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    • 1、英语课堂教学用语集锦英语课堂教学用语集锦Youre great. We should clap for you. 棒极了,我们应该为你鼓掌;Dont give up. Try your best. 别放弃,尽你的全力;I admire you for your works. 我十分佩服你说的话;Dont be afraid. Show your confidence. 别害怕,拿出你的勇气;Dont lose heart. You can try it again. 别灰心,你可再试一次;Whose turn is it to clean the blackboard? 轮到谁擦黑板了?Can you see the blackboard clearly? If not, come up to the front.你们能看清黑板吗?如果不能,向前来一点;一、语言项目教学 Class begins. Now please open your books and turn to Page 43.Lets go over what we learned last lesson. Well,

      2、look at the dialogue, and lets practise it once again, shall we? 首先,让我们复习一下我们上节所学内容,好,看这个对话,让我们再练习一遍;Have finished the exercises which I gave you last time?How about revising them again, OK? 在复习一遍,好吗?How about another practise on this point?All right? 对于这一要点,我们在复习一遍,好吗?Now I want some students to retell the story that we learned. Are you ready?Revision is very useful for learning English, So you shouldnt think its boring. 复习对学英语十分有用,所以不要厌烦;Now this is about what we learned last lesson. Are you c

      3、lear? 这是我们上节课所学内容,清楚了吗?Ill check your homework.Answer these questions according to the last lesson. 根据上节内容回答我的问题;Listen to the dialogue once more and complete these exercises. 再听一遍并完成这些练习;Who can talk about the story in your own words? 谁能用自己的话谈论一下这个故事;Who can recite the text? Hands up, please.Lets check the answers together. 让我们对一下答案;To let me see if youve understood, Ill ask some questions on this passage. 让我看看你们是否已掌握,就这段文章,我要提几个问题;Sum up the picture in a few words. 用几句话对这幅画进行概括;Now this is som

      4、ething new, Ready to listen. 注意听了,下面是一些新内容;What Ill tell you are the important points today. 这是我今天要讲述的重点;Keep to the points. 要抓要害;Practise in pairs.First you may use the look-speak method. 分组练习首先你们可以使用 look-speak 的方法;Now watch me.Ill do an example,then you will try to make up dialogues in paies. 注意看,我要给大家做一个示范,然后你们自己分组练习;Which group would like to act out this dialogue? 哪一组愿意表演这段对话?Who can act this role? Any volunteers? 谁愿意担任这个角色?有自愿者吗?Whod like to have a try? Hands up, please.Dont be shy.Try to

      5、retell the key points without books. 别害羞,脱开书本,试着复述出这些要点;二、对话课教学First work in groups to talk about the topic of this dialogue. Look at the picture at the top of this page, please tell me what happened in the picture?Books closed. Listen to the dialogue for the first time and try to fin out: When and where did the conversation take place? Ill give you five minutes to read the dialogue loud. How many people were mentioned in the dialogue?Now listen to the dialogue once again, then we will practice

      6、the roles. Good. Listen again This time you should repeat after the tape. All right. please practise the dialogue in pairs. Which group would like to act out the dialogue? Id like to call some pairs to practise the dialogue. Who wants to be Nancy? / Who would like to play Mary? Would you like to be Jack? / Would you like to act Jack? / Would you like to act the part of Jack? The rest of you are the audience, OK? Lets have a look. Jim and Bob are acting out the dialogue. Please make up a similar

      7、conversation with these notes. When you practise the dialogue with others , be sure to use your own words as much as possible. Ill give you some advice. If you want to speak English very well, you must seize every chance to speak and talk in English in and out of class. 给大家提点建议,如果想说好英语,你必须抓住任何一个练习的机会,并坚持课内、课外用英语交谈;三、 语法教学Today we are going to learn an important grammar point. Notice this sentence , what tense should be used here? 注意这个句子,用到了什么时态?Here we should use the Present Tense. 这里我们用到了一般现在时W

      8、ho knows the Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb?谁知道一般过去时和这个动词的过去分词?We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.我们应当用心记住这些不规则动词的三种形式;Write down the forms of these verbs and keep them in mind. Do you know the form of this tense? 你知道这个时态的结构吗? Notice the subject. Here , we should use the Passive Voice instead of Active Voice. 注意句子的主语,这里我们应该用被动语态来代替主动语态;Now, change these sentences into Indirect Speech. 现在把这些句子变成间接引语;Can you change this sentence into

      9、 the Passive Voice? When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, we should pay attention to the changes of the tense, the persons, adverbials of time and place.What part of speech is it? 它是什么词类?Notice this word, it is a proper noun, so no article is needed. 注意这个单词,它是一个物质名词,不用冠词;This is an abstract noun, but it is used as a common noun here.这是一个抽象名词,在这里用做普通名词;Is the article in this sentence used correctly? Who can correct the mistake? What article should be used here , “a” or “an”?This noun is used in a general sense, we must put the indefinite article “a” before it. Could you tell me the plural form of this word? Generally, we should replace nouns with pronouns here.一般说来,这里我们用代词来代名词;Is this word a countable noun or an uncountable noun? 四、阅读课教学What you describe fits the content of the text. 你所描述的非常符合文章的内容;Read the text quickly and think about the questions: Why / Where / When / How did the story happen? Dont worry a


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