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    • 1、It is recommended that, for optimal results, this file be printed to a Series III or higher printer.TELECOMMUNICATIONS2BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCOur Understanding of Your Needs 2 Project Approach.6 Benefits of Our Approach 14 Project Timeline and Professional Fees15ExhibitsI. Project Experiences. 16 II. Project Requirements19TABLE OF CONTENTSPreliminary and Tentative for Discussion Purposes OnlyTELECOMMUNICATIONS3BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCDuring the past several months, BST has i

      2、nitiated several corporate initiatives aimed at responding to the focus on excellence through quality. The total quality policy was adopted because BST realized the need to position itself more competitively within the industry.CHALLENGESThe environment surrounding todays business is constantly changing. Pressure on the workforce is increasing from a variety of perspectives: Increased workforce productivity Changes in technology Job complexity Customer demands and expectationsCorporate wide resp

      3、onses: Foundation Network Strategy The Quality Advantage Business Process Reengineering Efforts Process Improvement Projects Training & DocumentationBST RESPONSESBUSINESS NEEDSUNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS4BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCBST/ANDERSEN TEAMBellSouth Telecommunications and Andersen have successfully worked together on a number of the business responses: Business Process Reengineering - CORE Job Design - AM Work Content Review Training - Training and Documentation Pro

      4、ject FNS - Strategic Information Initiative Florida Billing SettlementAndersen is familiar with BellSouths efforts to improve the quality of service, and availability of services and productivity in customer services: Service representatives and collection representatives represent the front line linkage and contact point for this service. Moving to 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week availability requires changes for the company. Small productivity increases in contact employee performance represent a

      5、substantial savings in BellSouths annual contact employee expenditure. Future reengineering efforts will affect the system component of the provisioning process. Andersen has historically realized significant and quick productivity savings in redesigning these processes.CALL MANAGEMENT PROCESS IMPROVEMENTUNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS5BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCEffectiveness & EfficiencyContinuous ImprovementUnit CostsProcess TimeCustomer ServiceQualityBellSouth Call Managemen

      6、tUNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS6BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCPRIMARY BUSINESS OFFICE PROCESSES10.0Customer Service10.1Service Order Processing new service requests, LD carrier, transfers, charges, disconnects, etc10.2Billing Inquires10.3Respond to customer inquiries10.4Telemarketing10.5Directory assistance11.0Billing and collection11.1Credit policy administration11.2Accounts receivable management and customer accounts analysis11.3Past due accounts collection and payment arrangem

      7、ents11.4Investigate and resolve customer account adjustments11.5Service denial and restoration11.6Bill generation11.7Process and record payments12.0Assignment12.1Assign facilities12.2Programming 13.0 Sales13.1Sales/marketing planning13.2Sales/marketing customer accounts13.3Account development and service13.4Telemarketing13.5Directory assistance14.0Records14.1Customer records setup and maintenance14.2Billing system setup and maintenance14.3Exception processing15.0Installation and Maintenance/Repa

      8、ir15.2Maintenance and/repair loop testing15.3Schedule and dispatch installation and maintenance/repair work15.4Monitor and clear scheduled work15.5Updating and maintaining maintenance/repair database UNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDSTELECOMMUNICATIONS7BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCArthur Andersen Business Improvement Model: Customer Focused ManagementStrategic PositioningPerformance MeasurementCustomer SatisfactionProcess AlignmentChangeEnvironmentBuild Enduring Relationships Improve Continuously Man

      9、age Resources to Create ValuePROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS8BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCBellSouth Call Management ProjectPhase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IVPlanning & PreparationOpportunity AssessmentProcess AlignmentPerformance MeasurementKeys to ProjectqJoint BellSouth/Arthur Andersen teamsqEffective communication with work forceqFull-time, focused resourcesqFocus on simplification, streamlining and qualityqDevelop specific implementation plans, including process, organization, work force, targets, and time framesPROJECT APPROACHTELECOMMUNICATIONS9BELLSOUTHRTHUR NDERSEN & O, AAC SCPhase IPlanning & PreparationKey ObjectivesThe key objectives of the Planning and Preparation phase are as follows:qPerform cluster analysis qRefine objectives and strategyqOrganize teamsqFurther understand organization and key interfacesqPrepare kick-off com


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