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Assignment写作--The catcher in the rye

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  • 文档编号:46673050
  • 上传时间:2018-06-27
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:27.50KB
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    • 1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务Essay 写作-The catcher in the ryeSome people say that a writer should have the mission of The Times. He should present the reality he sees in a literary way, so that the author and readers can reach a consensus and resonance in the heart. From this point of view, the catcher in the rye is a good match between reality and ideal. The author analyzes the good and evil, the beautiful and the ugly in human nature through a short boys truancy experience

      2、. This paper mainly discusses the ideal feelings of the catcher in the rye, which is of positive significance for re-interpreting the theme of this work.The Catcher in The Rye The original name of “The Catcher in The Rye“ is The only American writer Jerome David salingers novel. The catcher in the rye, though only a few hundred thousand words short, had a significant impact on American society.The catcher in the rye is mainly tells the story of a little boy in the United States without permissio

      3、n of parents, took his own pocket money, wandering in the metropolitan New York experience. He wandered the streets, the red-light district, the slums, the grand New York avenue of the stars. In the end, the boy left New York in despair and went back to his own town, where he began to live a boring and boring life again. The author through the experience of the little boy with a realistic technique, reveals the current in the capitalist economic development, the United States in the modern age,

      4、people have a variety of confusion and helplessness, reveals the capital economy behind false prosperity, humanity experienced loneliness and disappointment.The author narrates his inner world through the first-person voice of little boy holden. The experience of the little boy made the society realize the influence of the environment on ones growth. Some people think this book is a good book with positive value, it can remind the society how to implement more effective education for teenagers.

      5、Others think it is a bad book that misleads teenagers. Although the evaluation is different, the value of this book is irreplaceable. Holden, the hero of the work, has a special psychology of puberty. He was unwilling to study, and his dissatisfaction with society gave him a rebellious character. He felt that his parents only expected him to become a rich man one day. However, he did not want to be like this, and he did not want to live in the image of others. Through this book, the author rebel

      6、led against the whole age of labeling teenagers.The so-called ideal feeling is the ideal thought that the author wants to express. In the work of the catcher in the rye, the ideal feelings are mainly reflected from three aspects.Education idealism has always been a hot topic in the research field of education. A lot of people are wondering what the ideal education would look like. The authors 留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务did not describe the expected state of the ideal educ

      7、ation. However, it is revealed that education should not be like this through the experience of being punished by teachers, scolded by parents and despised by classmates in class. The little boy is a lively and active boy. He has a natural curiosity about new things. But it was this curiosity that made him a problem boy in the teachers eyes. Therefore, the teacher will try to correct his unruly behavior. The little boy will also try to fight the education system that makes him upset. In the conf

      8、rontation between the two forces, it was obvious that the little boy had failed. Because after all, he cant fight the whole world alone. Hes too weak. The experience of a young boy running away from home, or leaving school to travel to a big city, suggests that the boy is using his greater rebelliousness against the education system he doesnt like. The reverse side of the education system that were fighting against, in other words, is the idealistic state that education should be in.Some people

      9、say that the exchanges between people are, in a way, the exchanges of interests. When the little boy ran away from home, he took out his own money for a trip to the big city. In the communication with his sister, the innocent friendship and affection appeared. This emotion naturally became the most expensive thing in a big city. Because the most expensive thing in a big city is not money, but peoples hearts. For all human relations are based on profit. Business people and customers are good, and lovers are good. When the little boy was wandering in the red light district, he saw the desire for money in those charming eyes. He saw the terrible human nature in the desire for money. Through the little boys visual experience, the author presents the helplessness and fear experienced by a ignorant little boy. What kind of psychological shadow does this society bring to him? How does this society m

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