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  • 上传时间:2024-02-25
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    • 1、精品文档(=blame sb for sth) count ondraw on / upon emphasize (on) =put emphasis on insist onrely onbe based onbe dependent on depend ona charge of / on the impact onOfa minimum ofa range ofan advocate of / fora charge of / onthe use ofmistrust of / between / in / towardsin fear ofin danger ofin recognition ofin need ofin the hope ofon account ofon the ground ofon the verge ofat the expense ofbe capable ofbe fond ofbe typical ofbe desirous ofbe devoid ofbe oblivious of / tobe reminiscent ofbe impatie

      2、nt at / with / for / about/ of / to dobe weary ofweary ofbe composed ofconsist of(=comprise)accuse ofapprove ofpartake ofrequire sth of sb / for sthOnact onblame sth on sb#欢迎下载 。To accede to according to agree to / on / with apply to sb for sth apply sth to sth / doing sth attribute to compare to / with belong to commit toconform to / with contribute to doing dedicate todevote to get used to limit sb/sth to look forward to object to owe sth toreact to / against / with put questions to refer tore

      3、spond to subscribe to spread to( 表) peculiar to unique to in addition toin regard toin relation toinsight intomistrust of / between / in / towardsbe responsive tobe addicted tobe adverse tobe agreeable tobe acceptable tobe dedicated tobe drawn tobe equal tobe equivalent tobe exposed tobe related tobe resistant tobe sensitive tobe subject/ subjected tobe used tobe superior tobe invaluable for / tobe partial to / towardsTo dobe able to doability to doallow sb to dopermit sb to doappear to doattemp

      4、t to doin attempt to dobegin doing / to dodecide to dodesire for / to dobe known to beconsider to be / astend to do(=have a tendency to do)manage to dopersuade sb to dobe impatient at / with / for / about / of / to dohope forpray forbe concerned with / in / for / aboutbe known to be / as / forbe responsible forbe impatient at / with / for / about/ of / to dobe invaluable for / toa subject fora partiality forForaccount foradmire sb for sth blame sb for sth(= blame sth on sb) apologize for call fo

      5、rcharge sb for / with sth criticize sb for doing desire for / to doFromabstain frombenefit fromdeter sb from doingdiffer fromdistinguish fromdescend fromhide fromkeep fromprohibit / prevent / keep / protectsb fromrescue frombe helpful in doingarrive at / indiffer inengage with / inpersist in / withspecialize in take pride inmistrust of / between / in / towardsbe absent frombe derived fromacross fromaside fromAtarrive at / inexcel at doingtake offense atbe impatient at / with / for / about/ of /

      6、to doByabide byInbe concerned with / in / for / aboutbe engrossed inbe enrolled inbe found inbe founded in (time) / onWithagree to / on / with afflict withcompare with / tocharge sb for / withcollaborate withcomply with conform to / withcontrast A with B(=in contrast with A, B) differ withengage with / inpersist in / withmeet withreact to / against / withteem withbe associated withbe acquainted withbe concerned with / in / for / aboutbe consistent withbe credited with / to / forbe obsessed withb

      7、e compatible withbe synonymous withbe impatient at / with / for / about / of / to doin connection with preoccupation withengage with / inpersist in / withspecialize in take pride inmistrust of / between / in / towardsAboutbring aboutbe concerned with / in / for / aboutbe particular aboutbe passionate aboutbe impatient at / with / for / about/ of / to doIn be concerned with / in / for / aboutbe engrossed inbe enrolled inbe found inbe founded in (time) / onbe helpful in doingarrive at / indiffer i

      8、nAs celebrate as- take into account + n. =take account ofconsider asdesignate as be known to be / as / for regard as n./adj./doing serve as succeed as viewas Againstreact to / against / with protest against discriminate againstVerb + doingavoid doingbegin/start doing / to do cannot help doing / but do enjoy doing finish doingforbid doing sth / sth have a problem doing resist doing risk doing warrant doingOthersfor the most part from to / until in effect= in factnot but rathernotbut 精品文档欢迎您的 下载, 资料仅供 参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同 协议,策划案计划书,学习资料守守打造全网一站式需求7欢迎下载


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