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    • 1、REDEFINE YOUR COMPANY BASED ON THE COMPANY YOU KEEP.Accenture Technology Vision 2018Intelligent Enterprise UnleashedPierre Nanterme, Chairman and people now trust the company with physical access to their homes, letting couriers make deliveries when no one is around via Amazon Key and its smart lock system.4,5These changes are reaching beyond consumer spaces, as well. Tesla and other companies involved in automated driving are embedding themselves into the regulatory course for their own industr

      2、ies, partnering closely with governments to accelerate the development of guidelines needed for autonomous vehicles to operate at scale.6 In enterprise ecosystems, Siemens is embedding itself into its business partners architectures. By offering the use of its MindSphere operating system for Internet of Things (IoT) manufacturing devices to anyone, Siemens is cementing itself as an integral part of the new IoT universe and its tremendous societal reach.7#TechVision2018Technology Vision 2018 Inte

      3、lligent Enterprise Unleashed5IntroductionThis level of integration is the next great societal evolution. The same way cities were built around railroads, or people rebuilt their lives around electricity, the world is reimagining itself not just around digital innovation but, by extension, around the companies that provide those services. Of course, society has rebuilt itself around technological disruption many times before, and will no doubt do so again. But this latest transformation is unique

      4、: for the first time in a technological transformation, the change is a two-way street. People arent just using companies products and services, but feeding information and access back to them. To deliver such “integrated innovation,” companies need a profound level of insight and impact into peoples lives, and their partners business. Savvy organizations are realizing that this level of connection and this degree of trustwill require a new type of relationship. Its not just business; its person

      5、al. And its how leaders will redefine their company, based on the company they keep.#TechVision2018Technology Vision 2018 Intelligent Enterprise Unleashed6IntroductionNEW EXPECTATIONS: READING THE LABELS OF ENTERPRISEIn a world where everything is connected, the lines that have traditionally separated our society into neat little boxes of customers, employees, citizens, companies, and even governments, are blurring.Increasingly, in exchange for the access and impact they allow companies to have

      6、in their lives, people expect partnerships, based not only on a companys products, but its goals, and its values. In short: people are “reading the labels” of enterpriseand companies must define those labels for themselves, or have the labels determined for them.These new expectations are creating a strain on businesses that have introduced innovative platforms and services. Its a parallel to the innovative startups that sprang up during the dot-com era, only to be forced to take a step back and

      7、 flesh out traditional business models: companies that have quickly innovated their way into society are now being pushed to develop clear expectations for how those societal interactions will play out.Years ago, Uber pioneered a new model for working with drivers, upending transit and transportation models. Now, as it has evolved its business model and relationships with local communities, the company is working to address corporate responsibility in its interactions with drivers, customers, an

      8、d regulatory organizations. The premium that people, governments, and business partners put on these labels of enterprise stems from the responsibilities that two-way partnerships create. When those responsibilities arent met, the results are worse than disappointed customers: the failure creates a society disillusioned with the integrated innovation model that businesses rely on to grow. #TechVision2018Technology Vision 2018 Intelligent Enterprise Unleashed7IntroductionSecurity failures at Equi

      9、fax resulted in a theft of personal information that will impact hundreds of millions of lives for decades to comeincluding individuals who had no explicit business relationship with Equifax.8 Rebuilding the trust required to sustain partnerships with consumers, governments, and the general public will be a massive undertaking.The magnitude of these challenges will only grow as additional revolutionary technologies begin to reach maturity in the coming years, and accelerate technology-driven societal change. Quantum computing has the potential to break the cryptographic standards that underpin the worlds financial systems; new workforce models and platforms are shredding the long-accepted understanding of the term “employee”; and as AI grows in capability and reach, there will be large-scale failures and scandals around improper use of the technology. I


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