, to seek after the anti-normal nature of the world social life. Since the reform and opening up, western modern art has poured into China like a flood. Chinese society is moving towards opening-up and the economic system is further reformed. Meanwhile, the role of artists is also changing quietly and the awareness of individualism is beginning to increase. The change of artists identity has greatly released the freedom of artistic creation. When artists create, they not 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅

      7、导中心 摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务 only have a broader perspective of observation, but also explore the way of personal painting language, which gradually cuts into the height of contemporary culture. In terms of the theme and theme of creation, they began to pay attention to the contemporary atmosphere, concept and daily life with strong individualism tendency, modern urban cultural plot and even the intervention of personal inner feelings. Oil painting is a kind of visual art, which is t

      8、he re-creation of aesthetic psychology for the appreciators. The defamiliarization art works leave the audience space for imagination and re-creation. Aristotle of ancient Greece said in his writings: “it is good to impart an unusual atmosphere to ordinary language, and people like to be moved by unusual things.“ In oil painting, see more common and painting language has been strengthened, and the distortion, upside down and become alienated, because of the alienation effect, make daily life bec

      9、omes “stranger“, people in the art feelings at the same time, get rid of the narrow way of daily, for the viewer is a kind of recognition and respect of self-realization, cast off the yoke of the established visual experience, enjoy the defamiliarization of strange experiences. The acceptance aesthetics master jauss further interprets the formalism “defamiliarization“ and applies it to the study of reader acceptance. Jauss repeatedly spoke of “aesthetic distance“ and rarely mentioned “defamiliarization“, he said: “if people put the established between expected visions and new works appear inconsistent described as aesthetic distance, then to accept the new works can through to the familiar experience negative or by increase the new experience to consciousness level, brought about changes in the field of vision.“ The “defamiliarization“ that the artist advocates entering the art language state from the daily language state, and the audiences understandi


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