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    • 1、Module 8 Public holidaysUnit 1 Its the last day before the new school year begins学习目标 1.熟记本单元出现的单词和短语。 2. 能听懂本单元的相关听力并能做题。 3. 能够正确朗读对话 4. 初步了解在本单元出现的语法- when, while,until, as soon as, before, after 引导的时间状语从句。 Unit1 Its the last day before the new shoolyear begins 课 前 检 测一、根据汉语写出下列单词。 1. 庆祝会_2 . 劳动_ 3 . 季节_ 4. 假期_ 5. 当、的时候_ 二、英汉短语互译。 1. as soon as _ 2. Labour Day _ 3.Have one day off _ 4.吃野餐 _ 5 玩得高兴 _ 6 回到学校 _celebratelabourseasonvacationwhile一就劳动节休息一天have a picnichave a good timego back to scho

      2、olNational Day 1st October Labour Day/May DaySpring FestivalChristmas Day, 25th DecemberNew Year 1st JanuaryCan you say what thesefestivals are?Look at the photo. Do you know what public holiday it is ?The key :Independence Day /American national holidayLook at the pictures again , listen and answer the questions1.When is Independence Day ?2. Do American people go to workon that day ?(4th July)(No, they dont.)Listen to the tape and match1.Tony A. going to visit friends in shandong2.Bettys parent

      3、s B. have one day off1.And _were staying them ,were going to spend a few days in Qingdao . 2.Well stay there _ 5th May. 3._ September comes ,it stars to get cooler ,so after Labour Day we start classes . 4.We also go back to school _,the May Day holiday is over .Listen again and complete the sentences with when, while, as soon as , until whileuntilWhenas soon as了解when , while , until, as soon as 的 意思 1.when 意为 “当、的时候” 2. While 意为 “当、的时候”; 3.until意为 “直到、为止”; 4.as soon as 意为 “一、就、” 它们都是用来引导时间状语从句。

      4、 注意:while引导的从句表示一个持续的行为,所以 从句中的动词必须用持续性动词,并且该动词 常用进行时态,而when可用非持续性动词。1.And while were staying with them ,were going to spend a few days in Qingdao . 2.Well stay there until 5th May. 3.When September comes ,it stars to get cooler ,so after Labour Day we start classes . 4.We also go back to school as soon as the May Day holiday is over .Can you translate ?Read the dialogue and complete the table.UKUSAChinaDate of May Day/Labour Daythe closest Monday to 1st May Length of holidaythe first Monday in

      5、September1st Mayone dayone dayone dayRead again and choose the best answer.1. Lingling and Sally will leave Qingdao on May_.a) 1st b) 3rd c)5th 2. The Americans celebrate Labour Day _May Day in China.a) on the same day as b) earlier than c) later than 3. American children go back to school_.a) on September 1st b) on the first Monday of Septemberc) the day after Labour Day 4. Lingling thinks that after May Day in China, _.a) its the start of the summer holidayb) everyone enjoys themselvesc) the w

      6、eather gets better1.a public holiday 2.take a vacation 3.a plan for 4.have one day off 5.a national holiday 6.something special 7.somewhere nice 8.the end of 9.the start of 10.as soon as公休日 度假 一个 的计划 休假一天 全国性的节日 特殊的事情 好地方 的结束 的开始 一就Read the dialogue again and find out the phrases and your puzzlesGroup Work : The language points. 1.We only have one day off. day off 意思是“休息日,休假日”,通常指工 作日的时候请假。eg:It was Toms day off, and Paul was on duty in his place. (holiday指不用上班、上学 的法定假日 vacation泛指各种休假,不加s)2. Do

      7、you do anything special? We go camping or we have a picnic somewhere niceNote: anything special 和 somewhere nice中, 分别用来修饰anything 和 somewhere 的形容 词special 和nice 都被放在后面。Language Points形容词一般应放在它所修饰的名词之前, 但当 形容词修饰由some, any, every, no等构成的 不定代词时须放在后面。eg:Tell me something interesting.3. When September comes, it starts to get cooler, so after Labour Day we start classes. 一到九月, 天气 开始变凉爽, 所以劳动节过后我们就开始上学了。句中的get意为“变得”, 作系动词, 其后常接形容词, 构成系表结构。eg:The weather is getting warmer. 天气正开 始转暖。快乐小测验一、英汉短语互译1. go to the beach_ 2. enjoy oneself _3.go back to school_ 4. get cooler _ 5 .去野营_ 6. 劳动节_7.某个好地方_ 8 . 特别的事情_二、根据汉语完成句子1. 我们一到那儿就开始工作。We began to work _ _ _ we got there.2、我们要在那儿一直呆到5月5号。We will _ there _ 5th May.3、你做特别的事情吗?Do you do _ _?4、我们在美国庆贺五一劳动节。We _ _ _ in USA.去海滩玩得高兴回到学校变得更凉爽 go campingMay Day/Labour Daysomewhere nicesomething specialassoonasstayuntilanythingspecialcelebrateMayDayHomework1.一、必做题: 2. Remember the language points. 3. 二、能力提升题: 4.Recite the dialogue 三、选做题Workbook:第125页Ex 8


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