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    • 1、Welcome to Heilin Middle School,Shao lili,16 April.2010,8B Unit 4 A Charity Show Revision,【学习目标】我来认识 1.通过学习本单元,让学生认识慈善活动和慈善活动组织,并激发学生参与这些活动的兴趣。 2.掌握本单元重点单词,短语与句型。 3.掌握并使用一般将来时,情态动词,现在完成时的被动语态。 4.学会如何写慈善演出的演讲稿。,邵丽丽,【导学菜单】我来预习 1.请同学们熟读本单元P124的单词与词组,拿着话筒 _ 发放传单 _ 帮助某人返校 _ 在网上做广告 _ 为绿色希望工程筹款 _ 选我做主持人 _得到当地企业的支持 _ 数千观众 _ 一条令人兴奋的消息 _ 介绍某人自己 _ 参加 _ 从事教育事业 _,2.自测短语,hold a microphone give out leaflets help sb return to school advertise on the Internet raise money for Project Green H choose me as a host h

      2、ave support from local businesses thousands of audience a piece of exciting news introduce oneself take part in work on teaching,【感悟扫描】我来质疑,1.give out 分发 动副词组 give it /them out give up sth/doing 放弃做某事 give away 捐赠 give back 归还 give in 屈服,2.return to +地点= go back to.回到. e.g. Hong Kong returned to China in 1997.return to =giveback to把某物归还给某人 e.g. I remember returning the book to the library.,3. choose sb as_be chosen to be/as被选作.e.g. Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role.,4.have support from sb

      3、= have sbs support 得到某人的支持,【感悟平台】我来探究,Task1 Revise the important phrases and sentences 请同学们找出本单元的重要短语及句子,写出来并小组讨论:,Important sentences,1,1.A lot of homework needed to be finished, so I dont have free time,2. It was my job to introduce each star.,3. I couldt sleep at all that night because I was so excited. “Will it be a success ?” I kept asking myself.,4. Everything seemed to happen so fast, and now it is over.,5. I hope that our show will be held at the school hall.,6. Their parents have no mon

      4、ey ,so the children have to go to work instead.,Task 2 Revise the grammar 1.请同学们回顾已学过的一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态,做下面的练习。(改被动句),1) Students plant trees in March every year._ 2) A policeman saved the little girl. _ 3) We built many tall buildings last year. _,Trees are planted by students in March every year.,The little girl was saved by a policeman.,Many tall buildings were built by us last year.,2.请同学们快速阅读课本第66-68页的语法,完成练习。(改成被动句),1)Tom will clean the classroom tomorrow. _ 2) They will not take him to Bei

      5、jing. _ 3) You can find a lot of differences between the two languages. _. 4) He must finish his work on time. _ 5) They have just sold out the tickets. _ 6) He has thrown the bad food. _,The classroom will be cleaned by Tom tomorrow,He will not be taken to Beijing by them .,A lot of differences can be found between the two languages.,His work must be finished by him on time.,The tickets have just been sold out by them.,The bad food has been thrown by him.,【建立网络】我来归纳,1.一般将来时的被动语态will be/be going

      6、 to be +p.p,2 .,2.含有情态动词的被动语态can/must/may/should be+ p.p,3.现在完成时的被动语态have/has been + p.p,【过关窗口】我来练习 . Complete the sentences,A. Fill in the blanks according to the given Chinese. A meeting was _ (举行) to discuss our future. Mary was too _ (紧张 ) to describe the accident clearly . Making a _ ( 演讲 ) in public is a kind of art . A host means the person who _ ( 介绍 ) the guests in a show . The singers are singing to _ ( 筹集 ) money for disaster areas .,held,nervous,speech,introduces,raise,B. Fill in the

      7、 blanks according to the given letters:,Andy: You look nervous. Whats the m _?Tom: I dont know how to organize a charity show.Andy: You can a _ Daniel for help. He organized a show last week.Tom: Good idea!Andy: His show is over, so he must have a lot of f _ time.Tom: Really? He is so kind Im sure he would like to help me.Andy: Thats right. I hope our charity show will be a s _.Tom: I wish we could i _ the pop singers from Hong Kong in the show.,atter,sk,ree,uccess,nvite,II. Fill in the blanks,1. Why dont you order it online? _ _ order it online? 2. They seemed very happy. It _ _ they _ very happy. 3. I hope I can see you soon. I hope _ _ you soon. 4. We will finish the work in twenty minutes. The work _ _ _ by us in twenty minutes. 5. It rained heavily yesterday, so we didnt play basketball. We didnt play basketball _ _ the _ rain yesterday. 6.The classroom is cleaned twice a day by the students. _ _ is the classroom _ by the students?,


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