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    • 1、新高考英语读后续写提分亮点动词1.stroke 轻抚,抚摸He stroked her hair affectionately.他深情地抚摸着她的头发。2.scratch 用指甲挠John yawned and scratched his chin.约翰打个哈欠,挠挠下巴。3.cup 使(双手)呈圆状托起He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.他用双手捧着她的脸吻她。4.pat 轻拍He patted his sisters hand consolingly.他轻拍着妹妹的手安慰她。5.tap 轻拍Ralph tapped me on the shoulder.拉尔夫轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。6.squeeze 挤压,紧捏He squeezed her arm reassuringly.他安慰地捏了捏她的手臂。7.stir (使)微动A slight breeze was stirring the branches.微风吹动着树枝。8.chop 砍,劈He chopped a branch off the tree.他从那棵树上砍下一根

      2、树枝。9.dip 把手伸进(里取东西)She dipped into her purse and took out some coins.她从钱包里掏出一些硬币。10.fumble 胡乱摸找(某物)She was fumbling around in the dark looking for the light switch.她摸黑找电灯开关。11.sprint 冲刺She jumped out of the car and sprinted for the front door.她跳下车,朝前门跑去。12.accelerate 加速The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend.赛跑运动员在转弯处顺畅地加速。13.sip 蹦蹦跳跳地走She skipped happily along beside me.她连蹦带跳,高高兴兴地跟着我走。14.hop 单脚跳行kids were hopping over puddles.孩子们单足跳过水坑。15.crouch 蹲下He crouched down beside her.他在她的旁边蹲了下

      3、来。16.squat 蹲下We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.我们蹲在池边,看潜水员慢慢沉下水。17.leap 跳跃He leaped in the air and waved his fists to the fans as he ran out of the stadium.他跑出体育馆,跳起来向他的崇拜者们挥舞着拳头。18.plunge (尤指用力地)投入,跳进The pool was declared open and eager swimmers plunged in.游泳池刚刚宣布开门,游泳的人就急切地跳入池中。19.bounce 跳动,蹦She bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.她兴奋地在床上蹦蹦跳跳。20.chew (因为紧张等)咬住Rosa chewed on her lip and stared at the floor.罗莎咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着地板。21.gobble 狼吞虎咽They gobbled down all t

      4、he sandwiches.他们几口就把三明治全吃光了。22.wolf 狼吞虎咽He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.他狼吞虎咽地吃下了剩余的饼干和奶酪。23.suck 吮吸They waited in silence and sucked their sweets.他们静静地等着,吮着糖果。24.gulp 大口吞下She gulped air into her lungs.她大口地把空气吸入肺部。25.stammer 结结巴巴地说“W-w-what?” he stammered.“什什什么?”他结巴着说。26.blurt 脱口说出“I was looking for Sally,” he blurted and his eyes filled with tears.他眼含热泪,突然脱口说道:“我在找莎丽。”27.snap 厉声说“Dont just stand there,” she snapped.“别光站在那儿。”她生气地说。28.shriek 尖叫She shrieked in fright.她吓得尖叫起来。29.g

      5、roan 呻吟They were all moaning and groaning about the amount of work they had.他们对工作量都怨声载道。30.moan 呻吟The injured man was lying on the ground moaning.受伤的人躺在地上呻吟着。31.grunt 咕哝Harvey grunted disgustedly as he tossed in his cards.哈维扔下了牌,厌烦地嘟哝看。32.grumble 嘟囔They kept grumbling that they were cold.他们不停地嘟囔着说冷。33.mumble 嘟哝;口齿不清地说She mumbled an apology and left.她嘟嘟囔囔地道了歉就走了。34.rumble 发出持续而低沉的声音Im so hungry that my stomachs rumbling.我饿得肚子咕咕叫了。35.mutter 嘀咕“How dare she,” he muttered under his breath.他轻声嘀咕道:“她怎

      6、么敢。”36.grow 低声吼叫“Who are you?” he growled at the stranger.“你是谁?”他向陌生人怒吼道。37.yelp (因疼痛等)尖叫Her dog yelped and came to heel.她的狗汪地叫了一声,紧跟了上来。38.rack 使受折磨She racked her brains, trying to remember exactly what she had said.她绞尽脑汁,想要回忆起她到底说过些什么话。39.zoom 快速移动We zoomed through the gallery.我们快速穿过了画廊。40.whizz 嗖嗖地移动He whizzed down the road on his motorbike.他骑着摩托车呼啸着沿路绝尘而去。41.whirl (使)旋转She whirled around to face him.她猛地转过身子面对着他。42.jerk 猝然一动She jerked her head up.她猛然抬起头来。43.ooze 渗出Blood oozed out of the wound.血从伤口慢慢流出来。44.seep 渗透Blood was beginning to seep through the bandages.血开始从绷带上渗出来。45.drench 使湿透His face was drenched with sweat.他满头大汗。46.soak 使湿透A sudden shower of rain soaked the spectators.突如其来的一阵雨把观众淋了个透。47.trickle (使)滴Tears were trickling down her cheeks.眼泪顺着她的面颊流了下来。48.gasp 喘气They gasped in astonishment at the news.他们听到这消息惊讶得倒抽了一口气。49.pant 喘息He found her panting for breath at the top of the hill.上到山顶他发现她上气不接下气。50.puff 气喘吁吁I was starting to puff a little from the climb.爬坡弄得我有点喘息起来。4


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