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a beautiful mind 美丽心灵 剧情英文简介

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  • 文档编号:31311291
  • 上传时间:2018-02-06
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    • 1、A Beautiful Mind is a true genius on a very human drama. The prototype is the story of mathematician John - Forbes - Nash (Jr.John Forbes Nash). Handsome and highly eccentric Nash made an early age a startling mathematical discovery, began to enjoy international reputation. But Nash superior intuition plagued by schizophrenia, made him march to the highest level academically brilliant course has undergone tremendous change. The face of this has destroyed many peoples challenges, Nashs wife, in l

      2、ove with Alicia (Alicia) to help solve the problem, the no fear, stubborn resistance. After decades of arduous efforts, he finally overcame the unfortunate, and in 1994 received the Nobel Prize by the school. This is a true story of the legendary story of today, Nash continued his hard work in the field. 1947 Little John - Forbes - Nash (Russell - decorated Crowe, Russell Crowe) to enter and study at Princeton University to study mathematics. This mysterious genius from West Virginia, and did no

      3、t attend the preparatory classes experience, there is no inheritance or affluent relatives support he entered the Ivy League (Ivy League )- but Princetons most the reputation of a scholarship to prove that he really belongs to the Princeton of the team. This is Nash or pairs of Princeton is very easy. Elegant social activities and he did it simply can not afford school also mentioned what the mood. He spent his indulgence in one thing: to find a truly innovative theories. He was convinced that t

      4、his is something he should be doing. Department of Mathematics, Princeton wonderful stills competition is very intense, some of Nashs classmates are also very pleased to see Nashs failure. However, they still tolerate him, intentionally or unintentionally, encouraged him as a great man. One night he and some classmates at the local pub entertainment, when they are a warm blonde, blue-eyed womans response led to his inspiration. When Nash observation of these competitors, it is often in his mind

      5、the idea of brewing suddenly became clear. He subsequently wrote a thesis on game theory, mathematical - - competition boldly the father of the modern economy - Adam Smith (Adam Smith) made a different theory of interpretation. This has been the acceptance of the idea 150 years suddenly become obsolete, and Nashs life was completely changed. Nash later received at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to conduct research and teaching work, which everyone but a coveted job, but he was n

      6、ot satisfied with them. Science for the United States the victory in World War II played a significant role. Now, the Cold War, the prevalence of Nash in this new conflict, eager to play their own advantages. His wish has been realized, shrouded in mystery William - Parcher (William Parcher, Ed - Harris decorated, Ed Harris) he had been recruited to participate in a top-secret task, break the enemys password. Wonderful stills Nash at MIT work, dedicate themselves to this exhausting work. Here, N

      7、ash has been a new challenge, but this time the challenge is from the shiny, Alicia - Radi (Alicia Larde, Jennifer - decorated Connelly, Jennifer Connelly), a Department of Physics student, she introduced a Nash never seriously considered the idea - love. Soon, Nash and Alicia were married, but he could not tell her he was engaged for the Parcher risk of the project. This work had to vent a little lax in secret, the consequences would be disastrous. Nash has been quietly in the dry, he was deepl

      8、y fascinated by this work, and eventually lost in the illusion of those unable to resist. After diagnosis, he had the paranoid schizophrenia. Alicia Nash is happening to frightened, and she struggled in the destruction of a genius under the weight of love. With each day seems to bring them new terror, which is the envy of the original partners have lost people envy them. But Alicia still loves the man she found him charismatic, which is supported by the source of her right where he promised. By

      9、her steadfast love and loyalty impressed Nash is considered a final decision and this can only be better, can not cure diseases. Wonderful stills Nash humble goal is simple, but it is difficult to achieve these goals. In under the weight of illness, he was still an exciting mathematical theory was driven by, and he determined to find his own way to restore normalcy. Is absolutely through the strength of will, he was, as always, to continue his work, and in 1994 received a Nobel Prize. At the same time, he was quite forward-looking aspects of game theory work has become the most influential 20th century theory, Nash has become one not only has good feelings, and has a beautiful soul people.A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 剧情英文简介In 1947, John Nash (Russell Crowe) arrives at Princeton University as a new graduate student. He is a recipient of the prestigious Carnegie Prize for mathematics; although he was promised a single room, his roommate Charles Herman (Paul Bett

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