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    • 1、2008 年广东外语外贸大学硕士研究生入学复试笔试样题院系名称:高级翻译学院专业方向:翻译学考试科目:翻译理论与实践科目代码:925考生须知1. 本试卷共_4页(含本页)。2. 本试卷分丄大题。3. 答案必须写在答卷上,答案写在本试卷上无效。书写必须工整、清晰, 答案不得超过划线部分,超过部分将不予批改。4. 考生必须把准考证号码和姓名填写在答卷左边密封装订线内,不得在 试卷的其他任何地方书写姓名。5. 考试时间为三小时,满分 100 分。6. 考试结束时本试卷必须交回监考老师处。*考试时不得使用任何工具书、参考书及任何其他种类的辅助工 具和文献资料。Section I Translate the following into Chinese. (35%)The 20th century- the century of metamyths and of megadeaths - spawned false notions of total control, derived from arrogant assertions of total righteousness. The reli

      2、gious man of pre-modem times, who accepted reality as God-ordained, had given way to the secular fanatic, increasingly inclined to usurp God in the effort to construct heaven on earth, subordinating not only nature but humanity itself to his own utopian vision.In the course of the century, this vision was perverted into the most costly exercise of political hubris in mankinds history: the totalitarian attempt to create coercive utopias. All of reality - on the objective level of social organizat

      3、ion and on the subjective level of personal beliefs - was to be subject to doctrinal control emanating from a single political center. The price paid in human lives for this excess is beyond comprehension.Adding them all up, somewhere between 167 million and 175 million individual human beings were deliberately extinguished through politically motivated carnage -the scores of millions of soldiers and civilians killed in the centurys wars, the further scores of millions killed in concentration ca

      4、mps, gulags, forced collectivization, ethnic transplantings, and killing fields decreed by self-deified dictators.The tens of millions that were killed because they were perceived, for racial or social reasons, as unworthy of living within the earthly utopia - and the many millions more that were coerced into living within these systems - all testify to the hypnotic appeal of the metamyths of Nazism that postulated the end of history and the attainment of perfection within utopias of total contr

      5、ol.The manifest failure of that endeavor has given way in the West to the current antithesis, which is essentially that of minimal control over personal and collective desires, sexual appetites, and social conduct. But inherent in the almost total rejection of any control is the notion that all values are subjective and relative.In brief, this century has seen mankind move from experimentation with theT T coercive utopia of totalitarianism to enjoyment of the permissive cornucopia of todays Amer

      6、ica.(word count: 347)Note: megadeath: U a word meaning one million deaths, used when talking about a nuclear warusurp: v Tformal to take someone elses power, position, job etc when you do not have the right tohubris: n U literary great and unreasonable pridecoerce: v T to force someone to do something they do not want to do by threatening themcornucopia: n 1 a decorative container in the shape of an animals horn, full of fruit and flowers, used to represent plenty 2 a lot of good things- From Lo

      7、ngman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishII. Translate the following into English. (25%) 气象台想说真话某年某月某日,气象台预报天气:B市今日晴转阴,气温27C至32C。王老与张老两 人相约上午在郊外公园赏玩,途中,忽暴雨如注,两老人急忙至凉亭避雨,然步履蹒跚,上 下衣裳均被淋湿,脾气暴躁之王老喟然长叹:目前说真话的单位太少,连气象台也不说真话。 生性随和的张老云:气象台还是想说真话的单位,只不过有时说不准罢了,我认为想说真话 而不能说准的总比睁眼说假话的好。(word count 181)III. Comment in English on the translation provided below using any translation theory or theories you are familiar with. (40 % )ST:Books1) Since a particular bookstore happens to resemble a supermarket a nywa

      8、y, the inescapable, though perhaps unintended, message is that books are consumable items, meant to be devoured and forgotten, like potatoes or pizza.2) The implied inclusion of books among the worlds perishable goods is hardly made more agreeable by the reflection that increasing numbers of books these days do seem to be written with just such consumption in mind, and that most bookstores have become little more than news stands for hard cover publications of this sort, which are merchandised f

      9、or a few weekssometimes only as long as they remain on the best-seller lists - and are then retired to discount store (those jumbled graveyards of books, so saddening to the hearts of authors) shortly before dropping out of print altogether.3) Books that are planned for rapid oblivion probably make some kind of economic sense to publishing houses, but as contribution to literature they amount to a contradiction in terms (word count: 159)TT:1) 由于某家书店恰好象一个超市,因此虽然也许是无意的,却不可避免地给了我们这样一 个信息:书是消费品,如同土豆或意大利馅饼一样,是供人吞食后忘掉的。2)无形中把书归入了世上易损商品之列,一点不会因为想到目前越来越多的书确实是为了这样的消费目的而写的就令人感到舒心,同样也不会因为想到大多数的书店已经变得徒有虚名,成了不过是出售这类精装书的报亭而令人感到舒心。这类精装书要不到几个星 期,有时只要一旦跌出畅销书,就会被抛到打折书店里去(也就是令作家深为痛心的乱 七八糟的书坟堆),紧跟着就完全绝了版。3)准备让人很快忘记的书可能对出版公司有某些经济价值,而要说对文学有贡献,则简直 是自相矛盾。2008 年广东外语外贸大学硕士研究生入学复复试样题院系名称:高级翻译学院专业方向:翻译学考试科目:英美文学(同等学历加考科目)科目代码:考生须知1. 本试卷共页(含本页);其中* (需要说明的问题)。


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