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    • 1、2023年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题库(附答案)单选题(共80题)1、 Whenever I try to_up what innovation looks like, the same slideshow of images clicks across my mind.A.comeB.figureC.conjureD.set【答案】 C2、Passage 4A.the money paid by the insurersB.the cost of administering insuranceC.the money paid by the insuredD.the amount of each premium【答案】 C3、要搜索用户所需要的文件或文件夹,又记不清完整文件名,可以使用“()”通配符代替文件名中的一个字符,或者使用“()”通配符代替文件名中的任意字符。A.?;*B.*;?C.&;*D.$;?【答案】 A4、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion.I wish it w

      2、ere so.At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them are trying to seize at one anothers hands for safety.A.Teenagers should follow the popularity waveB.Teenagers can follow their hearts and do whatever they want toC.Following the

      3、popularity wave is necessaryD.The real popularity mainly relies on the social development【答案】 B5、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy?A.having public confidenceB.having sufficient investmentC.lowering government spendingD.upgrading g

      4、overnment technology【答案】 B6、No single individual can_handle this kind of responsibilities alone.A.efficientlyB.adequatelyC.necessarilyD.appropriately【答案】 B7、下列属于产品成本的是()。A.厂房管理人员工资B.车间人员工资C.董事会人员工资D.专设销售部门人员工资【答案】 B8、Human survival has been based on unrivaled adaptation to the environment,but plants and animals will and are inevitably succumbing()subtle changes in the climate.A.inB.withoutC.withD.To【答案】 D9、资料:Do you want to see the world? Then plan to visit the Silver Poseidon Cruises Career Fai

      5、r on Tuesday, November 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Wednesday. November 16 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. We are looking for food service, entertainers, and maintenances staff to work aboard our many vessels. Free travel is just the beginning when you work for Silver Poseidon Cruises.A.Career advancement opportunitiesB.Paid training programsC.Free travelD.Time off for holidays【答案】 D10、使用伪造、变造的银行存单骗取公私财物的行为属于()。A.金融票据诈骗B.有价证券诈骗C.信用证诈骗D.金融凭证诈骗【答案】 D11、But for the storm,the anniversary ceremony of the compan

      6、y_.A.would have been heldB.had been heldC.would be heldD.is held【答案】 A12、以下关于“企业文化”的说法,错误的是()。A.企业文化的核心是企业的精神文明建设B.企业文化是一个组织由其价值观、符号、处事方式等组成的文化形象C.企业文化的管理方式是以柔性管理为主D.企业文化的重要任务是增强企业的凝聚力【答案】 A13、资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC) to be held on Thursday,June 27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has been selected as the host city. This annual event will take place at the Delta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location w

      7、ithin easy walking distance of the Old City. You will be charmed by the unique character of the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province of Quebec. For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combine business and pleasure by attending the 34th International Jazz Festival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th and continue for the next 10 days.A.strengthenB.buildC.connectD.decorate【答案】 A14、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in MidtownA.Face-to-face technical assi

      8、stanceB.Remote helpC.Handbook instructionsD.Phone calls【答案】 B15、多数鱼类背部发黑、腹部发白,其原因是( )。A.长期进化形成的保护色B.背部比腹部接受光线多,导致色素沉淀C.背部比腹部黏膜厚,吸收光线多D.背部鱼鳞多,吸收光线多【答案】 A16、Consequently,a sustainable business model can_companies to better adapt to complex environments and achieve sustainable competitive advantages。A.renderB.enableC.causeD.ensure【答案】 B17、It is _ of the young senator to challenge the leadership so soon.A.presumptuousB.jubilantC.quizzicalD.ultrasonic【答案】 A18、有一批书要翻译,如果甲单独翻译需要22天,如果是乙单独翻译需要11天。现在甲先翻译

      9、一天,乙接着翻译一天,然后甲再翻译一天如此以后,翻译完这批书需要()天。A.16B.15C.17D.14【答案】 B19、福利部门领用材料,借记( ),贷记“原材料”和“应交税费应交增值税(进项税额转出)”。A.管理费用B.生产成本C.应付职工薪酬D.销售费用【答案】 C20、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her countrys withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the countrys exit.A.Thereas Mays makes financial commitment to EU for the transition periodB.Britain insists on leaving EU without any agreementC.EU wont talk to Britain unless Britain makes concessionsD.Thereas May seeks to u


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