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材料成型及控制工程专业英语- 8 CAD CAM

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    • 1、2009 Hisuntech Corp.材料成型及控制工程材料成型及控制工程 专业英语专业英语上海工程技术大学上海工程技术大学材料学院材料学院CHAPTER 8 CAD/CAMCHAPTER 8 CAD/CAM8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-Computer-aided Design and Computer- aided Manufacturingaided Manufacturing ppWords and termsWords and terms- 2 - 3 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppThroughoutThroughout the history of our industrial society, the history of our industrial society, many inventions ha

      2、ve been patented and whole new many inventions have been patented and whole new technologies have evolved . Whitneys concept of technologies have evolved . Whitneys concept of interchangeable partsinterchangeable parts, Watts steam engine, and , Watts steam engine, and Fords Fords assembly lineassembly line are but a few developments that are but a few developments that are most noteworthy during our industrial period. are most noteworthy during our industrial period. pp纵观工业社会的整个历史,许多发明都申请的专利,纵观

      3、工业社会的整个历史,许多发明都申请的专利, 所有的新技术都已发生演变。所有的新技术都已发生演变。Whitney Whitney 零件零件互换性概互换性概 念念,WattWatt的蒸汽机,的蒸汽机,FordFord的的装配线装配线仅仅是我们工业仅仅是我们工业 时代最令人注目的新发展。时代最令人注目的新发展。8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing- 4 -ppEach of these developments hasEach of these developments has impacted impacted manufacturing manufacturing asas we know it, and has earned these we know it, and has earned these individuals individuals deserved recognitionde

      4、served recognition in our history books. in our history books. pp就我们所知,每一项新技术的发展都就我们所知,每一项新技术的发展都冲击冲击着制造业,着制造业, 并且也在我们的历史书中赢得了并且也在我们的历史书中赢得了应有的赞誉应有的赞誉。recognition ,rekgnin n. 承认,认出;赞誉;重视;识别;公认- 5 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing pPerhaps the single development that has impacted manufacturing more quickly and significantly than any previous technology is the digital computer.p对先进制造业的影响最快、最明显,超过先前任何技 术影响的一项发明也许就是数

      5、字计算机。- 6 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppSinceSince the the adventadvent of computer technology, of computer technology, manufacturing manufacturing professionalsprofessionals have wanted to have wanted to automate the design process and use the database automate the design process and use the database developed developed thereintherein for automating manufacturing for automating manufacturing processesproces

      6、sespp自从自从计算机技术计算机技术出现出现,制造业的,制造业的专家专家就想使设计过程就想使设计过程 自动化,并为自动制造工艺应用来完善自动化,并为自动制造工艺应用来完善其中的其中的数据库数据库 。therein adv.在那里 Professionals n. 专业人员、专家(professional的复数)- 7 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppComputer-Computer-aidedaided design/computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), manufacturing (CAD/CAM), whenwhen successfully successfully implementedimplemented, should remove the “wall” , should rem

      7、ove the “wall” thatthat has has traditionally existed between the design and traditionally existed between the design and manufacturing manufacturing componentscomponents. .pp当计算机当计算机辅助辅助设计设计/ /辅助制造(辅助制造(CAD/CAMCAD/CAM)成功)成功应应 用用时,它们应该可以除去设计和制造时,它们应该可以除去设计和制造部门部门传统中传统中( (一一 直直) )存在的存在的“ “墙墙” ”。- 8 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppCAD/CAM means using computers in the design and CAD/CAM means using computers in

      8、the design and manufacturing processes. manufacturing processes. SinceSince the advent of the advent of CAD/CAM, other CAD/CAM, other termsterms have developed: have developed:Computer graphics (CG) Computer graphics (CG)Computer-aided engineering (CAE) Computer-aided engineering (CAE)Computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) Computer-aided design and drafting (CADD)Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) pCAD/CAM意味着计算机在设计和工业制造中的应用。由于CAD/CAM 的出现,又发展出其他术语:计算机

      9、图形学计算机图形学(CG)计算机辅助工程计算机辅助工程(CAE)计算机辅助设计及绘图计算机辅助设计及绘图(CADD)计算机辅助工艺规划计算机辅助工艺规划(CAPP)- 9 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing pThese spin-off terms all refer to specific aspects of the CAD/CAM concept. CAD/CAM itself is a broader, more inclusive term. It is at the heart of automated and integrated manufacturing.所有这些衍生词都指CAD/CAM概念中的特定方面, CAD/CAM本身是一个内容宽泛且内涵丰富的词汇。它 们是自动化集成制造的核心。- 10 -8.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing pA key goal of CAD/CAM is to produce data that can be used in manufacturing a product while developing the database for the design of that product. When successfully implemented, CAD/CAM involves the sharing of a common data between the design and manufacturing components of a company.pCAD/CAM的主要目标是建立数据以用于零件生产 ,同时开发设计零件所用的数据库。当实现这

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