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    • 1、高考英语专题练习(一)必修4Unit1-Unit2用expand/extend/spread/stretch填空(1)The cat _ out in front of the fire. 猫在火炉前伸开四肢. (2)The hot weather _ to October. 炎热的天气一直持续到十月份. (3)As children grow older they _ their interests and become more confident. 随着年龄的增长, 孩子们的兴趣会变广泛, 人也会变得更自信. (4)The fire soon _ to the nearby buildings. 火势不久就蔓延到邻近的建筑. 2用worth, worthy和worthwhile填空(1)Her achievements are _ of the highest praise. 她的成就值得高度的赞扬. (2)Hangzhou is a beautiful place; it is _ going/to go there. 杭州是个美丽的地方, 值得一去. (3)The probl

      2、em is _ to be considered. 这个问题值得考虑. (4)The new bike is _ 350 Yuan. 这辆新自行车值350元. (5)He is a teacher _ of great respect. 他是位受尊敬的老师. (6)It is _ to ask him to join the club. 值得邀请他加入俱乐部. (7)The picture is _ taking good care of. 这幅画值得好好保存. (8)The scheme is well _ a try. 这个计划很值得一试.单词拼写1Devoted to the cause of education all her life, she was r_ by all the people in her country. 2His first song was _ by the memory of his mother. 3The old man came in, with two young men _ his body. 4Swimming across the la

      3、ke for the first time is a great a_. 5Theres a c_ between smoking and heart disease. 6Jane devoted herself to social _(福利) work. 7They work in an art _(学院).8He is a _(专家) in history. 9Do you know about the _(组织)?10They started a _(运动) to stop people smoking. 11They asked so many questions that I got c_. 12Metals e_ when they are heated. 13The people there are fighting to gain their f_ from foreign control. 14We are not doing a c_ experiment but a physical one. 15India e_ tea and cotton to many d

      4、ifferent countries. 16Now, people in the south grow a lot of rice that has a high _(产量). 17This kind of food contains all the _(营养) our body needs. 18People in the area were ground down by _(饥饿) and poverty. 19They have sold up ten bottles of _(矿泉) water in the afternoon. 20We should make a _(总结) of the results of the exam briefly. 短语填空(1)Once a decision is reached, it must be firmly _ _. 决定一旦形成,就必须坚决执行.(2)She suddenly _ _ an idea. 她突然有了个主意.(3)You mustnt _ _ _ the disabled. 你决不能瞧不起残疾人.(4)He _ _

      5、_ _ at the meeting. 他在会上作了重要报告.(5)The lake _ pollution. 这湖没有污染.(6)I _ the result. 我对那个结果很满意.(7)You must _ _ _ these old-fashioned ideas. 你必须摒弃这些陈旧观念.(8)_ _ Jims warning, we avoided the accident. 多亏吉姆的提醒,我们避免了一场事故.语法填空1It is _(meet) the customers needs that has made chain stores so popular in big cities in China. 2Lets learn to use the problem we are facing _ a stepping-stone to future success. 3Its the first time that I _(take) a train to Paris. 4Chinese folk music gave life to Mr. Liu and made

      6、him lead _ new life in his later years. 5Gun control is a subject _ which Americans have argued for a long time. 6When I try to understand what _ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes. 7_ delighted me most was that my son was admitted to Beijing University. 8_ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. 9The information you give in the application is too general. You s

      7、hould focus _ something special about yourself. 10The committee asked for these suggestions to be put _ on paper, so that they might study them further. 11To avoid _(affect), the student insists that he should be separated from his deskmate, who is naughty. 12The discovery of new evidence led to the thief _(catch). 13The accident _ (cause) some damage to my car, but it was nothing serious. 14The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. 15His writing is so confusing that it is difficult to make out _ it is he is trying to express. 完成句子1_ _(由于) the schoolmates help, he finally _ _ _ _ _ _(改掉了他的坏习惯). 2Everyone present at the meeting _ _ _ _ _(对他的解释感到满意). 3She was surprised at the fact that too many uncomfortable thoughts _ _ _ _ _(正涌上她心头) just now. 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(如果我碰巧拥有一百万美元), I would donate it to the poor.(if.)5一到那里, 我就会跟你联络的.(once.)_ _ _ _, Ill _ _ _ _ you. 句型填空1Only in this way _ improve our English. 只有以这种方法, 我们才能提高英语水平.2It was _ he took of


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