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    • 1、七年级英语下册 M9U2预习指导一、知识点1.the life of 的生活Life (名词) “生活;生命”其复数形式为Livesin ones life 在某人一生中 Eg: Please tell me the life of William Shakespeare? 请给我讲一下威廉.莎士比亚的生活.2.Play (动词) “玩;演奏;播放” (名词) “戏剧”Eg: play the piano 弹钢琴Play football 踢足球Play music 播放音乐The writer of plays 剧作家3.short poems 短诗 long poems 长诗Poem (名词) “诗歌” - poet (名词) “诗人”Eg: The poet writes lots of poems. 诗人写了许多诗。4.like many people four hundred years ago像400年前的许多人一样此处like为介词“像”,也可作动词译为“喜欢”常见搭配:look like. “看起来像.”Eg: You look like your father.你看起

      2、来像你的爸爸。5.ago指从现在算起的一段时间前,用于一般过去时before指某一时间点之前,用于多种时态Eg: I arrived here two days ago. 我两天前到这里。I havent watched the movie before.我以前没看到这部电影。6.Learn (动词) “学习” - Learner (名词) “学习者”Learn to do sth. 学习做某事Eg: She wants to learn to dance.她想要学习跳舞。7.or (1) “或者;和”用于否定句中Eg: I dont like singing or dancing.我不喜欢唱歌和跳舞。(2) “还是”用于选择疑问句中Eg: Would you like milk or coffee? 你想要牛奶还是咖啡?(3)“否则;要不然”连接两个并列句子Eg: Hurry up, or youll be late. 快点,否则你就迟到了。8.Decide (动词) “决定” - decision (名词) “决定”常见搭配:decide to do sth. 决定做某事Make

      3、a decision 做决定Eg: We decided to go there by bus. 我们决定坐公交车去那。You must make a decision first. 你必须先做决定。9.marry (动词) + sb.= get/ be married to sb. 与某人结婚marry sb.to sb. 把某人嫁给某人Eg: She married to Tony last year.她去年和托尼结婚。Her mother married her to the guy. 她妈妈把她嫁给了那个家伙。10.successful (形容词) “成功的”- succeed (动词) “成功”- success (名词) “成功”常见搭配:succeed in doing sth.成功做某事Eg: She succeeded in climbing up to the mountain.她成功地爬到了山顶。She is a successful actress. 她是一名成功的演员。11.works (复数) 作品;著作work (不可数名词) 工作 (动词) 工作Eg:

      4、She enjoys his works very much. 她非常喜欢他的作品。12.in many other languages 用其他许多语言Eg: You can still see his plays in many other languages.你仍然可以用其他语言看到他的剧本。13.around the world = all over the world 全世界Eg: There are lots of countries around the world. 世界上有许多国家。二、练习题一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.They love each other very much so they decided to get m_.2.He wants to become a _ (成功的) writer.3.English is an important l_ in the world.4.We will _ (建造) a big house near the river.5.I like p_ by Li Bai best.二、用所给词的适当形式填空6

      5、.I spent two hours finishing _ (do) my homework.7.What do you decide to _ (be) when you grow up?8.Teahouse is one of the best _ (play) in China.9.I _ (meet) my English teacher yesterday.10.We all know Mo Yan is a famous _ (write).三、单项选择( )11.You can still see his plays _ English and _ many other languages.A.with; with B.in; inC.with; in D.in; with( )12.Mary married _ Mike when she was 23 year old.A.to B.withC./ D.for( )13.Tonys grandfather _ two years ago.A.dies B.dieC.to die D.died( )14.My brot

      6、her likes music _ Jay Chou.A.from B.withC.by D.for( )15.The little girl learnt _ the piano at the age of five.A.to play B.playC.plays D.playing( )16.My aunt is a _ actor.Her _ made us very happy.A.succeed; success B.successful; successC.successful successful D.success; successful( )17.One of Shakespeares famous plays _ Romeo and Juliet.A.is B.areC.were D.be( )18._ many other children, Peter started school _ the age of seven.A.As; at B.For; inC.To; in D.Like; at( )19.She _ the book last year.A.do

      7、nt write B.doesnt writeC.didnt write D.wasnt write( )20.My mother read lots of _ by Yu Hua.A.work B.jobC.works D.jobs四、翻译句子1.他一生中写了许多书。He wrote lots of books _ _ _.2.简去年和一位医生结婚了。Jane _ _ _ a doctor last year.3.我的朋友遍布全世界。I have friends _ _ _ _.4.动物园里有狮子、老虎、熊猫,还有许多其他的动物。There are tigers, lions, pandas and _ _ animals in the zoo.5.请用汉语唱这首歌。Please sing this song _ _.五、完形填空Marco Polo was born in Italy.Here is the story about him.In 1271, at 17, Marco went on a 26._ to China.Today, people can go to di

      8、fferent places around the world 27._.But it was very 28._ for people to travel then.He travelled through Europe and Asia 29._ his father and his uncle on the Silk Road.The Polos 30._ to China in 1275.Marco Polo stayed in China for 17 years.During those years, he 31._about coal (煤) and paper.These things were 32._ to him, because he didnt see them in Italy before.Marco and his family finally went back to Italy in 1295.They brought (带) some coal and paper back to Italy with 33._.At home, Marco finished a 34._ about his trip, The Travels of Marco Polo.The book 35._ people his fantastic experiences (经历) in China.( )26.A.walk B.sale C.picnic D.trip( )27.A.easily B.carefully C.usually D.finally( )28.A.hot B.good C.hard D.famous( )29.A.from B.between C.over D.with( )30.A.came B.left C.ju


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