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    • 1、类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折PinterestAn Introduction | July 10, 2012 By: Julia Russell类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折AgendaOverview Timeline History The Average User Experience Marketing Opportunities Why is Pinterest so crucial for your brand? Big Business How are large companies utilizing the social space? The Legal Deal Concerns about

      2、Copyright Infringement How to track your websites content on Pinterest Agency Reach Why should agencies get involved on Pinterest? Agency Strategy Closing thoughts and Demo类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折OverviewWhat is Pinterest and how do I use it? Pinterest rhymes with interest, wink It is essentially a categorical collage for adults What is a Pin? Everything and anything A visual representation of a thought, idea, concept, or simply a beautiful photo

      3、What is a PinBoard? You can call it a digital bulletin board I.e. a board for cars, recipes, cute animals, etc. Like a bookmarked reminderHow to get started: 1.Sign up 2.Add the Pin It button to the bookmarks bar of your browser 3.Start pinning by either finding pins yourself (ie: browse the internet) or explore Pinterest using the search button to find what others have already pinned类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折Timeline History类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性

      4、的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折The Average UserData Source: Engauge类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折Marketing OpportunitiesAccording to Marketing Mag: “Brands using Pinterest to drive traffic to ecommerce sites are reaping the rewards, with the one- year-old social network already driving more revenue per click than Facebook and Twitter” Pinterest drives traffic to your site Especially good for: E-commerce sites Drives purchase intent by

      5、converting Pinterest clicks into dollars in the Gift section blogs How it drives referral traffic?By adding the pin-it button of course! Pin-to-win contests Why would brands want to target people on Pinterest? It contains a highly concentrated group of evangalists/ early adopters/ buyers/ and whatever else a brand could hope for Good for businesses with a traffic-based model类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折Big Business How are they doing it? Learn what app

      6、eals to Pinterest users Take advantage of popular categories Be visualHere are ten brands who have drawn in loads of fans with Pinterest according to Online MBA:1.Whole Foods 2.Mashable 3.Nordstrom 4.Benjamin Moore 5.The Weather Channel6.Random House Books 7.Southwest Airlines 8.GE 9.Major League Baseball 10. Wall Street Journal类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折The Legal Deal Photographers, stock image providers and others are stating their concern over the

      7、ir copyrighted content being sourced by non-owners On Flickr, only content that is deemed safe, public and has the sharing button enabled can be pinned to Pinterest Pinterest measures: Take down policy Protection via the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Beware of brand squatting Regular people can grab your name with good/bad intentions Suggestion: Grab your name anyway, whether you use it or not类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折How to Track Your We

      8、bsites Content4 ways to measure Pinterest using Google AnalyticsMeasuring is critical. One way to do it is to use Google Analytics on your website. There, you can see how much of your traffic is coming from Pinterest. And if youre actually selling things on Pinterest you can measure that directly.Referral ReportsCustom ReportsDashboardsMulti-Channel FunnelsGo to Traffic Sources Sources Referrals reportLets you get down to the specifics.You can add all the information you need to see on a regular

      9、 basis just by adding widgets to your dashboard.Pinterest primarily drives awareness of your brand/product/site, but people come back later to convert.类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折Other Ways to Track Influence and Analytics http:/ - demo http:/ - waiting list SEO: Pinterest can help build valuable backlinks A backlink is created no matter what to the originating source The more backlinks, the better chances your site will get ranked higher in search engine results When users re-pin, each time this creates a new backlink Imagine if your content went viral? 类风 湿关节炎患者血清铁调 素与贫血及疾病活动性的关系癫痫 抽搐发作的诊断及药物治疗精准检测 指导下的恶性肿瘤化疗方案遴选PKP治疗椎体压缩 骨折Agency ReachEstablishing brand recognition Youre reaching out to more people online Connecting to target markets Generating more links if p


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