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新加坡essay写作--The story of michelle bhuttos novel

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  • 上传时间:2018-10-03
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    • 1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心 留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务 新加坡 essay 写作-The story of michelle bhuttos novel Michelle bhuttos novel theory relationship between fiction and reality “symbolic“ as foothold, the artistic form of the novel innovation as the core content, requires novel to from the narrative structure, narrative person, narrative Angle of view has made some research on innovation, give full play to the readers participation, to adapt to the contemporary society the complicated reality, showi

      2、ng a different with the traditional novel and more objective in essence the real world, has a strong innovative experimental. Fair to say that in traditional lashed out at the novel, strongly advocated narrative innovation of “new novel“ the home, michelle bhuttos narrative theory is solid plain, the objective of. He doesnt like Natalie Mr Lott face to face with the “age of doubt,“ resolutely decisively to break away from the traditional, “not only against the idea of depth psychology, and oppos

      3、ed ideas about character inference“, focusing on display “as all personality to change the basis of“ no personality “, “former level“ of human nature; Also dont like rob ? Gerry, under the guidance of “the doctrine“ ideas, the pursuit to the simulations of fine pure object world, efforts and traditional novel ubiquitous “humanitarian“ draw a line. May be about his years of study life hone, michelle bhuttos novel theory lacks both aggressive agitation abilities, in the expression in the art of fi

      4、ction is about more than a lot of scholars, relieve and calm. In the relationship between fiction and reality “symbolic“ overall understanding, under the domination of bhuttos narrative theory in the form of a novel innovation as the core, the content involves the fiction and reality, and traditional and skill The narrative theory system of “new novel“ school has been improved and enriched in such aspects as ingenious innovation. “New novel“ pie in the 1950 s boom and fame, the reason is that th

      5、ey lift up high the flag of novels, the credibility of the traditional novels and the art form unequivocally questioned and denied. “new novel“ pie leader Robert ? Gerry “by the tone of ironic banter accused the traditional novel as a“ myth “about depth, believe that the“ depth “consciousness is the chief culprit of novel art in the stagnant state, asked for a perfect thing in this world phenomenology meticulous observation and depict. Natalie Mr Lott also believes that the traditional GeLang de

      6、sktop is hardly enough to show typical characters in the novel Various complexity characters infinite broad mind world. As we know, literary authenticity is often closely contact with the problem of the relationship between the literature and art with the world together, also is any serious writers and critics could not avoid the fundamental problem is unable to avoid. As an important writer, “new novel“ send bhuttos narrative theory and starting from the fundamental question. From fundamental s

      7、ense, bhuttos ideas about relationship between fiction and reality is not beyond the basic category of theory of reflection, which argues that 留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心 留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务 literature and art and the world is the relationship between relationship is reflected and reflection. He thought that the truth of the fiction novels is a kind of imitation, is the life of an isolated, easy to grasp the fragments of description and representation. It is a kind of medium and carrier, at

      8、 the same time people can by writing novels in depicting, represent the life “of a kind of psychology, sociology, moral or other theory“. He called the general relationship between fiction and reality of this novel “symbolic“. This kind of “symbolic“ relationship “determines our general Often referred to as the subject matter or theme of a novel, the novelists task is to try to express and clarify this “symbolic“ relationship. From the point of view, the thor, in turn, points out, “symbolic“ rel

      9、ationship contains two levels of meaning. One is made of the novel and the objective world “external“ symbolic. The characters in the novel always to the outside world and events as its subject, is a refraction of the real world situation. From this perspective, the novel can become the symbol of the outside world, in short, the world is ontology, in the novel purves acknowledges is the content of the show; 2 it is made of the novel form and content “inner“ symbolic. Due to the content of the novel always through certain to be in the form of organization, form is content organization, considering and become the symbol of the content, the form or content into ontology, form become purves acknowledges. By reflecting the content to the refraction of the world, form is realized in the double relationship between the indirect symbol of reality, also is what bhuttos call “novel external symbolic tend to reflect, in symbolic“. In bhuttos point of

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