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    • 1、人教新课标英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom同步精练及答案Unit Two The United KingdomI. 单句改错 1. What a lot of works I have to finish today! 2. There are three hundreds and sixty-five days in a year.3. She gave the books to you, him and I.4. The door was widely open.5. The teacher told that the sun rose in the east.6. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith are teacher.7. Hardly had I reached the bus stop than the bus started.8. I enjoy myself working with you.9. This is the museum where I once visited.10. Which she was chosen

      2、 made us very happy.II.语法填空Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.The first seed said, “I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil _1_ me, and thrust my sprouts (芽) _2_ the earths crust above me.I want to open my tender buds(蓓蕾) like banners to announce the _3_ (arrive) of spring.I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew(露水) on my petals(花瓣)!”And so she grew.The second seed said, “I am afraid.If I send my roots into the gro

      3、und below, I dont know what I _4_(come) across in the dark.If I push my way throughthe hard soil above me, I may damage my delicate sprouts. What if I let my buds open and a snail (蜗牛) tries _5_(eat) them? And _6_ I were to open my blossoms, _7_ small child may pull me from the ground.No, it is much _8_ (good) for me to wait _9_it is safe.”And so she waited. A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and immediately ate _10_.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10

      4、._III、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In 1971, readers around the world were astonished by some photographs which appeared in newspapers. Hidden deep in the rainforests of an island in the Philippines, was an ethnic (种族的) _1_ called the Tasaday. Not until that moment did anyone have any _2_ of these people. They didnt have an agricultural economy; they hunted animals and _3_ fruit from the plants in the rainforest. They carried tools made of stone, lived in _4_ and wore clothes made o

      5、f leaves. Unknown until 1971, they 5 became world famous. After that, there were TV 6 and books about them; people said their simple lives showed that human beings could be good and kind if they were not 7 by modern life. Then after 1974 the region was closed by the government and the world 8 about them.In 1986, a Swiss journalist, Oswald Iten, decided to visit the Tasaday. The journey _9_ thick rainforests and across rivers was hard and dangerous. Mr. Iten was 10 killed by the soldiers, village

      6、rs and businessmen who wanted to take the wood from the rainforest. Finally, Mr. Iten 11 and found the caves of the Tasaday 12 . The people were living in nearby huts and they were all 13 jeans and T-shirts, not leaves. He thought that perhaps they were not an ethnic minority 14 .When he 15 to Switzerland, Mr. Iten wrote about the Tasaday people in the newspapers. He said he thought that they were just ordinary farmers, poor, but not 16 from anyone else. He believed that in 1971, the government

      7、told “the Tasaday” to 17 they were native people from thousands of years ago, so that tourists-and money-would start _18 into the region.One group of experts said that they really were people who had no 19 with modern life before 1971; another group said they were just 20 the part. So who are these people, really? Perhaps well never really be sure.1. A. manB. groupC. chiefD. tradition2. A. knowledgeB. impressionC. doubtD. fear3. A. grewB. enjoyedC. collectedD. stored4. A. hutsB. housesC. apartme

      8、ntsD. caves5. A. certainlyB. suddenlyC. absolutelyD. privately6. A. advertisementsB. servicesC. stationsD. programs7. A. refusedB. separatedC. spoiltD. conquered8. A. forgotB. knewC. talkedD. thought9. A. aroundB. throughC. overD. along10. A. onceB. almostC. oftenD. even11. A. arrivedB. leftC. hidD. began 12. A. dirtyB. valuelessC. accessibleD. empty13. A. makingB. sellingC. wearingD. designing14. A. in allB. at allC. after allD. above all15. A. returnedB. wentC. traveledD. drove16. A. absentB. secureC. differentD. free17. A. agreeB. pretendC. admitD. consider18. A. lookingB. fallingC. turningD. pouring19. A. contactB. competitionC. agreementD. patience20. A. learningB. formingC. actingD. missingIV、阅读理解A阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。In a recent announcement, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) said that they have joined forces to offer free online courses in an effort to attract millions of online learners worldwide. Beginning this fall,


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