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新加坡paper写作--International cooperation

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  • 文档编号:56909556
  • 上传时间:2018-10-17
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务新加坡 paper 写作-International cooperationSince the 1970s, the pattern of international relations has undergone significant changes, which has promoted the rise and development of international cooperative research. This paper discusses the interdependence of the trajectory of the theories of international cooperation, and cooperation between China and asean, for example, from the main factors contributing to the development of china-asean relat

      2、ions and the establishment of China - asean free trade area two aspects, the significance of visible, Chinas cooperation with asean is an important part of east Asian integration process, its success to promote the development of east Asian integration has a good demonstration effect.In 1977, the American scholar Robert keogh han and Joseph nai published book power and interdependence. In 1984, Robert keogh han introduced force after the hegemony in the world political and economic cooperation a

      3、nd conflict “, in the same year, Robert axelrod of the evolution of “cooperation“. In October 1985, world politics published a set of articles on cooperation issues. The following year Kenneth the Iraq published the influential “cooperation under anarchy“, become the masterpiece cooperative research. One of the purposes clearly stated by the United Nations in its charter is “to promote international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and human welfare

      4、nature among states.“ However, the outbreak of the cold war and the formation of the bipolar structure made international cooperation difficult. Since the 1970s, the pattern of international relations has undergone significant changes, which has promoted the rise and development of international cooperative research.In the 1970s, the concept of mutual dependence was widely concerned by international political scholars. “We live in an era of interdependence,“ he said. The nations of the world hav

      5、e become interdependent in terms of economy, communication and human ideals. The international political scholars of the time, whether they were realists, behaviorists, or what became known as neoliberalism, used interdependence to some extent to characterize The Times. Interdependence expresses a kind of state in international politics, and is a characteristic expression of the mutual influence of different ultra actors, which is often the result of the international communication theory.In the

      6、 international political reality of interdependence, the international cooperation theory has been developing rapidly. Generally speaking, the research of the theory of international cooperation mainly involves the content, realization approach, performance and related research methods of international cooperation. In the 1970s, international multilateral cooperation, the rapid development of non- governmental organizations, especially transnational corporations, and the emergence of global fina

      7、ncial market took shape. Mutual dependence is a situation 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务where countries or other international actors interact with each other. However, mutual dependence only exists when the communication activities are generated and each other pays the price. As power plays a role in mutual dependence, the latter has two aspects, namely sensitivity and vulnerability. According to kiohan and nye, the realistic assumption cannot well reflect the internati

      8、onal political reality, but it can depict the international political reality more realistically with a pattern of “compound interdependence“. This model of interdependence is fundamentally different from the old model of power politics: the former focuses on high-level political issues such as security, balance of power and sphere of influence, while the latter focuses on low-level political issues such as natural resources, energy and environment. The former regards inter-state relations as th

      9、e “national interest“ of conflict, while the latter holds that countries are interdependent and share common interests and international cooperation. In terms of concrete laws, the former is the law of balance of power, “what you gain is what I lose“, while the latter is the law of cooperation, “what we lose is all gain“. The former prefers bilateral management while the latter prefers multilateral management. In terms of specific organizational mode, the former is a hierarchical system with two or more poles, while the latter is closer to egalitarianism. These statements lead to the practical necessity and possibility of international cooperation.With the expansion of interdependence in the world economy and international cooperation, focusing on the study of international institutions is of great significance to advancing international cooperation. Neoliberal institutionalists argue that because of

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