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    • 1、Unit 1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion.,Module 9 Population,Lead-in Talk about the pictures and try to describe them.,1. There are too many people in the world. ( ) 2. The increasing population is the biggest problem in the world. ( ) 3. People shouldnt have too many babies. ( ),Check () the statements you agree with.,4. People should be free to decide how many babies they want. ( ) 5. Countries with large populations should take more responsibilities to protect the environment. (

      2、) 6. A city should not hold more than 1,000,000 people. ( ),The population of Naning is about 7.1 million. The population of Guangxi is about 52.8 million. The population of the mainland is about 1.37 billion. The population of the whole world is about 7 billion. Late marriage and late childbirth DINK family (Double Income Nokids),noise 噪声;杂音,prepare 准备;预备,notes 笔记;随笔,report 报告;汇报,huge 巨大的;庞大的,increase 增大;增长,problem 麻烦;问题,birth 出生,billion 十亿,fifth 第五;五分之一,grow 增长;增大,1. Work in pairs. Look at the

      3、 picture and talk about it. Use the words in the box to help you.,noise people space traffic,2. Listen and choose the correct answer.,1. Whats the population of Beijing? About 11 million. c) About 20 million. About 13 million. 2. Whats the population of Chongqing? a) About 28 million. c) About 36 million. b)About 33 million.,3. Now complete the notes.,Over 250.,Over 131.4 million.,About 1.37 billion.,About 7 billion.,4. Choose the correct answer.,1. Birth happens at the start / at the end of lif

      4、e. 2. Huge means large / small. 3. An increase in population means more / fewer people. 4. Hang on a minute means wait for a short time / a long time.,5. Making notes means writing a long passage / a few words. 6. A problem is something easy / difficult. 7. A report is a long piece of writing / a few words. 8. A billion is a hundred / a thousand million.,Im preparing some notes for a report called “ Our growing population“.,prepare prepare sth. 准备某物。 prepare for sth.为某事做准备。We must prepare the ro

      5、om for the meeting. prepare to do sth.准备做某事。We must prepare to have a meeting note“笔记”,通常用复数形式。 report, give a report “作报告”。 called,过去分词做定语“被叫做,名字是”。,Beijing is a huge city with a big population. 北京是个大城市,有很多的人。 with是介词,表示伴随,意为“有,带有”。 with a large population是介词短语,做后置定语,修饰city.,(翻译题) 这是一个拥有三间卧室的房子。(with),This is a house with three bedrooms.,That causes a lot of problems, such as too many traffic., (中考题) -The meat is _ delicious. -Yes, but dont eat_. A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. t

      6、oo much; much too D. much too; much too,B,Population increase is a big problem in many countries.,increase “增长;增大”。 increase by “增长了” The price increased to 5 RMB per kilo. increase to “增长到” It increased by 20%.,That makes over 131.4 million births a year.,give birth to 生孩子;生下(某人) The mother gave birth to the twin brothers. be born出生,诞生,I cant believe it! 我无法相信!,believe “相信”,常表示相信某人的话等。 believe in “信仰;信任”,多指信任某人的品德。 I believe in you, so I believe what yousaid. 我信任你,因此我相信你说的话。,The population of C

      7、hina is about 1.37 billion.,hundred, thousand, million, billion 表示确数: 基数词+hundred / thousand / million / billion+名词复数。(没有S) 表示约数: hundreds / thousands / millions / billions of+名词复数,population n. 人口 population 是一个集体名词,作主语时,若指一个地区或国家的整体人口,谓语动词通常用单数;若强调整体人口中的成员,谓语动词通常用复数。例如: The population of the city is about 20,000. 这个城市大约有两万人口。 Three fifths of the population here are old people. 这里五分之三的人是老年人。,表示一个地区或一个国家有多少人口时, 可用 the population of XXX is . 或 XXX has a population of . 例如: The population of our c

      8、ountry is 28,100,000. 我们国家的人口是二千八百一十万。 The city has a population of 50,000. 这座城市有五万人口。,形容“人口数量的多或少”可用large 或 small 修饰。例如: The population of Beijing is large. 北京人口众多。,在询问人口时,要注意 population 和 people 的区别。前者通常用what来提问,后者用how many 来提问。 例如: Whats the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口是多少? How many people are there in the hall? 大厅里有多少人?,Thats almost one fifth of the worlds population.,one fifth “五分之一”。表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1时,做分母的序数词必须用复数。即: 分数做主语时,谓语动词的数和分数所修饰的名词的数一致。例如:Two fifths of the students are boys

      9、. (中考链接) About_of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _. A. three five; 1996 B. three fifths; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997 D. third fifths; 1990s,B,Hang on a minute!,hang on “稍等”,常用来表示让某人等一下. hang的含义不同,过去式和过去分词也不同。 ,But in the future.,in the future “将来”,距离现在更远一些,含有与过去或现在对比的意味。 in future “今后,以后”,距离现在较近一些,可用在含有劝告或警告意味的句子中。 The boy wants to become a scientist in the future. Dont be so careless in future.,Number practice,150,000: one hundred and fifty thousand 500,000: five hundred thousand 2,100,000: two million, one hundred thousand 82,550,000: eighty-two million, five hundred and fifty thousand 200,030,040: two hundred million, thirty thousand and forty,Exercises,1.Mina lives in a village _ green mountains and clear rivers around. A. on B. with C. for D. as 2. Excuse me, _ Beijing? About 13,000,000. A. whats the population of


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