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    • 1、AbstractUncle Toms Cabin is a literary work depicting the life of the American slaves, the sin and darkness of slavery. It is based on the real life of the black slaves in the United states and exposed the cruel nature of slavery. The book and the various scripts adapted had a great influence of the United States at the time, and its considered to be a major cause of the rise of the abolition movement. Although the author describes the brutal and inhuman slavery and its struggle with some repres

      2、entative figures, there is a thing that always touched the reader behind the cruel slavery, which is love, all kinds of love. The great love of Eliza to her son little Harry; the strong and deep love of Claire for his daughter Eva; the sweet and innocent love of children, especially Eva for the suffering of the slaves, for Tom and Topsy; the board love of Tom like Jesus to everyone. The author expects to use the light of love, the glory of humanity to awaken peoples sympathy. It is these differe

      3、nt love that confirms an undeniable fact: no matter how dark the world, love can give freedom and bring warmth. It is the fundamental to human survival and the hope of life.Key Words: parents love; children love; Christians love摘 要汤姆叔叔的小屋是一部描绘美国黑奴生活,控诉奴隶制罪恶和黑暗的文学作品,它取材于美国黑奴的现实生活,深刻地揭露奴隶制残酷的本质。这本书及之后受其启发而写出的各种剧本在当时的美国影响巨大,被认为是刺激废奴运动兴起的一大原因。作者虽然用一些代表人物表现了奴隶制的惨无人道及对它的抗争。但在残忍的奴隶制背后,有一种东西始终感动着读者,那就是爱,各种各样的爱。伊丽莎对小哈里伟大而感人至深的母爱;克莱亚对伊娃深沉而强烈的父爱;伊娃善良而纯洁的童真的爱;汤姆如耶稣般的博爱以及对主人的赤胆忠心。作者以期用这种爱的光芒,人性的光辉去唤醒人们的恻隐之心,

      4、也正是这些不同的爱印证了一个不可否认的事实:无论世界多么黑暗,爱能给予自由能带来温暖,它是人类生存的根本,生活得希望。关键字:父母的爱;童真的爱;耶稣般的爱ContentTOC o 1-3 h z u 1. Introduction 11.1 Introduction of Harriet Beecher Stowe 11.2 Introduction of Uncle Toms Cabin 22. Descriptions of Life of Slaves in Uncle Toms Cabin 32.1 Descriptions of the Separation of Salves 42.2Descriptions of the Relationship between Slaves and Master 43. Analysis of love in Uncle Toms Cabin 43.1 The Great and Deep Love of Parents 53.1.1The Great Maternal Love of Eliza to Harry 53.1.2 Th

      5、e Deep Paternal Love of Clare to Eva 63.2 The Sweet and Innocent Love of Children 73.2.1 Eva and Uncle Tom 73.2.2 Eva and Topsy 83.2.3 Eva and Slaves 93.3 The Board Love of Christian 103.3.1 The Implication of Love in Christian 103.3.2 The performance of Toms Broad Love 114. Power of Love in Uncle Toms Cabin 124.1 Love Can Get Free 124.2 Love Can Get Warm 135. Conclusion 13Bibliography 151. IntroductionIn the middle of the nineteenth Century, Shelby, a native of Kentucky, in the north of the Uni

      6、ted States, had a black slave who was loyal to the owners interests and called him uncle Tom. The owner went bankrupt because of speculation in the stock market failure, and the owner had to sold the ten black slaves including Tom to the slave trader Haley in case the proposal. All of them back to the south by boat. A little girl had an incurable disease in the ship who especially love uncle Tom singing, firmly asked her father Clare bought the uncle Tom. Because St. Clare advocated that freed t

      7、he slaves, Legree and other slave owners hate Clare and they killed him secretly. Since then uncle Tom fall into the hands of the slave trader Legree again. Uncle Tom wanted to save for the slave female who acts as a plaything of Legree, and he was hit by a car was fatally injured. At the very last moment of his life, he finally realized the truth that only struggle can be free. He urged the slaves to leave the hell on earth as soon as possible. So slaves were smashed open locks with the help of

      8、 whites, and the fight against Legree. When Uncle Tom lay in his hut, seeing the Legree failed, their black compatriots can win, and there are many white people on their side, he finally leave the world with infinitely gratified.1.1 Introduction of Harriet Beecher StoweHarriet Beecher Stowe is an American writer, the author of famous novel Uncle Toms Cabin .She was born on June 14, 1811 in North America, a famous priest family, died in 1896. The civil war, which also named the liberation war, wa

      9、s carried out in 1860s. However, since 1820s, the problem of slavery has become the central issue of the American public opinion. At that time, many famous American writers stood on the side of the abolition of slavery, for the liberation of black slaves. Stowe is one of the most outstanding writers in this group of abolitionist.She lost her old mother when she was four years old, and she was educated by her biggest sister, She grew up in Hartford, and later moved to Ohio with her father in Cincinnati, a strong abolitionist emotional state. As a teacher, she actively participated in the activities of literature and education. Cincinnati is just a river from the slave state of Kentucky, where they lived for 18 years and often contacted with runaway slaves. She has also been to the south, to the tragic life of the slaves. She was in Washingtons national newspaper era writing serial novel Uncle Toms


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