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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Lesson 12,1.在公众场合 2.砍伐树木 3.伤害环境 4.改善环境 5.贡献给 6.做一些有用的事 7.变的更加美丽,in public places,cut down trees,harm the environment,improve the environment,make a contribution to,do something useful,become much more beautiful,把什么忘记在某地方 得等 植树 越多越好 在船上 某人的一生 在休息时 在-之间 越来越重要 越来越短,leave sth sw have to wait plant trees The more, the better on a boat all ones life at rest between-and- more and more important shorter and shorter,Making an interview,1,Do you keep your classroom clean and tidy? 2,Do you clean your bedr

      2、oom every day? 3,Do you keep plants at home? 4,Do you collect waste paper or bottles for recycling? 5,Have you ever planted trees? 6,Have you ever littered things about? 7,Have you ever spat on a street? 8,Have you ever picked flowers or stepped on the grass in a park? 9,Have you ever cut down trees? 10,Have you ever smoked?,What things can you do to keep the environment clean?,1. Dont throw litter on the ground. 2. Dont draw pictures on public walls. 3. Dont spit in a public place 4. Dont cut d

      3、own trees.,What things can you do to improve the environment?,1.Pick up rubbish and throw it into a dustbin; 2. Collect waste paper and bottles for recycling; 3. Plant trees and flowers.,List at least 5 ways we can clean up our hometown:,1, Plant more trees to clear the air; 2, Dont let the factories pour waste water into the rivers; 3, Dont throw rubbish/litter about in the street; 4, Dont spit in public places; 5, Try our best to protect the environment.,Right or wrong?,1.Every year we should

      4、planted more trees and flowers. 2.We can pick the beautiful flowers in park. 3.Students may put waste paper in a wastebasket. 4.You can carve (刻)your name on a tree. 5.We can draw pictures on public walls. 6.We should put different rubbish into different dustbins. 7.We should not throw about waste batteries.,right,wrong,right,wrong,wrong,right,right,Useful phrases,1,养花草 2,到处乱仍垃圾 3,践踏草坪 4,在-做得好 5,需要干某事 6,以为基础 7,确信 8,致力于保护环 境 9,砍下它们 10,害怕出去,keep plants litter things about step on the grass do well

      5、 / OK in +doing need to do sth base on make sure make a contribution to protecting the enviroment cut them down be afraid of doing sth,1.如果每个人都为保护环境作贡献,世界会变得 更美丽. 2.你曾经收集过废纸或废瓶作为回收利用吗? 3.学好每一门功课是我们的职责.,If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment ,the world will become much more beautiful.,Have you ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?,Its our duty to learn every subject well.,4.我朋友说外面有一辆卡车在收垃圾. 5.突然一段乐曲传进我的耳朵. 6.如果你的回答是“不”,那意味着你早已在 帮助保护环境了,My friend said that th

      6、ere was a truck collecting rubbish outside.,Suddenly a piece of music came to my ears.,If your answer is “No”, it means that you have already helped protect our environment.,注:含延续性动词的现在完成时的同义句转换。 She has worked for ten years. . . .,She began to work ten years ago,She has worked since ten years ago.,It is ten years since she began to work,Ten years has passed since she began to work,结束性动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是他可以转换成相应的延续性动词.,1.直接用延续性动词 buy catch(get) a cold borrow put on- come/go /arrive/get,2.转换成be

      7、+名词 join the army join the Party become go to school,have,have a cold,keep,be in/at,wear,be a soldier,be a Party member,be a student,be,3转换成be+形容词或副词 die finish begin leave fall sleep close ,4.转换成 be+介词短语 go to school join the army ,be dead,be over,be on,be away,be asleep,be closed,be in school,be in the army,用现在完成时态改写下列句子,意思保持不变.,1.He went to the library five minutes ago.,He _ the library. He_the library _ five minutes.,2. He came back from the lab just now.,He _the lab.,3. Lucy came to China i

      8、n 1999. She is still in China.,Lucy _China for six years.,has gone to,has just been to,has been in,has been in,for,4. Sam bought a camera yesterday.,Sam _a camera.,5. Han Mei began to learn English in 2000.,Han Mei _English for 5 years.,6. Susan lost her key last week.,Susan _her key.,7. Did you find your book yesterday?,_you _your book yet?,has bought,has learned,has lost,Have,found,8. Did you plant trees last year?,How many trees _you_?,9. I didnt know him until last year.,I _him _last year.,h

      9、ave,planted,have known,since,10.He left Dongyang the year before last. He _Dongyang for two years,has been away from,句型转换 1.Mr.Lin came to China in 2000. Hes still there. Mr.Lin_ China _ three years ago. 2.We began to learn English in1999. We _English _ over three years. 3.Mr.West left China yesterday. Mr.West _ China _ yesterday. 4.Our meeting began three minutes ago. Our meeting _ three minutes. 5.Our school opened in 2000. Our school _2000.,has been in since,have learnt for,has been away from since,has been on for,has been open since,Exercises,Youve never seen such a wonderful film before, _? A havent you B have you C do you D dont you 2. -Ann has gone to Shanghai. -So _ her parents. 3. I have w


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