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美国paper写作--Design behavior

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  • 文档编号:55984047
  • 上传时间:2018-10-08
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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务美国 paper 写作-Design behaviorAll design is a purposeful act of creation. It is a pre-planned creation or creation that can be understood as a design for any creational activity. Spatial design is an artistic creation activity that meets peoples aesthetic needs and can be implemented under the premise of completing the designated functions.To complete a specific space design, the first thing to do is to collect and analyze the specific situatio

      2、n, discuss the space use, nature, planning, conceiving and positioning, and record them in the form of copywriting. To accomplish a systematic goal, design efficient, sustainable and affordable space. This activity process - formed our “space design plan“.Space design plan should include: clear the main or the users requirements, design orientation and material, the reasonable construction technology, the design refinement and assign tasks to the appropriate team, demand analysis and design proc

      3、ess of the resources, clear responsibilities and obligations of each department and make design process and schedule of work coordination between departments.The spatial design plan is the concrete summary of the design project, the planning of the design program, and an important link before drawing the design drawing after the spatial design project is confirmed. The key points are: fully understand the requirements of the owner, understand the investment of the project, make clear the nature

      4、of space use, the task and time of the decoration design, the style orientation of the design, the location of the project and the surrounding architectural style environment, etc.On the basis of collecting and collating the project information, a database is established to analyze the space and make the design plan. Design planning should rely on experienced interior designers, engineers, materials, market planning professionals, management team of professionals, relying on collective wisdom, t

      5、hrough mutual incentive mechanism, make a design proposal to the maximum extent, focused professional opinions from all sides, and the rationality of the maximum.The focus of the course “design plan“ is to ask the students to think and solve various problems in the project in a comprehensive, multi-angle and multi-dimensional way. But - because of the students life experience, it is difficult for them to have a comprehensive contact with engineering design, such as a bank savings point or a rest

      6、aurant, and students are not familiar with their work process, which is crucial for design work.In order to break through the difficulties and grasp the key points, I first organized 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务targeted students to conduct field visits to local supermarkets, fast-food restaurants and tea houses. According to a group of 5 students, a temporary decoration company was formed. Temporary decoration company collective implementation by the teacher set invest

      7、igation tasks; and each of the students has their own research focus. For example, the materials clerk; the emphasis is on the inspection of material properties, types, specifications and USES. The builder; the emphasis is on construction technology, auxiliary materials, concealed engineering materials and construction equipment. Budget member; Collect rational, price and comparison data. Designers; Focus on the color, texture, texture and psychological feeling of materials. Qualitative check me

      8、mber; Collect certificates related to materials and pay attention to environmental index and fire rating.Students should pay attention to civilization and safety, go deep into the material market and construction site, conduct market research, enable students to master relevant knowledge and write investigation reports in groups.In view of the poor effect of classroom teaching in the past, I used the two teaching methods of “role transformation“ and “scene simulation“ simultaneously in this teac

      9、hing organization. Through the teaching organization of “drawing joint examination“, students are allowed to stand in the perspective of different majors, such as investors, in charge of examining the square price; The supervisor is responsible for reviewing the key points of safety and environmental protection; Manager, responsible for reviewing the coordination of space and workflow, designer, responsible for adjusting the design scheme.The specific method is to organize five students to act as investors, managers, representatives of design companies, representatives of decoration supervision, and minutes of meetings, and sit down together for a meeting. Other students are divided into groups as the staff of each representative party to listen in the post. Students who listen in can hand their supplementary opinions to their own representatives in the form of a slip of paper. Teachers give hints f

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