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    • 1、教育面对面(2):中考英语必备句型(下) 35.He got up early in order that/so that he could catch the first bus 。 He closed all the windows while driving so that he shouldnt catch cold。 开车时他关上所有的窗户以免感冒。(so that否定句要用shouldnt) So that引导结果状语从句 对比:1、He set off early ,so that he caught the first bus 。 他很早出发,结果赶上了头班车。 2、He set off early so that he could catch the first bus。 为了赶上头班车,他很早就出发了。 So as to /in order to /to为了,作目的状语 36.He went home to see his mother。 37.He shouted and waved so as to be noticed。 38.John hurried so

      2、as not to be late for the party。 39.Modern equipment is fitted in our classroom for all the students to study well。 40.The letter was read out for all in the court to hear。 注意:to do/ in order to do可以放在句首,so as to不可以放在句首。 41.To sleep late in the morning ,Bob turned off the alarm。 42.-Dad,Why do you buy so many tapes for me to listen to ? -To improve your listening。 43.Do whatever you could to help him。 (注意:只有不定式to do/in order to/so as to do可以作为目的状语) only to do表示未曾料到的愉快或不愉快的结果 44.She woke early on

      3、ly to find it was raining 。 她早早起来结果发现下雨了。 45.He got home only to learn that his father was ill。 46.He got to the station only to find the train had gone。 47.Lifting a rock only to drop it on ones feetis a Chinese folk saying。 “搬起石头砸自己的脚”是一句中国民间谚语。 48.She hurried back only to find her old friend George waiting for him。 她匆忙回来意外地发现她的老朋友乔治在等她。 对比:现在分词表示主句动作所造成的结果: 49.He was caught in the rain ,thus catching cold 。 50.Their car was caught in the traffic jam,thus causing the delay。 To do作结果状语:(表示不愉快或意

      4、外结果) 51.He must be deaf not to hear that。 他聋得听不见。 52.She went abroad never to return。 她出国了,结果再也没有回来。 So +adj./adv.+as to如此以至于,作结果状语: 53.Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle? 54.He was so foolish as to believe such a man 。 他如此愚蠢以至于相信了这样一个人。 Suchas to如此以至于作结果状语: 55.Dont be so upset ,my illness is not such as to cause anxiety。 别忧心忡忡,我的病不至于那么严重。 56.He is such a fool as to think that he is somebody and can influence others。 他愚蠢的认为他是个了不起的大人物,可以影响其他人。 enough to作结果状语,足够可以 57.He is old enough

      5、to go to school。 他不小了,可以上学了。 58.To our great surprise,child as he is ,he is bold enough to rob passers-by。 使我们感到非常惊讶的是,他虽然是个孩子,却大胆到去拦路抢劫。 59.The champion ran well enough to set up another world record indeed if she had tried harder, 她的确跑得相当快,不过要是她再努力一些,作为冠军就会再次创造一个世界记录。 60.We are old enough to make a great difference to the world。 我们不小了,可以对这个世界有所影响了。 Tooto作结果状语,太而不能 61.In my opinion ,the real problem with most students lies in the fact that they are too shy to speak English in public。 在我看来,很多学生的

      6、问题在于他们羞于在公共场合说英语。 62.We are never too old to learn。 活到老,学到老。 63.He is too clever not to read our tricks。 他非常聪明完全可以识破我们的诡计。 Cant/can never和too ,too much,enough ,over-搭配表示“无论怎样都不过分” 64.While you are doing your homework,you cant be careful enough。 你做作业的时候,越小心越好。 65.He is such a great man that we cant praise him too much。 他如此伟大,我们无论怎样赞扬他都不过分。 66.The development of society has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English,so we cant overemphasize the importance of learning English。 社会的

      7、发展使我们有必要精通英语,因此学习英语的重要性无论怎么强调都不过分。 67.Since its a good thing ,we cant do it too soon。 既然是好事,越早开始做越好。 不定式作主语,it做形式主语 It +系动词(be,seem)+adj./n.+(for sb。)+to do sth。 68.It is important for us to have a good knowledge of English。 精通英语很重要。 69.Its our duty to help others 。 帮助别人是我们的义务。 70.Its a pleasure (for us )to go picnicking in such pleasant weather。 71.Its normal for the professional workers these days to prefer to live in the countryside。 72.Its a pity for there to be any disagreement in the family。 注意:要表示不定式动作的执行者,必须用for sb.。1


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