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    • 1、华文考研学校友情提供 励志点亮人生 知识改变命运1986年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I: Structure and VocabularyIn each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (15 points)EXAMPLE:I was caught _ the rain yesterday.A inB byC withD atANSWER: A1.No doctors could cure the patient _ his strange disease.A withB ofC fromD off2.He was his wits end _ what to do.A inB onC atD of3.Prior _ his departure, he addre

      2、ssed a letter to his daughter.A toB ofC inD from4.The driving instructor told me to pull _ at the post office.A upB backC roundD along5.When theres a doubt, the chairmans decision is _.A rightB definiteC fixedD final6.We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always _.A unquestionableB soundC subtleD healthy7.The noise of the plane died _ in the distance.A awayB outC downD off8.Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work _ all their time.A takes awayB takes

      3、inC takes overD takes up9.Attendances at football matches have _ since the coming of television.A dropped inB dropped downC dropped offD dropped out10.After the death of their parents, the sisters got well _ and never quarreled.A awayB inC alongD out11.They always give the vacant seats to _ comes first.A whoB whomC whoeverD whomever12.Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A in thatB in whichC in order thatD in the way

      4、13.He is _ of an actor.A anybodyB anyoneC somebodyD something14.The captain apologized _ to tell us more about the accident.A for to be unableB that he was unableC to be unableD for being unable15._ is no reason for discharging her.A Because she was a few minutes lateB Owing to a few minutes being lateC The fact that she was a few minutes lateD Being a few minutes lateSection II: Close TestFor each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices labeled A, B, C and D. Choose the

      5、best one and put your choice in the brackets below the passage. Read the whole passage before making your choices. (10 points)On Wednesday afternoons Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or _16_ she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and _17_ a sharp lookout for the bargains that were sometimes to be had. And then, with all the things she needed _18_ she would leave the market for the streets of the town to spend ano

      6、ther hour _19_ she liked best: looking in furniture shop windows.One Wednesday she found a new shop full of the most delightful things, with a notice inviting anyone to walk in and look _20_ without feeling they had to buy something. Annie hesitated for a moment before stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped _21_ before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which said: “This fine chair is yours _22_ less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash

      7、price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week. _23_, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never miss it! A voice at her shoulder made her _24_. “Can I help you, Madam?” She looked round at the assistant who had come softly to her _25_.“Oh, well, no,” she said. “I was just looking.” “Weve chairs of all kinds in the showroom. If youll just come up, you will find something to suit you.”Annie, worried at the thought of being persuaded to buy something she didnt need, left th

      8、e shop hurriedly.16.A soB moreC elseD another17.A takingB makingC fixingD keeping18.A buyB boughtC buyingD to have bought19.A in a wayB by the wayC in the wayD on the way20.A behindB roundC backD on21.A doubtedB wonderedC puzzledD delighted22.A atB forC withD in23.A WhyB WhenC HowD What24.A jumpB leapC laughD wonder25.A placeB backC sideD frontSection III: Reading ComprehensionEach of the two passages below is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points)Text 1There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work,


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