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    • 1、水利水电工程专业毕业设计- 1 -摘 要关键词: 毕业设计,斜心墙土石坝,稳定计算该江位于我国西南地区,本工程拦河坝为斜心墙土石坝。由于山区水位暴涨暴落,所以设置成兴利库容和拦洪库容完全不结合,即正常蓄水位和汛限水位均为 2822.4 米。本设计是侧重于坝工部分以挡水建筑物和泄水建筑物为主的土石坝水利枢纽设计。第一步,通过调洪演算得到最佳的溢流堰孔口净宽和堰顶高程方案,比较不同类型的土石坝在施工特点,技术经济等方面的优劣,最终确定大坝坝型为斜心墙土石坝,并且初定了大坝的轮廓尺寸。然后通过土料设计,对照指标确定了砂砾料场及粘土料场的位置。再选择坝体的三个典型断面对大坝进行渗流计算,画出流网图,校核渗流逸出处的渗透坡降确定是否满足要求。然后通过 vb 编程进行坝坡稳定分析,最终进行坝体细部构造设计。第二步,进入主要建筑物设计阶段。确定出大坝的型式及坝址和坝轴线。另外确定该枢纽的组成建筑物,包括挡水建筑物、泄水建筑物、水电站厂房等。第三步,进入第二主要建筑物设计阶段。确定出泄水建筑物的尺寸,型式和结构,定为泄水隧洞。然后进行轴线选择和水力计算,从下泄能力、净空余幅、挑距和冲刷深度等方面校核设

      2、计的可行性。最后进行细部构造设计。本设计以碾压式土石坝设计规范 SL274-2001为基本设计依据,外加参考了与土石坝的有关资料和书籍。由于知识有限,对于本设计中的不妥及错误之处,恳请批阅批评指正。在设计过程中得到了王玲玲等老师的指导,再次表示由衷的感谢。本设计共历时 9 周。06021101 王越贞AbstractThe River is located in southwest China, the project includes the RCC dam with clay core wall of earth-rock style. The water level rise due to storm down the mountains, so the active Storage is not combined with the detention storage, that is, normal water level and flood control level are both 2822.4 meters. The dam was designed in part t

      3、o focus on retaining buildings and discharge structure-based design of earth-rock dam water control project.斜心墙土石坝及坝坡稳定分析- 2 -A first step, through the Flood Regulating and Calculating to get the best net width of the overflow weir Orifice and the altitude of weir top, then compare different types of earth-rock features in the course of construction, technical and economic advantages and disadvantages, and ultimately determine the type of clay dam earth-rock core, and the outline of an initial s

      4、ize of the dam. Through the soil and then design, the control indicators to determine the gravel and clay material yard field position. Once again chosen the three typical cross-section of dam for seepage calculation, draw network maps, checking the seepage infiltration gradient to determine whether to meet the requirements. Use Visual basic programming to analyze the stability, and ultimately to carry out detailed structural design of the dam. The second step, to enter the main building design

      5、stage. To determine the type and the dam site and dam axis. In addition to determine the composition of the hub structures, including retaining structures, drainage structures, such as hydropower plants. The third step is the second major phase of building design. To determine the size of Discharge structure, type and structure of the tunnel for discharge. To select the axis and then proceed hydraulic calculation, from the discharge capacity of more than pieces of headroom, and washed out from t

      6、he depth of checking the feasibility of the design. Finally design the detail of the Structural . The fourth step is a preliminary design of the construction organization. Diversion to determine standards, the construction phases. Set start date, closure date, flood detention date, the date of reservoir impoundment, the initial generation date and completion date. Finally enter the topic design, calculate the tunnel lining stress, the use of geotechnical analysis software is the rationale for ca

      7、lculating the lining and reinforcement. The design based on the “Code for Design of roller compacted earth dam SL274- 2001“, along with reference to the relevant information with the earth dam and books. Due to the limited knowledge about the design of the inappropriate and wrong, ask for his approval in criticism. During the design process, very appreciate for the directions by Professor Shu Yi-Ming, Wang Ling-Ling, Su Huai-Zhi, once again express our sincere gratitude. The design period is a total of nine weeks. 水利水电工程专业毕业设计- 3 -目 录第一章第一章 前前 言言.61.1 毕业设计主要目的和作用.6 1.2 设计对象和背景.6 1.3 设计过程与方法.6 1.3.1 了解任务书和熟悉、分析原始资料.6 1.3.2 洪水调节计算.6 1.3.3 主要建筑物形式选择和水利枢纽布置.6 1.3.4 第一主要建筑物拦河坝设计.7 1.3.5 第二主要建筑物坝外泄水道设计.7 1.3.6 决定枢纽的施工导流方案,安排施工的控制性进度.7 1.4 预期效果.7第二章第二章 土石坝工程概况土石坝工程概况.


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