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    • 1、专题十八 阅读表达,高考英语 (天津市专用),A组 自主命题天津卷题组 Passage 1(2018天津夏) Some people live to climb the highest mountains. Some people live only dreaming about it while others live to avoid ever climbing at all. But one thing is certain, all people encounter mountains in their life. When I was a little girl, my family moved to a tiny town at the bottom of a big mountain. One day after school, while exploring the green woods of this magnificent mountain, I almost fell on a set of stairs. What could these steps lead

      2、 to?Curiosity got the best of me as I knew it would be starting to get dark soon. I started climbing up those strangely mysterious steps. I climbed and climbed. There was nothing but just green bushes and these steps. I had to reach the top!But it was now getting real dark. If I kept going I might not be able to see my way back. My mum would be worried sick if I didnt come home soon. So I ran back home almost in the dark,五年高考,while trying not to get too scared. Anxiously I went to bed dreaming a

      3、bout what I would find at the top of this magical mountain. Could there be a castle up there?Maybe I would find a monster(怪物). Maybe I was taking the risk of never coming back home. Or, maybe all I would find was absolutely nothing! But something in- side me was going to climb that mountain at all cost. I could hardly wait to try this adventure a- gain. Now we live in a world surrounded by the“cant do”attitudes. We all fall down.We all have doubts and regrets. Still we must climb and dream about

      4、 whats at the top of our mountain. Mon- sters may appear or the night will fall. But never ever give up on your dream! Never let anyone tell you, “You cant.”Dream big and climb high! 1.What made the author start to climb up the stairs to the mountain top?(no more than 5 words) 2.Why did the author hurry back home without reaching the top of the mountain?Give two reasons. (no more than 15 words),3.How would you describe the author in terms of personalities according to Paragraph 4?(no more than 1

      5、0 words) 4.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(no more than 5 words) 5.Whats your attitude towards the“mountain”in your life?Please explain.(no more than 20 words) 答案 语篇解读 本文为夹叙夹议文。每个人的一生中都会遇到“高山”,即“困难、障碍、失 败、挑战等”,我们究竟应该采取什么样的态度来面对它呢?,1.Curiosity made her do so. Or:The desire to explore. 细节表达题。由第二段最后两句可知,在好奇心的驱使下,“我”开始爬山。 2.Because it was getting dark, and she didnt want her mother to worry about her. Or:Because she was scared, and might not be able to find her/t

      6、he way back home. 细节表达题。由第三段最后三句“如果我继续攀登,我可能会看不见回去的路。如果我不能 很快回到家,妈妈会极度担心的。因此我几乎是在黑暗中跑回家的,努力不让自己感到太害 怕。”可知答案。 3.She had rich imagination and she was brave. Or:She was a brave and determined girl with rich imagination. Or:She was imaginative and determined, and she dared to explore. Or:She was imaginative, adventurous and determined. 推断表达题。由第四段内容“我急切地躺在床上想象着我会在神奇的山顶发现什么。那儿 会有城堡吗?或许我会发现一个怪物。或许我在冒着永远回不了家的风险。或许我什么也发 现不了!但是我内心深处的某种东西让我打算不惜任何代价去攀登那座山。我几乎等不及再 次冒险”可知答案。,4.We all sometimes fail. Or:We fac

      7、e failure/defeat/hardships/challenges in life. Or:There are difficulties/barriers/obstacles in life. Or:We run into trouble sometimes. Or:We have trouble in life. 猜词表达题。由画线句前一句“现在我们生活在一个被不能做态度包围着的世界”和 画线句后面两句“我们都有怀疑和遗憾。我们必须依然攀登并想象山顶有什么。”可推知, 此处应为“生活中我们有时都会面临失败和困难”。 5.I will try to reach my goal because I want to live an exciting life. Or:I will try to reach/get to the top of the“mountain”because I want to be successful in life. 观点态度题。答案见仁见智,但态度必须是积极向上的。我们从文章中学到的应是:无论我们 在生活中遇到什么样的困难,都应该积极面对,勇敢地去克

      8、服它们,努力实现自己的目标,成就 积极的人生。,难句分析 原句:Anxiously I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical moun- tain. 分析:现在分词短语dreaming about.作went to bed的伴随状语, what引导的名词性从句作介词 about的宾语。 译文:我急切地躺在床上想象着我会在神奇的山顶发现什么。 重点词汇 dream about想象 magnificent adj.壮丽的,宏伟的 mysterious adj.神秘的 take the risk of冒风险 absolutely adv. 绝对地, 完全地 at all cost不惜任何代价,Passage 2(2018天津春) For many teenagers, a job is a way to earn a little extra money. For me, it is more than that. At the age of 16, I was offered my v

      9、ery first job as a shopgirl in a clothing store. On the first day, my manager was training me how to fold and organize platform after platform of clothes. The work seemed overwhelming, and everything had to be done in an accurate way. I got so impatient because I couldnt get it right the first couple of times. After about ten tries, I had the clothes fold- ed perfectly. Then it took me thirty minutes to get them all looking uniform. Now, I fold and orga- nize clothes every day, and Im able to do them well. Through this experience, Ive learned to be patient. Helping customers and establishing connections with them is one of the things I love most about my job. About two months ago, I helped a woman who was looking for a dress. She told me exact- ly what she was picturinga blue dress with long sleeves and a lace neck. We didnt have any such dress, and when I explained that to her, she wasnt very happy. Instead of getting annoyed, I tried getting to know her


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