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东财《大学英语2》在线作业(8) 参考资料

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    • 1、大学英语2 1 单选题 1 Her plane takes _ at 3 p.m. B A upB offC onD in2 White: How are you?Harrison: Im fine. Thank you. And you?White: _  A A Me, too.B  I, too. C Fine.D Thanks. 3  Adam: Mmm…. This is the best pudding Ive ever had!Celia: _ I know youd like it.  D A Didntt I tell you?B  Did I say it right?C Is what I said right?D What did I say?4 Detroit owes its rapid growth and one time prosperity _ the automobile, and above all to Henry Ford. C A atB fromC toD on5 Salin

      2、a: Dear Jacky, why dont you come on holiday with us? Jacky: _ D A How dare you invite me? I wont go.B Yeah, thanks anyway.C Whether Ill go or not is not your business, ok?D Thats very kind of you. Id love to.6 Doctor: _ Patient: Ive caught a bad cold and got a sour throat. B A Do you have anything to declare, sir? B What seems to be the problem? C Good morning. May I help you?D How have you been getting along recently?  7 Speaker A: Weve made an appointment with the students. Well meet at 7

      3、 in the morning. Can you come on time?Speaker B: Im afraid, _ . Its too early. C A I cant do itB I cant get itC I cant make itD I cant achieve it8 My parents told me that my brother had been _ with a rare disease. B A realizedB diagnosedC generalizedD computerized9 Its very cold outside. You _ put on your overcoat. C A had better toB would better toC had betterD would better10 Thats the hotel _ last year. D A which we stayedB at which we stayed atC where we stayed atD where we stayed11 Today, ma

      4、ny cultures divide music _ art music and music of the people. B A fromB intoC overD beneath12 Were _ to hand in our homework next week. B A proposedB supposedC opposedD imposed13 Richard:Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu:_ A A Im glad you enjoyed it.B Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook very well.C Come again when you are free.D Its not necessary for you to say so.14 The little boy put the bird in a cage to _ it from flying away. B A avoidB preventC hinderD resist15 Dad: Could y

      5、ou run over to the store right away? We need a few things. Son: _ B A Yes, I could.I want to play football.B All right. What do you want me to get?C For me, running is not a problem. Id like to do exercises.D Yes, storing a few things away is quite necessary, right?16  The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival devoted _ love in the Lunar calendar. B A  atB toC inD on17 He _ to go to the police. B A warnedB threatenedC suggestedD shouted18  Richard:You

      6、ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Liu. Mrs. Liu:_ A A Im glad you enjoyed it.B Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook very well. C Come again when you are free.D Its not necessary for you to say so. 19 Processed food and food _ contains chemicals and preservatives should be avoided. C A whenB whereC whichD who20 Would you _ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please? A A stickB suckC pickD spit21 I cant remember her name. Its on the _ of my tongue. D A endB pointC topD tip22 Its very kind of you to help me with my English._. B A Never mindB Not at allC Thats all rightD Youre so welcome23 Antarctica is the most _ continent on the planet. A A isolatedB generatedC acceleratedD congratulated24 Ida: _Where was I?Homer: You were talking about your trip to South Africa. C A What did I hear?B Lets check in.C Lets back up.D What were you talking about?25 As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature _ falling too far. D A withB intoC besidesD from

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